Monday, April 26, 2010

*She Sparkles* Celebration & Giveaway Pt 3

Today we continue the *She Sparkles* 1st Anniversary CELEBRATION! Woo Hoo!!

I want to THANK YOU, my dear friends and readers, for journeying with me over the past 12 months.... so we are celebrating with gifts to GIVEAWAY, and lots of them! I LOVE sharing my favorite things with you!!

We got the Party started with a Starbucks giveaway. (I'm pleased to announce the winner is Theresa from Grace Like Rain!)

And there is still time to enter the 5 CD set Worship Music Giveaway. (You can enter here)

For today, I'd like to share a resource from a woman who has had such a significant impact on my Christian journey...Beth Moore.

Over the past 11 years, I've had the chance to go through every one of Beth's Bible studies (some more than once!). Beth has taught me, inspired me, challenged me, encouraged me , and pointed me to the One who loves me so ~ over and over again.

During my young babies season, I would watch her on DVD while I was up all hours of the night feeding my little ones.

And during a painful season of loss, her words of Truth and hope inspired me to keep going, when everything in me wanted to give up.

I couldn't attend her live simulacast on Saturday (if you went, please fill me in ~ I'd love to hear all about it), but I am thrilled that she's coming to my city next month (and a huge note of THANKS to my best friend Julie for buying me a ticket for my birthday!). Woo Hoo! :)

In honor of *She Sparkles* 1 Year Anniversary, today's GIVEAWAY is Beth Moore's book, Get Out of That Pit!

I had the hardest time deciding which Beth Moore resource to giveaway, but this book is one of my favorites. From one former pit dweller to another, I could definitely resonate with Beth's words. Also, God has used Psalm 40 to bring much HOPE to me over the years (including when he freed me from drugs/alcohol), and Beth refers to Psalm 40 often in this book. It's so good!!

If Get Out of That Pit is not a part of your current collection, I would encourage you to check it out. Or better yet, sign up for the giveaway so I can send it to you free! :)

To Win my Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following questions:

What Bible study/book has been significant to you on your journey??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Follow *She Sparkles* on twitter
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Monday, April 26th and ends Thursdy, April 29th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Friday, April 30th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! May the Lord bless you with an abundance of His love, joy, and peace today!!!

P.S. Tomorrow's GIVEAWAY has to do with my love for CELEBRATING everyday life and I'll be sharing ideas for May Day (May 1)!


  1. Your button is scrolling on my side bar!

  2. I follow your blog in Google Reader.

  3. I have been leading a Bible Study with a group of ladies and we are going through "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldridge. This book has changed my life and is helping me understand the truth about who God says that I am!

  4. Amen and thank you dear sister for pointing me to Beth Moore so many years ago! My first Beth Moore study was Breaking Free which began an incredible and intimate journey with God. I walked away convinced that every woman everywhere should do that study...

    You were dearly missed on Saturday...let's get Starbucks together and I'll tell you all about it :)

    amy h.

  5. Awesome book. I read it! I have read everything she has done...she always speaks to my heart.
    Congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  6. Cindy, I'm currently reading this book. I've been trying to read it for 3 years. Now I know why Satan didn't want me too.

  7. What book??? How can a person choose just one book?

    Maybe The Path of Loneliness by Elisabeth Elliott. It changed my life when I was a young single gal.

  8. Cindy, I wanted to thank you for being a part of my first year of blogging! What a wonderful year it has been. I'm throwing a little party and as an honored guest, I would love for you to stop by and share a highlight of your year with all of us.

    Cactus Happy,

  9. I'm with lisasmith ... hard to pick just one, but I'll go back to the first one that really penetrated my heart and life - Jerry Bridges' the Pursuit of Holiness. We still use this solid book when discipling.

    I heard the simulcast was awesome. :)

  10. Oh yes a tough question because there have been several that have hit me like a brick ... and helped to point me in a better direction. I'm a gal with my heart on my sleeve, I tell it like I see it {which can get me in trouble} and when life gets crazy I crack jokes {I tend to get into trouble here too}. AND YET, I love to dig deep and soul search and I love it when friends dig along side me. Bible studies with close girlfriends have been the best! The "Women of Faith" series is my favorite. I also love Julie Ann Barnhill books. Julie makes you laugh out loud but still digs down deep to find the truth. I first heard of Beth Moore a couple years ago and borrowed a book from a friend {can't remember the name} but it was wonderful. She's got way to point you to the truth and bring a soothing comfort in it.

  11. Hi Cindy,
    I am SO grateful that you introduced me to Beth Moore what 10 years ago now??? I too have been changed by the messages she brings. Sat. was amazing, I can't stop thinking about it! Makes me want to go out and get her book "So Long Insecurity". Like Beth said, if we as Christian women could get this message deep inside of us it would change our culture!
    I have so many books that I have loved along the way as well. Captivating, Waking the Dead, Mission of Motherhood, The Shack, are just a few :).
    Maybe I'll run into you at Beth Moores May conference :)

  12. In the past the Ladies' Ministry at my church has used studies developed by pastors' wives called "Joyful Life" Bible studies. One of my favorites was on the book of James - great practical application! This summer we are doing a book club on Max Lucado's book "Fearless." I hope it's good! I'd love to win your giveaway (I think that title could apply to me!) Thanks! Jenny C. email at
