Friday, February 26, 2010

Jesus Lives by Sarah Young ~ Book Review and GIVEAWAY! :)

Hello friends! :)

I am so excited for today's Book Review and Giveaway!

You may remember, I shared that my favorite book of 2009 was Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. Imagine my delight when I was asked by Thomas Nelson Publishers to review Sarah Young's newest book Jesus Lives! Woo Hoo!! :)

If you are familiar with Jesus Calling, Jesus Lives! is very similar. It's a cute little devotional book packed full of powerful Truth!

In this book, author Sarah Young provides 180 topical devotionals (including trust, love, peace, victory, and brokenness). Her writing is taken straight from Scripture, and it as if Jesus is talking specifically to the reader...full of much grace and truth! :)

In her introduction, Sarah reminds us that "we followers of Jesus face a glorious challenge every single day to trust in His love regardless of our circumstances....We must search for and "see" His love in the moments of our lives". I immediately knew this was a book I could relate to! :)

As always, I enjoy Sarah's writing. You can tell that she spent abundant time in prayer and fellowship with the Lord as she was writing this book. I found the topics to be inspiring and helpful, and I appreciated that Sarah included the whole scripture with each mini-devotional (rather than just the scripture address, as in Jesus Calling).

I wanted to love this book and have it be my new favorite ~ instead I will say that it is "really good". (Jesus Calling is still at the very top of my list!) Overall, I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. :)

If you've finished Jesus Calling and desire more of Sarah's writings, I definitely think Jesus Lives! is a perfect "Part 2". Sarah's insights are deep and profound, while at the same time, quick enough to pick up and read when time is short (esp. for busy women!).

Jesus Lives! would also make a great gift for anyone you know desiring to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Most of my friends are reading and loving Jesus Calling, so Jesus Lives! is perfect for them ~ I've already bought some and shared! :)

And because I love my passing along great books to my readers ~ I purchased a copy of Jesus Lives! to giveaway to one blessed blog friend as well!

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What is your current favorite book of 2010??

RULES: Starts today, Friday, February 26th and ends Tuesday, March 2nd at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Wednesday, March 3rd.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I can't wait to hear from you!! Have a GREAT weekend!!

Thanks for stopping by * She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you! :)

P.S. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received my copy of the book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday ~ Blessed in the Mess

Hello dear Friends!

It's Thankful Thursday and Iris from Grace Alone is our host! :)

I'll be honest ~ I am intentionally choosing "gratitude" today. It's been a long week filled with sickness, challenges, struggles, long to-do lists, cancelled appointments (due to sick kids), and more!

But today, I will choose gratitude. I will choose joy. I will thank God for the new load of laundry. I will thank God that my son made it to the bucket rather than the carpet. I will choose peace in the midst of our chaos. I have a choice....and I choose to thank Him! :)

I've been sitting on the couch watching Olympics with my sick little guy, naming my blessings one by one. So many. Not doubt about it ~ even in the midst of our struggles ~ I am blessed.

Here is my Top 5 Thankful Thursday list for today....

1. My Family ~ John, Jake, Benj, Manda & Sarah

What would I do without my gang?! :) Boy do they fill my life with JOY! :)
2. Magnificent Monday Bible Study ~

I shared last week that our new Winter Bible study is AMAZING!! God has put such a special love in my heart for each and every woman that attends on Monday nights (all 90+)! They are committed to "do the thing" and not just show up at a social gathering for snacks and giggles.

These women inspire me, teach me, make me laugh, make me cry. Monday's are a highlight of my week! To give you a is a sweet note I received just this week....

... Cindy, once again you have picked a study that is pushing me to look at myself in the light of God's truth and it's forcing me out of some comfortable but destructive places.

I have so much respect for you and I want you to know that whenever I look at you on Monday night the prayer in my heart is that someday I will be as free as you are.

That someday I will finally know deep in my heart who I really am in Christ and be able to live out of that....

See what I mean?? God is doing a powerful work in our midst, and I'm so grateful to watch Him in action! :)

3. My 40th Birthday is coming....

And you know me, I love to celebrate!! My dear friends Nick and Julie came over last night to go the party plan rolling!!

