Thursday, April 29, 2010

Celebrate Spring with May Day ~ Saturday, May 1st

Celebrate Spring with May Day!

I can still remember celebrating May Day, the 1st day of May, when I was a little girl. We made May Day baskets out of strawberry containers, left them on our neighbors' doorstep, rang the doorbell, and ran away!

Fast forward 30+ years, and I decided to make May Day memories with my family! Mostly the kids and I were bored one day, it happened to be May 1st, so we decided we'd celebrate May Day! It was so much fun it's now an annual tradition!

How do we celebrate May Day??

First, we make the baskets. We use the cone idea (here), but you could also make a paper plate basket (ideas here or here).

You may want to attach a poem (ideas here & here), or a little note saying "Happy May Day".

Fill your basket with flowers, chocolate or any other little treats. (hint: I use left over Easter candy).

You are now ready to deliver the baskets! (Yes, we use a hockey stick to help keep them upright!)

Put the basket on your friend/neighbors' porch, ring the doorbell, and run!! The trick is you don't want the neighbor to see you! If you get caught, you are supposed to get a kiss (which we've never done...but it does make them run faster!). The kids have such a blast watching their friends/neighbors/grandparents try to figure out how the basket was delivered!

If you're really feeling celebratory, you may want to participate in a May Day Maypole (ideas here or here).

We tried a Maypole one year (streamers on our basketball hoop), but it was a little too complicated for my gang. We mainly stick with the baskets, and an occasional word search (here) and/or word mining activity (here).

Although this year we may try some May Day Hoop races (here) or a special craft (here & here). So many fun ideas to choose from!

What about for you?? Do you celebrate May Day with your family and friends?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! May your May 1st be filled with much love, joy, and celebration ~ whatever you decide to do!!

P.S. Don't forget we are celebrating the 1st Anniversary of *She Sparkles* this week! It's not to late to enter some fun GIVEAWAYS here and here!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

*She Sparkles* Celebration & Family Fun Giveaway!

Today we continue a 10 day *She Sparkles* 1st Anniversary CELEBRATION with giveaways of my favorite things! Woo Hoo!!

We kicked off the Celebration with a Starbucks giveaway (of course)! I'm pleased to announce more winners today.....I'll be sending the 5 CD Worship package to Meredith Mulder, Lora Grabow, & Julie Richardson! (Once again, a huge note to Tom Brown from Provident Music for donating all of the great CD's)!

For today, I have another favorite item to GIVEAWAY! As you know, I love to celebrate! I enjoy helping make ordinary days "extraordinary" for my family and friends. It's not uncommon for me to create a "Monday Fun~Day" or "Fantastic Friday Fun Night" for my kids and their friends.

We also like to "mark special moments" throughout the year. Holidays like Groundhogs Day and St. Patricks Day and yes, even May Day are celebrated at our home! (May Day is this Saturday, May 1! For ideas, click here).

Years ago, I came across a book that gave me lots of creative ideas and activities. My kids were ages 1, 2, 3, & 10 ~ so I was desperate for easy, inexpensive ways to bring *joy* to our days, and create some family fun moments.

And then I came across....

From the first moment I opened Making Ordinary Days Extraordinary by Gloria Gaither & Shirley Dobson, my creative wheels started spinning! God really used this book to inspire and motivate me! And this week I'd like to GIVEWAY a copy to a special *She Sparkles* friend!!

To win my Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following questions:

What's one of your favorite family memories?

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Follow *She Sparkles* on twitter
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Wednesday, April 28th and ends Saturday, May 1st at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Monday, May 3rd.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! Have an *extraordinary* day filled with much joy, love, & laughter!!

P.S. My hope is to always be "real" at *She Sparkles*, so I feel that I should mention my family has been faced with an unexpected, very serious challenge. I hope to share more in the next few weeks ~ but please know, any prayers on our behalf would be much appreciated! I'm believing God to reveal Himself to us BIG TIME during this difficult season...and am committed to not losing my joy along the way (but it's not going to be easy!)

God is faithful, abundant, and true ~ of this I am sure!! I'm clinging to His promises now more than ever!

The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower, the righteous run to it and are safe! ~ Proverbs 18:10

Monday, April 26, 2010

*She Sparkles* Celebration & Giveaway Pt 3

Today we continue the *She Sparkles* 1st Anniversary CELEBRATION! Woo Hoo!!

I want to THANK YOU, my dear friends and readers, for journeying with me over the past 12 months.... so we are celebrating with gifts to GIVEAWAY, and lots of them! I LOVE sharing my favorite things with you!!

