Wednesday, April 21, 2010

*She Sparkles* Anniversary & Starbucks GIVEAWAY

Are you ready to CELEBRATE??!

Today begins a 10 day *She Sparkles* 1st Anniversary CELEBRATION! Woo Hoo!! Can you believe it's been over a year since I start blogging?? What fun!!

And the best part of the to GIVEAWAY, and lots of them! I want to THANK YOU, my dear friends and readers, for journeying with me over the past 12 months. I can't wait to share many of my favorite things with you!!

But first, in case you are joining *She Sparkles* for the first time, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cindy, and I love to celebrate! I am passionate about Jesus, my family, living life to the full, "sparkly" things, kid~friendly fun, and making ordinary days "extra-ordinary".

I've been married to my dear husband John for nearly 10 years. :)

...and we are blessed with 4 amazing kids!

I enjoy being home full-time with my gang. Most days you'll find us coloring, creating, playing cards, rollerblading, or just hanging out together! :)

I also love sharing my faith with others! I lived far from God until I was 26 years old (you can read my testimony here), so I know "first hand" the peace, hope, and satisfaction that comes from following Jesus. Jesus alone has brought *Joy* to my soul!!

The Lord has blessed me with many opportunities to share my testimony and His powerful Truth with others. I love it!!
One of the highlights of my week is journeying with an amazing group of women on Monday nights. (I call it "Magnificent Monday's"). Women from all different churches, denominations, and backgrounds meet together to learn and grow together!!
What started as a group of 12 women meeting in my best friend's living room has now grown to 169+ women!! Woo Hoo! Only God!

Here are some pics from Magnificent Monday's...

And when they surprised me on my birthday last year....

Lastly, it wouldn't be a proper introduction if I didn't tell you about my appreciation of coffee. Especially Starbucks. Most days you will find me in a bookstore ~ Bibles, notebooks, and a venti skinny vanilla latte in hand. Coffee is one of my simple pleasures in life. :)

So, for my first *She Sparkles* Anniversary GIVEAWAY's, I would like to share Starbucks with you!! Not just one latte, but instead, 5 coffee drinks of your choice at Starbucks (1 a month for the next 5 months!) Woo Hoo!!

To Win my Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section introducing yourself to me! (If we already know each other well, please share what you most appreciate about *She Sparkles*).
Extra Entries:
Follow *She Sparkles* on twitter
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post
•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries. Every comment counts as an entry for the 5 Starbucks certificates!!
RULES: Starts today, Wednesday, April 21st and ends Saturday, April 24th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Monday, April 26th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thank you for stopping by *She Sparkles*. I can't wait to get to know you better!!
Have a GREAT, fun~filled day!!!

P.S. Don't forget to stop back for many more fun GIVEAWAYS this week!! I feel like Oprah giving away lots of my favorite things. Yippee!! :)


  1. Hi Cindy!

    I'm fairly new to your blog (within the last month) but I already love it. I love your smile and your heart to share Jesus! Your testimony (which I read last week) is powerful and I wish you lived right next door to me!!!! :)

    I have your button on my blog,
    Follow you on Twitter and also follow you through twitter so that is 3 extras. :)

  2. Cindy, of course I love your blog. I didn't know you've had it for a year now. Congratulations! I'm always blessed by every post ... you are such a kind, upbeat person. Your smile is beautiful and contagious. I don't twitter but I do love to see you pop up on my fb wall. So glad I can call you friend. Oh and I didn't realize I could subscribe - I'll do that right now!

  3. I just discovered your blog within the last two weeks, for the life of me, I don't remember how I got there, but I am so glad I did find you! What a blessing:) My name is Suzanne and I live in Ohio. Been married to my honey for almost 28 years and have 7 wonderful kids ages 24 - 6. Starbucks' coffee is enjoyed by our entire family. When we take road trips, we map out the Starbucks on our way:) (Sometimes it isn't on the way)

  4. Hi Cindy, Congrats on your one year anniversary!!! I have known you for a long time now :), so my two favorite things about your blog would be your ideas for celebrating with our children and also that you are real.
    Celebrating with you Freind!

  5. Hello dear, Cindy!
    Congrats on sharing "She Sparkles" for a whole year! That's incredible. I absolutely love having you in my life and am thrilled that you are truly my sister in Christ.

    Love you very much!


  6. Hello dear Cindy!

    Congrats on blessing us with one year of "She Sparkles". You do truly sparkle and I praise God that you are in my life. I love being your sister in Christ!

    Love, Kristy

  7. Congratulations Cindy! What an amazing year it has been for you. It's amazing to see how God is leading you and how God has worked in your life. I wish I could give you a Skinny Venti Hazelnut Latte right now for all that you've given to me personally.

  8. mmmmm.... i love me some Starbucks... So we'll meet for coffee at She Speaks!!! yaay!

    i first fell in love with she sparkles because of the name. i hung around because i fell in love with you. xoxo lisa

  9. Hello! I love your blog, I love you! I love your smile, our outlook on life, your humor, your heart for Jesus! Congratulations on your Blogversary!

  10. Congratulations on 1 year of amazing blogging! What I love about your blog is this:
    1. You are always real... you share hardship and always point us back to the One who gives us peace joy and even cause to celebrate in the midst of it all
    2. You love to celebrate and you celebrate WELL! Thanks for not just sharing your ideas but sharing them in a way that is contagious!
    3. I just love you... cause you are you!

  11. Dear Cindy, what an unexpected gift this year to find your friendship through the crossing of blogs ... who would've guessed it? :) It has been a joy, and I think that's what I love most about She Sparkles. I always appreciate that you "deal with the real," but you give God's perspective on why we are meant to and can experience JOY in the living of life. Celebration does, indeed, seem to be your theme.

    You know I love coffee.... and I love friends who will drink coffee with me. :) I already have your button and follow, but I have not taken the twitter plunge ... am I going to be pressured into this? :)

    Blessings and sweet joy to you, friend!
    ~ Julie

  12. Hi Cindy! I've been reading your blog for several months now. I love your transperancy and outlook. I already follow you.

    In common? Well, we both love Jesus, our spouse and family, and a good cup of coffee!

    Be blessed!

  13. Hi Cindy!

    I love how your authentic joy from truly being filled with Christ flows through filling us with that joy! You truly "sparkle"!

    Love you!

  14. Cindy, I LOVE "She Sparkles." Why? Because you have an amazing God-given gift to encourage and challenge others to live for and love the Lord more in the ups and downs of daily life . . . and that's what blesses me SO much about you and your blog. You are a gift God has given to all your readers. THANK YOU! Love, Jenny C. at email

  15. Cindy, you're better than Oprah!! Way better.

  16. So many things I love about you and your blog Cindy!
    The two that stand out to me is the wonderful family ideas/celebrations, and that you are always pointing people to God. what could be more important than that!
    You are a treasure and a gem, and I am so incredibly blessed to know you.
    I read your last post, and thank you for being real. I'm celebrating the 5 lb loss too! way to go!

  17. You have a really great blog here!

    Happy FF! I'm following you now...if you get a chance, please follow me too at

    Have a great weekend!