Mark your calendars....May 8, 2010 ~ fun! fun! fun! :)

Want to guess what we'll be doing for my 40th Birthday???? (And I'm so thankful for my mom to be willing to underwrite the cost ~ you are so generous, Mom!! :) )

4. My dear Mentor ~ Mary Swierenga

For years and years I prayed very specifically that God would bring a Godly mentor into my life. God is so faithful ~ over the years, not only did He supply me one ~ He has blessed me with MANY! :)

God has brought leadership mentors, mom mentors, mentors in prayer and marriage and public speaking into my life. And then, a few years ago, the Lord graciously introduced me to Mary Swierenga. Although we go to different churches, our paths crossed. Mary is an amazing, seasoned Bible teacher, prayer warrior, and woman of the Lord. I cherish our times together. Here we are studying in her office last week...

Mary always reminds me to point others to the Scripture "since the power is in the Word!" ("Give 'em the meat, Cindy" ~ she always says!) I am so thankful for her presence and mentoring in my life!

5. My kids' school ~ Grand Rapids Christian Schools

John and I prayed and prayed for the right teachers for our kids. This week we had conferences for our 3 youngest. Boy are we blessed! Each teacher is the exact right fit for our kids' unique personalities. Thank you Mrs. Minnema, Ms. Rozendal, and Mrs. Malefyt. We thank God for you! :)

And our son Jake is having a fabulous year at the high school. We are so grateful! :)

Whew!! I'm feeling better already! Isn't gratitude a beautiful thing?! :)

I also am thankful for my parents, in-laws, and friends for all of their help this week. Wouldn't have made it without the extra support! Thank you so very much!!

What about for you?? On this Thankful Thursday, what are you thankful for today?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Many blessings to you!

P.S. Be sure to stop by tomorrow ~ I have a new great book GIVEAWAY! I'll give you a's written by the author of my favorite book of 2009.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Caffeinated Randomness: The joys of being a Hockey Mom! :)

Hello dear Bloggy friends! Happy Friday to you! :)

My mini van is stocked with gatorade, mini hockey sticks, Diet coke, and Cheez its ~ and in less than an hour, I'll be on the road! To a hockey rink, of course!

My little guy Benj is playing in a hockey tournament this weekend at Ferris State University. He has a game this afternoon, 2 games tomorrow, and the championship game will be on Sunday morning! Woo Hoo!! :)

Plus...tonight we have tickets to go to the Ferris vs. Michigan State (my alma mater) hockey game. Benj and I are both huge MSU fans ~ so this will be a real treat! And don't worry, I already have my MSU sweatshirt and tattoos packed and ready to go!!

The only sad part is that John and the other 3 kids will be staying around town this weekend. Our older son Jake (another hockey player) has a game tonight and tomorrow night too. I'm sad to miss being there to cheer him on as goalie! :( But I rarely get an opportunity like this to be just with Benj! (Thank you Jake for understanding!!)

And since this is a "Caffeinated Randomness" post ~ here's one more quick update! I can't wait to share more about our new Magnificent Monday Bible Study! We have nearly 100 of the most enthusiastic, beautiful, fun attending ~ and I am having a BLAST!

As many of you know, I am PASSIONATE about teaching on the renewing of our mind! My life has been transformed because my mind has been transformed! I love sharing the miracle of God has done in my life (recap here).

And to watch these women already growing in Truth and freedom is AWESOME! Can't tell you more about it next week!

But for now...I need to make a quick Starbucks run before I head north for the weekend. The sun is shining, my music is packed, and my spirit is light!! Yippee!!

What about for you?? Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

Have a GREAT weekend filled with much love, joy, and celebration!!!

P.S. For more Friday Caffeinated Randomness Fun, head on over to Under Grace Over Coffee. You'll love Andrea and her fun insights! And better yet, link up and play along!! :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kid-Friendly Olympics/Valentine's Celebration Update :)

Hello dear bloggy Friends!! :)

I hope you've had a GREAT week! I once heard someone say,

"Life should not just be lived, it should be CELEBRATED!".