We got the Party started with a Starbucks giveaway. (I'm pleased to announce the winner is Theresa from Grace Like Rain!)

And there is still time to enter the 5 CD set Worship Music Giveaway. (You can enter here)

For today, I'd like to share a resource from a woman who has had such a significant impact on my Christian journey...Beth Moore.

Over the past 11 years, I've had the chance to go through every one of Beth's Bible studies (some more than once!). Beth has taught me, inspired me, challenged me, encouraged me , and pointed me to the One who loves me so ~ over and over again.

During my young babies season, I would watch her on DVD while I was up all hours of the night feeding my little ones.

And during a painful season of loss, her words of Truth and hope inspired me to keep going, when everything in me wanted to give up.

I couldn't attend her live simulacast on Saturday (if you went, please fill me in ~ I'd love to hear all about it), but I am thrilled that she's coming to my city next month (and a huge note of THANKS to my best friend Julie for buying me a ticket for my birthday!). Woo Hoo! :)

In honor of *She Sparkles* 1 Year Anniversary, today's GIVEAWAY is Beth Moore's book, Get Out of That Pit!

I had the hardest time deciding which Beth Moore resource to giveaway, but this book is one of my favorites. From one former pit dweller to another, I could definitely resonate with Beth's words. Also, God has used Psalm 40 to bring much HOPE to me over the years (including when he freed me from drugs/alcohol), and Beth refers to Psalm 40 often in this book. It's so good!!

If Get Out of That Pit is not a part of your current collection, I would encourage you to check it out. Or better yet, sign up for the giveaway so I can send it to you free! :)

To Win my Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following questions:

What Bible study/book has been significant to you on your journey??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Follow *She Sparkles* on twitter
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Monday, April 26th and ends Thursdy, April 29th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Friday, April 30th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! May the Lord bless you with an abundance of His love, joy, and peace today!!!

P.S. Tomorrow's GIVEAWAY has to do with my love for CELEBRATING everyday life and I'll be sharing ideas for May Day (May 1)!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

*She Sparkles* Celebration continues...New GIVEAWAY!

Thank you so much for helping me get through my Frustrated Friday yesterday! You are the greatest bloggy friends ever, and your words of encouragement blessed me more than you know (especially when my computer crashed later in the day ~ AHHH!). Thanks for being a bright spot in my crazy day!

Today we continue a 10 day *She Sparkles* 1st Anniversary CELEBRATION with giveaways of my favorite things! Woo Hoo!!

We kicked off the Celebration with a
Starbucks giveaway! And for today, I have 2 amazing music packages to giveaway!! I'll tell you more at the end of the post!!

But first, I'm you have "a song?"? You know, one of those songs that instantly takes you back to significant places along your walk with God??

For me, "my song" is Shout to the Lord
by Darlene Zscehch.

I heard Shout to the Lord for the very first time in 1997. I was a brand new baby Christian, and someone gave me the Shout to the Lord CD. (It was my first Christian CD ever). I listened to it over and over and over again.

The first time I shared my testimony (March 1, 1998 at Calvary Church in Grand Rapids) ~ guess what song the worship leader introduced to the congregation? Yep, Shout to the Lord. I shared my story at 4 services that morning, and heard "my song" 4 times as well.

My Jesus, My Savior,
Lord, there is none like You;
All of my days
I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love.

In fact, I loved the song so much that I told my fiance David Timmer that we had to have someone sing it at our wedding. The words were so perfect for me! God had taken me out of such a pit of rebellion and sin, and given me a new, firm place to stand. A new song to sing! I was no longer going to be a single mom ~ but would be married to a Godly man and we could build a special family together. I couldn't stop singing these words...

I sing for joy at the work of Your hands,
Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand,
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.

David and I made plans to have someone sing Shout to the Lord at our wedding on May 1, 1999.

And when David was killed on
December 10, 1998, just 2 weeks before Christmas and 5 months before our wedding ~ I vowed that I never wanted to hear that song again. Ever.

And yet, as we planned David's funeral....I knew what special music we needed to sing. My favorite soloist came to David's funeral and we all cried through Shout to the Lord together.

My comfort, my shelter,
Tower of refuge and strength;
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You

Fast forward a number of years, after God brought much healing came to my broken heart....

As John and I were planning our wedding, we knew what song we needed to sing. Our favorite soloist came once again, and together, at our wedding on August 5, 2000 ~ we lifted our voices and praised Him through song with Shout to the Lord.

I sing for joy at the works of Your hands,
Forever I'll love You, Forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise I have
In You

God has used Shout to the Lord and the music from Darlene Zschech & Hillsong Australia to bring much hope, healing, and joy along my journey. In honor of *She Sparkles* 1 Year Anniversary, today's GIVEAWAY is the gift of Worship Music, and lots of it!!

