Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday ~ Blessed in the Mess

Hello dear Friends!

It's Thankful Thursday and Iris from Grace Alone is our host! :)

I'll be honest ~ I am intentionally choosing "gratitude" today. It's been a long week filled with sickness, challenges, struggles, long to-do lists, cancelled appointments (due to sick kids), and more!

But today, I will choose gratitude. I will choose joy. I will thank God for the new load of laundry. I will thank God that my son made it to the bucket rather than the carpet. I will choose peace in the midst of our chaos. I have a choice....and I choose to thank Him! :)

I've been sitting on the couch watching Olympics with my sick little guy, naming my blessings one by one. So many. Not doubt about it ~ even in the midst of our struggles ~ I am blessed.

Here is my Top 5 Thankful Thursday list for today....

1. My Family ~ John, Jake, Benj, Manda & Sarah

What would I do without my gang?! :) Boy do they fill my life with JOY! :)
2. Magnificent Monday Bible Study ~

I shared last week that our new Winter Bible study is AMAZING!! God has put such a special love in my heart for each and every woman that attends on Monday nights (all 90+)! They are committed to "do the thing" and not just show up at a social gathering for snacks and giggles.

These women inspire me, teach me, make me laugh, make me cry. Monday's are a highlight of my week! To give you a is a sweet note I received just this week....

... Cindy, once again you have picked a study that is pushing me to look at myself in the light of God's truth and it's forcing me out of some comfortable but destructive places.

I have so much respect for you and I want you to know that whenever I look at you on Monday night the prayer in my heart is that someday I will be as free as you are.

That someday I will finally know deep in my heart who I really am in Christ and be able to live out of that....

See what I mean?? God is doing a powerful work in our midst, and I'm so grateful to watch Him in action! :)

3. My 40th Birthday is coming....

And you know me, I love to celebrate!! My dear friends Nick and Julie came over last night to go the party plan rolling!!

Mark your calendars....May 8, 2010 ~ fun! fun! fun! :)

Want to guess what we'll be doing for my 40th Birthday???? (And I'm so thankful for my mom to be willing to underwrite the cost ~ you are so generous, Mom!! :) )

4. My dear Mentor ~ Mary Swierenga

For years and years I prayed very specifically that God would bring a Godly mentor into my life. God is so faithful ~ over the years, not only did He supply me one ~ He has blessed me with MANY! :)

God has brought leadership mentors, mom mentors, mentors in prayer and marriage and public speaking into my life. And then, a few years ago, the Lord graciously introduced me to Mary Swierenga. Although we go to different churches, our paths crossed. Mary is an amazing, seasoned Bible teacher, prayer warrior, and woman of the Lord. I cherish our times together. Here we are studying in her office last week...

Mary always reminds me to point others to the Scripture "since the power is in the Word!" ("Give 'em the meat, Cindy" ~ she always says!) I am so thankful for her presence and mentoring in my life!

5. My kids' school ~ Grand Rapids Christian Schools

John and I prayed and prayed for the right teachers for our kids. This week we had conferences for our 3 youngest. Boy are we blessed! Each teacher is the exact right fit for our kids' unique personalities. Thank you Mrs. Minnema, Ms. Rozendal, and Mrs. Malefyt. We thank God for you! :)

And our son Jake is having a fabulous year at the high school. We are so grateful! :)

Whew!! I'm feeling better already! Isn't gratitude a beautiful thing?! :)

I also am thankful for my parents, in-laws, and friends for all of their help this week. Wouldn't have made it without the extra support! Thank you so very much!!

What about for you?? On this Thankful Thursday, what are you thankful for today?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Many blessings to you!

P.S. Be sure to stop by tomorrow ~ I have a new great book GIVEAWAY! I'll give you a's written by the author of my favorite book of 2009.


  1. Cindy,
    Such a beautiful SMILE!
    I can hear your personality in your writing......

    What a list of blessing! My first visit but truly enjoyed......

    Yes... I to chose to be joyful.


  2. Such a good reminder for all of us to see the joy in the little things - even in the things that could be viewed as only negative.

  3. Hoping your little one is feeling better. It is always great to have a godly mentor.
    Blessings, andrea

  4. Cindy,
    Thank you for choosing Gratitude and choosing to share this post!

  5. Beautiful!

    Stopping by from Fri Follows - I'm a new follower! Love to have you stop by:

  6. What a wonderful list. I love to hear how your study is going well! That makes me smile. :)

  7. Beautiful family!

    Happy Friday Follow! Nice to meet you :-)

  8. You have such a beautiful family and what a great post!
    Have a wonderful Friday

  9. aww, what wonderful blessings! a super sweet post! xoxo LA

  10. Cindy-- it's lovely to meet you! And you do sparkle! : ) I loved reading everything you're thankful for--it reminds me of ALL that I have to thank my Jesus for as well!!

  11. Hey There Im a new follower from Friday Follow #7! Hope to see you around my blog sometime! :)

  12. Hi just stopping in to say Hi from Friday Follow!

    Happy Friday!


  13. I like your Thankful Thursday. Very nice idea.

    I am a new follower from Friday follow. Hope you come by and follow me too.

  14. I found your great blog from Follow Friday Blog hop. Now following!

  15. You have a beautiful family! New Follower from Friday Follow! Hmmm intrigued now, wonder whats happening on your birthday...

  16. Since "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" I am sure your little guy is feeling better after his time on the couch with you. :) The Lord is so good. Today I am thankful to see sunshine, to have quiet, to see love between family members, to have the privilege of serving God, and for His precious Word that lights my path. Yes, gratitude is SUCH a good thing!

  17. What a great list, and a wonderful family!Happy Friday! Thank Goodness it's almost the weekend, huh? I'm here from Friday Follow, and I'm your newest follower!

    I'd love if you's check out my blog too!


  18. Great blog! I am a new follower from Friday Follow! Please come check out my blog too sometimes!

  19. Hello, I am your newest follower through Friday Follow! Feel free to follow me also!

  20. Happy Friday Follow from Aubut Family! Hope to see you over at my blog too! :)

  21. What a lovely post this is! We have a lot to be thankful for, and you put it in such wonderful perspective!

  22. What a gorgeous family photo, Cindy! God has blessed you richly!

    Have a wonderful week!