I love it! :) I try to make every day a CELEBRATION ~ for me, my family and our friends! This past week has been no exception!! Here are some fun photo highlights from our recent Celebrations!!

I mentioned last week we were excited for our Let the Games Begin ~ Olympics Celebration (recap
here). We had a BLAST!!

Our Olympics Celebration had Winter Olympics color sheets and crafts...

Rice Krispie Treat torches....

And, of course, Olympic~size tacos (you can see some of our party decorations behind the boys in this picture)....

A great time was had by all!! It's not too late to celebrate the Olympics with your family. The evening of closing ceremonies is also a fun time to "mark the moment"! :) What fun! :)

And, then, of course there was Valentine's Day. My favorite holiday of all! (Read more

It wouldn't be a holiday without tattoos...

Valentine's Day BINGO....

And My Valentine......

What have you been up to lately?? Have you been enjoying the Olympics?? Did you celebrate Valentine's Day??
I'd love to hear from you!!

Have a SUPER day!! Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!

God's richest blessings to you!!

P.S. Please know my love for LIFE and CELEBRATING each day comes from my deep desire to experience all that Jesus has for me! :)

This hasn't always been the fact, I didn't come to know Jesus until I was almost 30 years old. If you have questions about faith or wrestle with wondering, "God, where are you??" ~ I'd love to join you on your journey. Please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail. You are not alone! :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day ~ Family Fun Ideas

I LOVE Valentine's Day! Always have! Not because of the "romance" of the day ~ mostly I just love the opportunity to celebrate the special people in my life. One year (when I was in college) I even mailed all my Valentine's to Valentine, VA for a special postmark. I know ~ I'm weird. What can I say?? :)

Please know Valentine's Day hasn't always been a happy day for me ~ in fact, some years it's been downright painful. In 1999, Valentine's Day was extremely difficult for me. My fiance David had just been tragically killed 2 months prior (recap here).

The thought of all of the happy couples and roses and date nights nearly had me running for my sheets for the day. Instead, my dear aunt Debbie came to stay with me, and we spent the day making Valentine's for all of the singles I could think of. Thinking of others and focusing on blessing them helped make a hard day much less painful.

To this day, I love trying to think of creative ways to bless my friends and family ~ and remind them that they are dearly loved!! :)

So what are we doing this year??

Here are some things we do to celebrate Valentine's Day in an inexpensive, simple Family Friendly way:

Books ~ I have a special heart basket with Valentine's Day books I pull out on February 1st. My kids LOVE reading from the heart book basket, and I usually add a new book or two to our collection each year. Today we picked up, "Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink". Too cute! :)

Decorations ~ Our city has a Dollar Tree store where you can purchase cheap plastic table cloths for $1. I always have an assortment of colors on hand. Of course, on Valentine's Day, the family will wake up to a red table cloth and heart paper products. (I stock up at Party City right after Valentine's Day each year). It's amazing how a $1 table cloth can make it look festive already. Oh, and don't forget the confetti! :)

Food ~ I'll make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast, pink milk, and have fresh strawberrries.

For dinner, we always have heart shaped pizzas. In my city, Papa Murphy's Take & Bake Pizza is a great resource. The kids love it ~ and I am grateful it is so easy (and not too expensive).

Sometimes we make desserts, but this year I picked up cute cupcakes. And I hope to make heart shaped finger jello! :)

Games & Activities ~ Some years we've invited friends over for the festivities. This year, since it will be on Sunday, it'll probably just be family, so I won't need as many games and activities, but we'll still have...

Color sheets, word searches, etc... (Many to choose from here)

It wouldn't be a holiday celebration without BINGO. Of course we use conversation hearts or pink and red M & M's for markers.
Even Great Grandma enjoys Valentine's Day BINGO at our house!

And for fun, we'll make sure we reflect on the origin of Valentine's Day. Easy kid version here.

We'll probably end our Valentine's Day all snuggled up together watching Charlie Brown Valentine's Day. Simple, but fun :)

What about for you?? Do you have any special Valentine's Day traditions?? How does your family celebrate this day of Love?? Please share with us ~ I'd love to hear your ideas!!