My good friend and favorite music man,
Tom Brown of Provident Music has provided an assortment of my favorite worship music to pass along to TWO blessed winners! Woo Hoo!!

Each winner will receive a *Sparkly Gift Pack* containing 5 CD's of amazing music! Artists include Hillsong Australia, Casting Crowns, Sarah Groves, and so many more!!

To Win my Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following questions:

What song is special to you? Why?

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog

•Follow *She Sparkles* on twitter
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Saturday, April 24th and ends Tuesdy, April 27th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Wednesday, April 28th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thank you for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, worship~filled day!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Caffeinated Randomness: Frustrated Friday

Hello dear Friends! I'm interrupting our *She Sparkles* Anniversary Celebration for a little Caffeinated Randomness and Friday frustrations! What a week it has been! (And unfortunately I didn't use my "healthy coping skills" to deal with all the stress!) Ahhh!!

First I should tell you, Monday was awesome!! Our family had the chance to share at Rockford Christian School's chapel the "Mystery of the Big Gift". It's a kid~friendly version of the Gospel. I love it! So much fun ~ and for everyone to participate is a blast! My little Benj even was the sound guy. What a blessing!

Monday night was Bible Study! You all know how I love Magnificent Monday's. Our study recently "outgrew" our large classroom (we've gone from 90 women to 169+ women this Spring session) ~ and Monday night we moved to the large sanctuary to gather! What a significant night on our journey!!

And then, of course, the trouble starts. It began innocently enough. Tuesday I sent John an e-mail to see if he wanted me to bring him a lunch. I didn't hear from him. I sent him an e-mail later in the day, I didn't hear from him. Finally around 5:00 PM I sent him another e-mail asking him to please call home. He didn't.

I later learned John never received any of my e-mails. Surely his computer must be down because my internet is working fine. EXCEPT I soon learn that it is MY e-mail that is not working, and hasn't been for 3 days. All the e-mails I thought I sent on Tuesday never went anywhere (even though they are in my SENT box). How does that happen??

And yesterday my brother (who is an IT specialist) tells me that I've been kicked out of my e-mail program (Outlook) and I have to use a new e-mail program (after I just typed in 169 new names in my address book!). I need to start over from scratch. What a mess!!

The hardest part of having my e-mail down for 3 days was feeling that I was letting others down. I have a long list of important notes I need/want to send. Women I care about. Dear friends I told on Monday I would e-mail on Tuesday. Significant ministry opportunities. You get the drift...

So what did I do?? I whined. I fussed. I complained. I asked John to pray while I sulked. I whined some more. And then I ate.

I should also mention I re-signed up for Weight Watchers last week. (I wasn't sure I was going to mention this on my blog, but today I'm feeling frustrated and random.). A few years ago (after the 3 babies in a row), I lost 25 pounds with WW and a lot of hard work and exercise.

Over the last few years (with 4 kids and an apreciation for chips & salsa and coffee), I gained the 25 pounds back. Discouraging. With my 40th birthday in less than 3 weeks, I decided it's time to get "40 and Fit".

I've been working really hard this week, making great food choices ~ and then this happened. And yesterday I threw "counting points" out the window, and comforted myself with food. Almonds, grapes, apples, and pretzels ~ but still bringing my old bad habits to a new day. I went to bed discouraged.

Thankfully, after being at our kids' wonderful Spring program in the evening, I had hymns of praise in my heart and mind all night long. I woke up singing,

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him, above you heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and praise the Holy Ghost.

Thank you Millbrook Christian School kids for blessing me!! :)

And for today, I will not run to old comforts. I will not allow my old fears to cloud my new day. I will not grumble or whine or complain. I will voice my feelings (appropriately) and turn to the One who hears, who knows, and who is concerned. And yes, I will go to my WW weigh in, and get back on track. I'm so thankful for new mercies...aren't you???

I warned you this was random and full of frustrations. Sorry. My hope is to be real with you (always) and this is how I'm really doing today. I'm going to post it before I edit it and trust the Lord will allow the good stuff to stick. And later today I really will be back to post more GIVEAWAYS. It's time to get my celebratory mood back!!

Have a Fantastic Friday!! God's richest blessings to you!!!

P.S. If you didn't enter my Starbucks GIVEAWAY, it's not too late. Click here to enter.

