Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kid-Friendly Olympics/Valentine's Celebration Update :)

Hello dear bloggy Friends!! :)

I hope you've had a GREAT week! I once heard someone say,

"Life should not just be lived, it should be CELEBRATED!".

I love it! :) I try to make every day a CELEBRATION ~ for me, my family and our friends! This past week has been no exception!! Here are some fun photo highlights from our recent Celebrations!!

I mentioned last week we were excited for our Let the Games Begin ~ Olympics Celebration (recap
here). We had a BLAST!!

Our Olympics Celebration had Winter Olympics color sheets and crafts...

Rice Krispie Treat torches....

And, of course, Olympic~size tacos (you can see some of our party decorations behind the boys in this picture)....

A great time was had by all!! It's not too late to celebrate the Olympics with your family. The evening of closing ceremonies is also a fun time to "mark the moment"! :) What fun! :)

And, then, of course there was Valentine's Day. My favorite holiday of all! (Read more

It wouldn't be a holiday without tattoos...

Valentine's Day BINGO....

And My Valentine......

What have you been up to lately?? Have you been enjoying the Olympics?? Did you celebrate Valentine's Day??
I'd love to hear from you!!

Have a SUPER day!! Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!

God's richest blessings to you!!

P.S. Please know my love for LIFE and CELEBRATING each day comes from my deep desire to experience all that Jesus has for me! :)

This hasn't always been the fact, I didn't come to know Jesus until I was almost 30 years old. If you have questions about faith or wrestle with wondering, "God, where are you??" ~ I'd love to join you on your journey. Please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail. You are not alone! :)


  1. Oh, what a fun Mommy! We haven't even watched the Olympics (shhhh).

    I truly need to do more fun things for my daughter. Can you come rub off on me. Ha.


  2. This looks like so much fun!

    I just wanted to let you know that you have an award over at my blog. Come on over and get it!

  3. Hey I am stopping by from Friday Follow.
    Nice to meet you.
    Stop by and let me know when you follow me back.

    Bless the Lord
    @Buttons and Bows

  4. Hi, I am following from friday follow!I am following you!
    Stop by and visit me at,

  5. Looks like you all had so much fun!!
    I love the Olympic Celebration!! How neat :)

    Happy "Friday Follow"!! I'm your newest follower! Love for you to come visit me!

    Have a great weekend :)
    ~Shelley @ Shelley's Swag

  6. Looks like a lot of fun!

    Following from Friday Follow

  7. We DID celebrate Valentine's Day...picture lots of glue, beads, markers, foam hearts, love and fun!

    I'm so glad I found you, with the help of Friday follow, Sparkle Girl - nice to meet you!

    Would you follow me back?

    Kelly from Kelly's Lucky You

  8. That sounds like so much fun!

    I'm following you from Friday Follow!

  9. Hello, Follow Me Friday follower.

  10. Wow you go all out for events! Following from Friday Follow on Monday! Hope you have a great week.

  11. I love the layout of your blog it's very nice! Following you from Friday's follow. You can visit me at
