Thursday, February 11, 2010

Random Dozen ~ Valentine's Day Edition

Hello dear friends!! I'm busy in "party planning" mode ~ with my "Let the Games Begin" Celebration this weekend, and then our Valentine's Day party on Sunday (I'll be sharing my Valentine's Day ideas here on Friday). For today, I thought a little randomness would be fun! Enjoy! :)

1. Are you pleasant when you're ill, or are you a grumpy, fussy patient?

I think I'm pretty pleasant (but I'll double check with John). I'm definitely not fussy, hopefully not grumpy. My biggest problem is being a patient ~ I'd rather "tough it out" than go to bed and rest.

Here are John's thoughts... "You pretend you aren’t sick and don’t listen to Dr. John’s instructions." :)

2. When you find out that school is canceled (due to inclement weather) what is your gut reaction?

Usually I am THRILLED to have the kids home with me. We participate in our Snow Day Shuffle
, and have a GREAT time!

However, Wednesday's (yesterday) snow day was hard for me. My schedule has been pretty full lately, and I was going to have Wednesday completely free and "kid-less" from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. I could hardly wait! So imagine my disappointment when school was cancelled. Ahhh!

3. What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve?

I wish I saw the joy in ironing. I don't. Thankfully, John irons for our family. :)

4. Do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day?

Are you kidding me...I decorate our home for EVERY HOLIDAY!! :)

5. What song is on your mind today?

Actually, no song. I've been listening to a teaching in my van, and have a soft, wordless CD going in the background at my home.

6. Do you prefer contemporary movies or classic?

Any movies with a message. I'm very picky about what I watch. Or something fun with the kids.

7. How well do you "compartmentalize" your feelings? For example, how well can you put aside a really trying moment to deal with the immediate situation which is not related to the trying moment, e.g., putting aside a tiff with your spouse in order to finish wallpapering a room.

Not well at all. I try to live at peace with everyone at all times. Even on Friday, I felt like my words were a bit "snippy" to my mom (I didn't mean them to be, but I could see how my mom received them that way). I called her right away, and told her I was really sorry and to please forgive me.

I prefer to deal with conflict (quickly), and honestly, and to ask for forgiveness. In the example shared above, I would need to work things out with John before wallpapering a room.

8. What is the first thing that attracted you to your spouse?

When I first met John, I was a single mom, grieving the loss of my fiance (who had been tragically killed in a freak workplace accident ~ more here).

John would come and help me (and my son Jake) ~ mowing our lawn, fixing our cars, helping Jake with school work, whatever the need. John would listen to me cry for hours, as I was journeying through this valley of grief. I was not looking for a boyfriend ~ just needed a friend to listen and care ~ and John was that person.

Many months later, as I continued to work through the grief and God began slowly healing my broken heart, I realized what an absolute gift John Bultema was! Handsome, Godly, caring, helpful, wise, and so much more!! I quickly came to my senses and asked him out on a date!! :) Thankfully John said Yes! :)

9. When was the last time your heart raced?

Last week, right before I was scheduled to start speaking at the Neland Church Women's Retreat
. As much as I love sharing God's faithfulness and goodness, I am not a "natural" upfront person (although most people comment they would never know this about me). Thankfully, the Lord has supplied an amazing group of women to pray me through!

And may my heart always race whenever I go before a group ~ that way I'm leaning on His strength and not mine!

10. What are your memories of Valentine's Day at school?

Parties! :)

11. If you were going to receive candy for Valentine's Day, which would you prefer?

Skip the candy and bring me a skinny vanilla latte. :)

12. Red or pink?

Definitely pink. I have red hair ~ I stay far away from red!!

What about for you?? Do you have any special Valentine's Day memories from childhood?? Do you prefer pink or red?? Favorite candy?? I'd love to hear from you!!!!

Many blessings to you!!

P.S. Once again, a huge note of thanks to Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee for sponsoring the Random Dozen. We appreciate you, Linda! :)


  1. Great list! I don't like to iron and I am not super good at it. Probably means I need more practice. Can't believe I just admitted that.

    PS: Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.

  2. Ironing. Yuck. hehe :D

    It was fun reading all of this.
    It was so much fun I've decided to join on in!

    Happy Thursday!

  3. Love this list! I'm going to copy it and post it tomorrow I think! Thanks! Have a great day!

  4. Glad you joined us today! Enjoyed all your answers. Sometimes the best hubby's are those that start as friends. This is my first time here... I will be back!

    until next time... nel

  5. I love all this randomness!

    My favorite valentine's memory? Marrying my sweetie 25 years ago on Valentine's Day!

    Love your Blog!

  6. Wow - I love this, great blog! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hi Cindy,

    Thanks so much for the follow! I just came over to thank you and return the favor and now I feel like I know so much about you from this post.

    Wow, a husband who IRONS!!! I would faint! Seriously. lol

    Bless you!