P.S. Thanks again to Andrea at Under Grace & Over Coffee for hosting the Caffeinated Randomness. Be sure to stop by her blog ~ I'm sure you will enjoy it! :)

***UPDATE ~ I just came home from WW and I'm down 5.4 lbs this week. Can I get a Woo Hoo?! ****

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

*She Sparkles* Anniversary & Starbucks GIVEAWAY

Are you ready to CELEBRATE??!

Today begins a 10 day *She Sparkles* 1st Anniversary CELEBRATION! Woo Hoo!! Can you believe it's been over a year since I start blogging?? What fun!!

And the best part of the to GIVEAWAY, and lots of them! I want to THANK YOU, my dear friends and readers, for journeying with me over the past 12 months. I can't wait to share many of my favorite things with you!!

But first, in case you are joining *She Sparkles* for the first time, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cindy, and I love to celebrate! I am passionate about Jesus, my family, living life to the full, "sparkly" things, kid~friendly fun, and making ordinary days "extra-ordinary".

I've been married to my dear husband John for nearly 10 years. :)

...and we are blessed with 4 amazing kids!

I enjoy being home full-time with my gang. Most days you'll find us coloring, creating, playing cards, rollerblading, or just hanging out together! :)

I also love sharing my faith with others! I lived far from God until I was 26 years old (you can read my testimony here), so I know "first hand" the peace, hope, and satisfaction that comes from following Jesus. Jesus alone has brought *Joy* to my soul!!

The Lord has blessed me with many opportunities to share my testimony and His powerful Truth with others. I love it!!
One of the highlights of my week is journeying with an amazing group of women on Monday nights. (I call it "Magnificent Monday's"). Women from all different churches, denominations, and backgrounds meet together to learn and grow together!!
What started as a group of 12 women meeting in my best friend's living room has now grown to 169+ women!! Woo Hoo! Only God!

Here are some pics from Magnificent Monday's...

And when they surprised me on my birthday last year....

Lastly, it wouldn't be a proper introduction if I didn't tell you about my appreciation of coffee. Especially Starbucks. Most days you will find me in a bookstore ~ Bibles, notebooks, and a venti skinny vanilla latte in hand. Coffee is one of my simple pleasures in life. :)

So, for my first *She Sparkles* Anniversary GIVEAWAY's, I would like to share Starbucks with you!! Not just one latte, but instead, 5 coffee drinks of your choice at Starbucks (1 a month for the next 5 months!) Woo Hoo!!

To Win my Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section introducing yourself to me! (If we already know each other well, please share what you most appreciate about *She Sparkles*).
Extra Entries:
Follow *She Sparkles* on twitter
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post
•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries. Every comment counts as an entry for the 5 Starbucks certificates!!
RULES: Starts today, Wednesday, April 21st and ends Saturday, April 24th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Monday, April 26th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thank you for stopping by *She Sparkles*. I can't wait to get to know you better!!
Have a GREAT, fun~filled day!!!

P.S. Don't forget to stop back for many more fun GIVEAWAYS this week!! I feel like Oprah giving away lots of my favorite things. Yippee!! :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I can't believe it happened...

I can't believe it happened....but I am officially "celebrated" out!! I am exhausted, weary, and need a break from Spring Break! Anyone else?? :)

As you know, last week was Spring Break for our family. The kids and I came up with a huge "A to Z" list of great stuff we wanted to do on our "Stay-cation" (recap here). Our family fun ideas were even featured in the newspaper (You can view the article & pic here). What fun!! :)

And boy did we have a Ton of Fun last week!....

We had a "Monday Fun-day" with lots of friends over for a day jam-packed with adventure!

On Tuesday, the kids and I headed downtown to the Amway Grand Plaza hotel for a late night of swimming, slap jack, and snacks.

In the morning, we unpacked and re-packed our bags for a Roadtrip! The girls and I headed to a cousin's house in Indiana, joined more cousins, and then took a train ride to Chicago to visit American Girl! Woo Hoo! :)

We returned home, and I was completely exhausted. Done. In fact, I was planning a party on Sunday that I cancelled (John knew I must really be tired ~ unless someone is sick, I never cancel celebrating!)

All of that to say, I'm going to take the week off from blogging. I need to spend time with Jesus! The next few weeks are filled with launching a new Bible study, teaching opportunities, and lots of fun, family stuff ~ and I need to be whole (emotionally, physically, and spiritually).

I am learning that I must stop and allow Jesus to fill me completely and tend to my weary soul. I never want to share with you, my dear ones, out of the leftovers and scraps. If I want to reflect Him well, I must allow Him to fill me with His peace, His presence, and His joy. And that takes time just being "still". (Which is not something I do naturally ~ but I am learning....)