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!

P.S. The greatest Valentine anyone could ever receive came in the form of a tiny baby - His name was Jesus, and his LOVE for us - went to the cross, died and rose again, so we might have life - full, abundant, and eternal life!

Make this Valentines Day the best of all - and give your HEART to JESUS! :)

P.S.S. Is there anyone you know who you could bless this Valentine's Day?? A single friend, co-worker, grandma, restaurant worker. Maybe you could make some homemade Valentine's and make someone's day. I'd love to hear all about it! :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Random Dozen ~ Valentine's Day Edition

Hello dear friends!! I'm busy in "party planning" mode ~ with my "Let the Games Begin" Celebration this weekend, and then our Valentine's Day party on Sunday (I'll be sharing my Valentine's Day ideas here on Friday). For today, I thought a little randomness would be fun! Enjoy! :)

1. Are you pleasant when you're ill, or are you a grumpy, fussy patient?

I think I'm pretty pleasant (but I'll double check with John). I'm definitely not fussy, hopefully not grumpy. My biggest problem is being a patient ~ I'd rather "tough it out" than go to bed and rest.

Here are John's thoughts... "You pretend you aren’t sick and don’t listen to Dr. John’s instructions." :)

2. When you find out that school is canceled (due to inclement weather) what is your gut reaction?

Usually I am THRILLED to have the kids home with me. We participate in our Snow Day Shuffle
, and have a GREAT time!

However, Wednesday's (yesterday) snow day was hard for me. My schedule has been pretty full lately, and I was going to have Wednesday completely free and "kid-less" from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. I could hardly wait! So imagine my disappointment when school was cancelled. Ahhh!

3. What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve?

I wish I saw the joy in ironing. I don't. Thankfully, John irons for our family. :)

4. Do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day?

Are you kidding me...I decorate our home for EVERY HOLIDAY!! :)

5. What song is on your mind today?

Actually, no song. I've been listening to a teaching in my van, and have a soft, wordless CD going in the background at my home.

6. Do you prefer contemporary movies or classic?

Any movies with a message. I'm very picky about what I watch. Or something fun with the kids.

7. How well do you "compartmentalize" your feelings? For example, how well can you put aside a really trying moment to deal with the immediate situation which is not related to the trying moment, e.g., putting aside a tiff with your spouse in order to finish wallpapering a room.

Not well at all. I try to live at peace with everyone at all times. Even on Friday, I felt like my words were a bit "snippy" to my mom (I didn't mean them to be, but I could see how my mom received them that way). I called her right away, and told her I was really sorry and to please forgive me.

I prefer to deal with conflict (quickly), and honestly, and to ask for forgiveness. In the example shared above, I would need to work things out with John before wallpapering a room.

8. What is the first thing that attracted you to your spouse?

When I first met John, I was a single mom, grieving the loss of my fiance (who had been tragically killed in a freak workplace accident ~ more here).

John would come and help me (and my son Jake) ~ mowing our lawn, fixing our cars, helping Jake with school work, whatever the need. John would listen to me cry for hours, as I was journeying through this valley of grief. I was not looking for a boyfriend ~ just needed a friend to listen and care ~ and John was that person.

Many months later, as I continued to work through the grief and God began slowly healing my broken heart, I realized what an absolute gift John Bultema was! Handsome, Godly, caring, helpful, wise, and so much more!! I quickly came to my senses and asked him out on a date!! :) Thankfully John said Yes! :)

9. When was the last time your heart raced?

Last week, right before I was scheduled to start speaking at the Neland Church Women's Retreat
. As much as I love sharing God's faithfulness and goodness, I am not a "natural" upfront person (although most people comment they would never know this about me). Thankfully, the Lord has supplied an amazing group of women to pray me through!

And may my heart always race whenever I go before a group ~ that way I'm leaning on His strength and not mine!

10. What are your memories of Valentine's Day at school?

Parties! :)

11. If you were going to receive candy for Valentine's Day, which would you prefer?

Skip the candy and bring me a skinny vanilla latte. :)

12. Red or pink?

Definitely pink. I have red hair ~ I stay far away from red!!

