Saturday, April 10, 2010

I can't believe it happened...

I can't believe it happened....but I am officially "celebrated" out!! I am exhausted, weary, and need a break from Spring Break! Anyone else?? :)

As you know, last week was Spring Break for our family. The kids and I came up with a huge "A to Z" list of great stuff we wanted to do on our "Stay-cation" (recap here). Our family fun ideas were even featured in the newspaper (You can view the article & pic here). What fun!! :)

And boy did we have a Ton of Fun last week!....

We had a "Monday Fun-day" with lots of friends over for a day jam-packed with adventure!

On Tuesday, the kids and I headed downtown to the Amway Grand Plaza hotel for a late night of swimming, slap jack, and snacks.

In the morning, we unpacked and re-packed our bags for a Roadtrip! The girls and I headed to a cousin's house in Indiana, joined more cousins, and then took a train ride to Chicago to visit American Girl! Woo Hoo! :)

We returned home, and I was completely exhausted. Done. In fact, I was planning a party on Sunday that I cancelled (John knew I must really be tired ~ unless someone is sick, I never cancel celebrating!)

All of that to say, I'm going to take the week off from blogging. I need to spend time with Jesus! The next few weeks are filled with launching a new Bible study, teaching opportunities, and lots of fun, family stuff ~ and I need to be whole (emotionally, physically, and spiritually).

I am learning that I must stop and allow Jesus to fill me completely and tend to my weary soul. I never want to share with you, my dear ones, out of the leftovers and scraps. If I want to reflect Him well, I must allow Him to fill me with His peace, His presence, and His joy. And that takes time just being "still". (Which is not something I do naturally ~ but I am learning....)

All of that to say, next week, beginning Monday, April 19th, we'll start the *She Sparkles* 1 year Celebration! I have fun GIVEAWAYS planned (with many of my favorite things to share), so please be sure to come back! I want to "mark this moment" and thank God for His blessing during this blogging adventure!

And, in the mean time, 5 Minutes for Mom is doing a huge Blog Party this week with amazing cool prizes. Click on the link below, and check out some of the many awesome blogs participating!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Thanks for understanding my need for a rest. I will miss you ~ but look forward to connecting again next week!!

May your week be filled with much joy, love, *sparkle*, and laughter!!

P.S. If you haven't entered my This Little Prayer of Mine Book Giveaway, it's not too late! Click here for more information! :)


  1. What fun. Your little one looks so sweet in the picture hugging her American Girl doll.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. You are so right about taking time out to commune with the Master. Be blessed.

  3. With the week you've had, I'm surprised you're still standing! I'll be praying for your week Cindy that it be one filled with God's love, grace, strength and PEACE!!

  4. Oiy, I'm exhausted just reading about all of your fun!!!

    Have a wonderful week, I'll be praying.

  5. Cindy, I'm so glad you had a great Spring Break with your kiddos and family. You are a WISE woman to know you need to rest and spend time with the Lord. Thank you for keeping it real and setting a godly example. Have a truly refreshing week - I'll miss you! Love, Jenny C.

  6. Rest well, friend. Sometimes resting is the best way to celebrate the fullness. Praying you will have your well refilled in the quiet time.

  7. Totally understand.
    What a loving mommy to do all that with her little ones!
    I did take you up on the idea for Krispy Kremes donuts...although this store did not do free hot ones, we had a lot of fun watching them being made and me realizing that I never want to eat them again---too much oil (to see). Our aunt and cousin were with fun.

  8. What an awesome spring break!
    Blessings, andrea

  9. Oops! Forgot to say you are on my facebook and i already subscribe to "she sparkles"!
