Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family Fun Idea ~ Let the Games Begin :)

I've been waiting 4 years for this party ~ our official "Let the Games Begin" celebration to kick-off the start of the 2010 Olympics!! Woo Hoo! :)

First, please know, I'm not huge into the Olympics. However, four years ago, I was a stay at home mom with 4 kids ~ ages 2, 3, 4, and 11. I was always looking for fun ideas to make our "ordinary" days a bit more "extraordinary". I came across a fun recipe to make Rice Krispie torches, and the creative juices just started flowing. We ended having a very fun, memorable night ~ and I've been waiting 4 years to do it again!!

So, how do you have a "Let the Games Begin" party? Here are some ideas...

Decorations ~ I bought colored beverage napkins in the 5 colors of the Olympic rings (blue, black, red, yellow, and green). I put a navy blue $ .99 table cloth down, and then pulled out leftover 4th of July supplies (a cup with American flags, etc..). I also bought balloons in the 5 Olympic colors, and put stuffed animals out on our table in USA wear (of course, substitute the USA items with wear from whatever country you call home ~ smile). Easy, inexpensive, and adorable!! :)

Games & Activities ~ There are so many great ideas out on the web to use. This year we'll play Winter Olympics BINGO (what fun!) ~ here

Have lots of color sheets and word searches at one station ~ here, here, & here.

Depending on the size of your house, kids, and your current weather, there are a TON of different games you could play. More ideas here &

Refreshments ~ As I mentioned, in 2006, I made the cutest torches out of Rice Krispies and colored ice cream cone bottoms. I can't find that recipe on-line anywhere this year, but I still have my original. (If you're interested, send me a note, and I'll pass on the recipe to you).

You could also make cupcakes and put little flags from different countries on top. Or sugar cookie rings. Food from different countries. The ideas are endless...

Teachable Moments ~ Most importantly, I love the opportunity to share the idea of 'friendship around the world' with my family.

We will have a station with a large world map, so we can look at where the various countries are located.

We will talk about the different continents when we color our Olympics flag, and stress that the white background represents peace. More info here

We will use this time as an oportunity to pray for peace and God's blessings across the world. And celebrate our differences (and similarities) with the world. What fun! :)

More Teachable ideas and activities here

One more thing.... I remember from 2006, we told the kids we would end our party by watching the lighting of the torch. We learned this will happen very late on Friday night. I made a mental note to never do this again. :) The kids stayed up MUCH LATER than usual. My recommendation would be to not mention the torch, or have your party on Saturday, and watch the torch lighting on-line. Our goal is to have fun ~ not tired, cranky kids (and parents!) :)

What about for you?? Does your family "mark this moment" in any special way?? Share your Olympics ideas with us please!! :)

Have a GREAT rest of your week!!



  1. Hi Cindy
    What a neat idea! I love the party idea. The hubby and I are very excited for the Olympics, and can't wait for it to start.
    Thank you for the fun ideas!

  2. Wow! I love your ideas! I've never really been that into the Olympics, but we have been getting very excited about it this year since we've been studying it in home school. I'm going to have to try those Rice Krispie treats!

  3. Thanks for the ideas and links! I've been planning to have some Olympic activities for my 3 year old over the next two weeks, but hadn't gotten around to brainstorming yet (birthday party prep takes precedence)!

  4. Even though my family is from Victoria, which is very close to Vancouver, we decided there was no way that we were going to the Olympics this year. However, our daughter is soooo excited, I told her we would watch the lighting of the torch. She'll have to stay up a bit, but it is a proud moment to be Canadian right now.

  5. Cindy,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your words made my day!! I would LOVE to come to Michigan. I have never been. Praying God will work it out.

    Love your post. Sounds like lots of fun!!! Wish my kids were younger.

  6. Hi Cindy,
    I loved your ideas specially games and activities. I was searching for some of the ideas on web. I found one best collection of family games, fun ideas, and blog posts to jump start your family gaming adventures. So I thought of sharing it with you. Fun Family Games - Best Games to Bring Your Family Together

  7. These are some fun ideas. I would love the recipe for the Rice Krispies Torch. My kids are totally into the Olympics this year so we have been getting excited by playing Mario vs. Sonic at the Winter Olympics on Wii and playing games online on the official Olympic kids site - My kids love the cute mascots for the Olympics.

    Thanks for sharing your family's fun.

    Sue Kirchner - Tips & Ideas for Family Fun

  8. Sounds like fun! We're so excited too!

    Stopping by from Friday Follow.

    Look forward to reading more of your blog! :)

  9. Hi, new Friday Follower.

    Come visit me at


  10. FUN!

    Happy Friday Follow!

  11. Following from Follow Me Friday. What a great idea for the opening night of the Olympics. LOVE IT!

  12. Oh, please take pictures and post them! This just sounds awesome!!

    (And thanks for linking to my bingo game, too! :) )

  13. Lovely blog!!! Rice Krispie torches!!!??? What a fantastic idea.

    Following you now for Follow Fridays.