All of that to say, next week, beginning Monday, April 19th, we'll start the *She Sparkles* 1 year Celebration! I have fun GIVEAWAYS planned (with many of my favorite things to share), so please be sure to come back! I want to "mark this moment" and thank God for His blessing during this blogging adventure!

And, in the mean time, 5 Minutes for Mom is doing a huge Blog Party this week with amazing cool prizes. Click on the link below, and check out some of the many awesome blogs participating!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Thanks for understanding my need for a rest. I will miss you ~ but look forward to connecting again next week!!

May your week be filled with much joy, love, *sparkle*, and laughter!!

P.S. If you haven't entered my This Little Prayer of Mine Book Giveaway, it's not too late! Click here for more information! :)

GIVEAWAY ~ This Little Prayer of Mine Book

A quick reminder...starting next week, I'll be celebrating the 1 year Anniversary of *She Sparkles*. I have lots of fun giveaways planned (all my favorite things!) ~ so mark your calendar for Monday, April 12th, and be sure to stop back for a full week of fun and celebration! :)

Have you read any new good kids' books lately?? :)

One of the many blessings of *She Sparkles* is the opportunity to read and review new books! And my favorite part is sharing the blessing with you, my dear bloggy friend, with book giveways!!

I was thrilled when I was recently asked to participate in a Blog Tour featuring a kids' book on prayer! This Little Prayer of Mine
was written by Anthony DeStefano and illustrated by Mark Elliott.

Here's a brief description from the back of the book...

I know you're up in heaven, God,
and can hear my voice from there.
I'm just a little child.
Will you answer my short prayer?

So begins this delightful book that affirms God's readiness to answer our prayers, no matter what our age.

With engaging rhymes and beautiful illustrations, This Little Prayer of Mine assures children that God is always near--watching, listening, caring, and eager to respond to their requests. They'll also learn that prayer isn't just about asking for things, but about sharing their feelings of sadness and uncertainty as well as of thanksgiving and joy.

Most importantly, This Little Prayer of Mine reminds children—and those who love them—that they can trust God to tenderly care for them, no matter what the future holds.

I loved this book! My little girl Sarah enjoys me reading it to her over and over again. The book's message is a wonderful reminder of our Source of true peace and joy, and God's love and care for every detail of our lives. I would highly recommend it! (It would also make a great book to give as a gift!!)

Obviously I'm excited to be able to send a copy of this book to a *She Sparkles* reader. :)

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What is your favorite Children's book??

RULES: Starts today, Saturday, April 10th and ends Wednesday, April 14th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Thursday, April 15th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I can't wait to hear from you!! Have a GREAT weekend!!

Thanks for stopping by * She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you! :)

P.S. To learn more about the This Little Prayer of Mine, click here.

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Spring Break ~ Woo Hoo! :)

Hello dear friends! :)

OK, so I must admit that's not really my vacation picture, but we are officially on Spring Break this week! We are "stay-cationing" this year! If you missed my post on stay-cation ideas, you can check it out here! :)

Since it is Spring Break, I'm going to take the week off from my blog. The kids and I have many fun adventures planned, and I want to give them my full attention! However, before I unplug for the week, I did want to share just a couple of fun updates with you...

* Next week I'll be celebrating the 1 year Anniversary of *She Sparkles*. I have lots of fun giveaways planned (all my favorite things!) ~ so mark your calendar for Monday, April 12th, and be sure to stop back for a full week of fun and celebration! :)

* Speaking of "stay-cationing", the Grand Rapids Press shared a fun article on our family and some of our Spring Break ideas. You can check out the newspaper article here. (Yes, that's the front of my house being colored in chalk while I watch. What fun!)

* Also, I am pleased to announce the ticket winners for the A Woman Inspired on-line Marriage Conference! As I've mentioned before, I'm humbled to be able to present at this awesome on-line conference this May. The following readers will receive a free ticket to the Marriage Conference:

Theresa from Seeking the Old Paths

Denise from You Never Know Jesus is All You Need...

Julie from Come, Have A Peace

Melissa from Multi-tasking Mama

A huge thank you to all who entered! :)

* Lastly, if you live in the Grand Rapids area, we will be starting our new Magnificent Monday Bible Study next Monday, April 12th! We would love to have you join us!

This Spring, we will be watching Beth Moore's teachings "A Beautiful Mind". We gather from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at Sunshine Church (although women from all over the West Michigan area attend). So far we have almost 90 women signed up!! Woo Hoo! :) Please feel free to contact me for more information. All are welcome!

Have a GREAT week filled with much love and laughter!! Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!

God's richest blessings to you!!

P.S. Don't forget to stop back on Monday, April 12th as we celebrate 1 year of *She Sparkles*! :)