What about for you?? Do you have any special Valentine's Day memories from childhood?? Do you prefer pink or red?? Favorite candy?? I'd love to hear from you!!!!

Many blessings to you!!

P.S. Once again, a huge note of thanks to Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee for sponsoring the Random Dozen. We appreciate you, Linda! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family Fun Idea ~ Let the Games Begin :)

I've been waiting 4 years for this party ~ our official "Let the Games Begin" celebration to kick-off the start of the 2010 Olympics!! Woo Hoo! :)

First, please know, I'm not huge into the Olympics. However, four years ago, I was a stay at home mom with 4 kids ~ ages 2, 3, 4, and 11. I was always looking for fun ideas to make our "ordinary" days a bit more "extraordinary". I came across a fun recipe to make Rice Krispie torches, and the creative juices just started flowing. We ended having a very fun, memorable night ~ and I've been waiting 4 years to do it again!!

So, how do you have a "Let the Games Begin" party? Here are some ideas...

Decorations ~ I bought colored beverage napkins in the 5 colors of the Olympic rings (blue, black, red, yellow, and green). I put a navy blue $ .99 table cloth down, and then pulled out leftover 4th of July supplies (a cup with American flags, etc..). I also bought balloons in the 5 Olympic colors, and put stuffed animals out on our table in USA wear (of course, substitute the USA items with wear from whatever country you call home ~ smile). Easy, inexpensive, and adorable!! :)

Games & Activities ~ There are so many great ideas out on the web to use. This year we'll play Winter Olympics BINGO (what fun!) ~ here

Have lots of color sheets and word searches at one station ~ here, here, & here.

Depending on the size of your house, kids, and your current weather, there are a TON of different games you could play. More ideas here &

Refreshments ~ As I mentioned, in 2006, I made the cutest torches out of Rice Krispies and colored ice cream cone bottoms. I can't find that recipe on-line anywhere this year, but I still have my original. (If you're interested, send me a note, and I'll pass on the recipe to you).

You could also make cupcakes and put little flags from different countries on top. Or sugar cookie rings. Food from different countries. The ideas are endless...

Teachable Moments ~ Most importantly, I love the opportunity to share the idea of 'friendship around the world' with my family.

We will have a station with a large world map, so we can look at where the various countries are located.

We will talk about the different continents when we color our Olympics flag, and stress that the white background represents peace. More info here

We will use this time as an oportunity to pray for peace and God's blessings across the world. And celebrate our differences (and similarities) with the world. What fun! :)

More Teachable ideas and activities here

One more thing.... I remember from 2006, we told the kids we would end our party by watching the lighting of the torch. We learned this will happen very late on Friday night. I made a mental note to never do this again. :) The kids stayed up MUCH LATER than usual. My recommendation would be to not mention the torch, or have your party on Saturday, and watch the torch lighting on-line. Our goal is to have fun ~ not tired, cranky kids (and parents!) :)

What about for you?? Does your family "mark this moment" in any special way?? Share your Olympics ideas with us please!! :)

Have a GREAT rest of your week!!


Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm Home ~ Contentment Retreat Recap

Hello dear friends!! Happy Monday to you! :)

This weekend was the 'Cultivating Contentment' retreat! Woo Hoo! I have been praying, preparing and looking forward to this retreat for months (even in the midst of my fire adventure)! It was so awesome to see it all come together! Thank you for all of your prayers ! :)

And what an amazing time I had with the women from Neland Christian Reformed Church! The women were warm, fun, kind, and desiring to grow deeper in their walk with Jesus.

The Neland Retreat Committee did such an amazing job ~ here's a picture of me with my new committee friends! :)

It would be so hard to summarize all that I learned about Contentment on this I won't try. :) But may I just remind you that we, too, can learn how to live a life of contentment...regardless of our circumstances.

We do not have to live decieved that we will be content when our circumstances change. You know how it goes....

If only I could lose a little weight,
If only I had the right job,
When I get married, I’ll be content.

