Thursday, April 29, 2010

Celebrate Spring with May Day ~ Saturday, May 1st

Celebrate Spring with May Day!

I can still remember celebrating May Day, the 1st day of May, when I was a little girl. We made May Day baskets out of strawberry containers, left them on our neighbors' doorstep, rang the doorbell, and ran away!

Fast forward 30+ years, and I decided to make May Day memories with my family! Mostly the kids and I were bored one day, it happened to be May 1st, so we decided we'd celebrate May Day! It was so much fun it's now an annual tradition!

How do we celebrate May Day??

First, we make the baskets. We use the cone idea (here), but you could also make a paper plate basket (ideas here or here).

You may want to attach a poem (ideas here & here), or a little note saying "Happy May Day".

Fill your basket with flowers, chocolate or any other little treats. (hint: I use left over Easter candy).

You are now ready to deliver the baskets! (Yes, we use a hockey stick to help keep them upright!)

Put the basket on your friend/neighbors' porch, ring the doorbell, and run!! The trick is you don't want the neighbor to see you! If you get caught, you are supposed to get a kiss (which we've never done...but it does make them run faster!). The kids have such a blast watching their friends/neighbors/grandparents try to figure out how the basket was delivered!

If you're really feeling celebratory, you may want to participate in a May Day Maypole (ideas here or here).

We tried a Maypole one year (streamers on our basketball hoop), but it was a little too complicated for my gang. We mainly stick with the baskets, and an occasional word search (here) and/or word mining activity (here).

Although this year we may try some May Day Hoop races (here) or a special craft (here & here). So many fun ideas to choose from!

What about for you?? Do you celebrate May Day with your family and friends?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! May your May 1st be filled with much love, joy, and celebration ~ whatever you decide to do!!

P.S. Don't forget we are celebrating the 1st Anniversary of *She Sparkles* this week! It's not to late to enter some fun GIVEAWAYS here and here!


  1. Hi Cindy,

    Your profile photo is so beautiful. Love the May day celebration idea. It's the first time I've heard of this.

    Such a cute message!

    Love and hugs for you and your family.

  2. What a happy idea! I love the pictures of your little redheads. I always dreamed of having redheaded children, but alas, my husband said I married the wrong man. I assured him that I love his dark hair, and wouldn't trade one of our children...However now I am praying for at least one red-headed grandchild! :) By the way, I'd welcome a visit to my new blog:

  3. I guess that is one parenting regret I have - I never did this with my kids. I've always thought it sounded like the best idea. Good for you for doing it.

  4. Congratulations on your first year! You were one of the first bloggers to encourage me with my blog!!!