When we get a bigger house,
If only my kids would stop making messes,
If only I could go on vacation,
If only my husband would communicate more,
If only I had a Starbucks latte, and of course,
If only I had more $$ (and lots of it, really)....then I would be content.

How about for you?? Do you ever wrestle with the
"if only________, then ____________."
Our circumstances will never bring us true contentment, will they?!

Only Jesus :)
Thank you, dear Neland church, for your warm welcome and amazing time of fellowship together.

Thank you, Prayer warriors and dear friends, for praying me through this incredible opportunity! The Lord used you more than you know!

Thank you, Mom & Dad, for keeping the kids 3 Friday's in a row so I could pray and prepare. And for all the extra things you do to help keep our life sane. :) I am so grateful!!

Thank you, Julie, for joining me again on another adventure. Can't wait to see where the Lord brings us next!

And a huge note of THANKS to John and the kids. For the 2 dozen flowers to brighten my day. For letting Mom out of the house to share Jesus with others. You bring me so much JOY! I am blessed indeed!

May the Lord bless you and keep you this week and fill your days with an abundance of Him!!!

P.S. It's a Magnificent Monday today ~ Bible Study starts tonight!! Can't wait to share about our 'Thought Closets'!! Woo Hoo!! :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Groundhogs Day, Shalom Shalom & Random Updates

Happy Wednesday to you!! I hope you've had a fun Groundhog's Day! :) I have to tell you, my girlfriend Chellie shared some GREAT Groundhog's Day treats on her blog here! We will TOTALLY be making these next year!

And now for this week, in the midst of hockey, and ballet, and gymnastics, and hot lunch and recess duty ~ I am getting ready for a couple of HUGE HIGHLIGHTS for me! I can hardly wait!!

This Friday and Saturday (February 5th & 6th), I'll be teaching at a Women's Retreat on the topic of 'Cultivating Contentment'. I'm so fired up! I have been studying Contentment for months and the insights I've been learning have been AMAZING!! I'll share more after the retreat!! Woo Hoo!!!

And next week on Monday, Febraury 8th, our Magnificent Monday Bible Study starts again!! I LOVE Monday nights! Talk about an amazing group of women ~ and this season we'll be focusing on the 'renewing of our mind'! Yippee!!

But for today...can I just share something with you that has blessed me?!

A friend of mine was telling me about a teaching from Beth Moore :) on Isaiah 26:3. I was really encouraged just by reading the scripture, but when I looked up the meaning of 2 of the words ~ well I just can't keep it to myself!!! I pray that it blesses you too!

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You."

Both the words "perfect" and "peace" translate into "Shalom".

So you could read it "You will keep in Shalom Shalom him (or her) whose mind is steadfast..."

That sounds great, but wait until you hear what definitions I found for Shalom!!! (This is good!)

Shalom: Completeness, wholeness, health, peace, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, well-being, healing, integrity, the absence of agitation or discord.
Who does not want that? Amazing!!!
So, if you are like me, you don't completely know the meaning of steadfast ~ so I looked that up to. :)

Steadfast: firmly fixed in place, not subject to change, firm in belief, determination or adherence, loyal.

So, if we firmly fix our focus on God, His goodness, His love and everything that HE IS, rather than focusing on our circumstances (or our thighs) :), than we will experience Shalom Shalom!!

Isn't that just like the heart of our God ~ He promises not just Shalom ~ but Shalom Shalom!!!

I hope this blesses you as much as it has me!!! I could use some Shalom Shalom. Anyone else?? :)

Let's pray shall we....Oh Lord, we acknowledge that we need You in our lives. Our lives are full, people are hurting, wounds need healing, marriages need restoring, and we all are desperate for a Savior. Lord, would You help us to fix our focus firmly on You? Not on our circumstances, not on our weaknesses, not on our hurts and our brokenness...but please Lord, may we look only to You. May we release all of our cares and burdens and worries and hurts to You, and receive Your shalom shalom in abundance! For Your purpose. For Your Glory. In Jesus' Strong and Powerful Name we pray. Amen!!

May God bless you in a special and significant way today!! :)

In Him,