Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm Home ~ Contentment Retreat Recap

Hello dear friends!! Happy Monday to you! :)

This weekend was the 'Cultivating Contentment' retreat! Woo Hoo! I have been praying, preparing and looking forward to this retreat for months (even in the midst of my fire adventure)! It was so awesome to see it all come together! Thank you for all of your prayers ! :)

And what an amazing time I had with the women from Neland Christian Reformed Church! The women were warm, fun, kind, and desiring to grow deeper in their walk with Jesus.

The Neland Retreat Committee did such an amazing job ~ here's a picture of me with my new committee friends! :)

It would be so hard to summarize all that I learned about Contentment on this I won't try. :) But may I just remind you that we, too, can learn how to live a life of contentment...regardless of our circumstances.

We do not have to live decieved that we will be content when our circumstances change. You know how it goes....

If only I could lose a little weight,
If only I had the right job,
When I get married, I’ll be content.

When we get a bigger house,
If only my kids would stop making messes,
If only I could go on vacation,
If only my husband would communicate more,
If only I had a Starbucks latte, and of course,
If only I had more $$ (and lots of it, really)....then I would be content.

How about for you?? Do you ever wrestle with the
"if only________, then ____________."
Our circumstances will never bring us true contentment, will they?!

Only Jesus :)
Thank you, dear Neland church, for your warm welcome and amazing time of fellowship together.

Thank you, Prayer warriors and dear friends, for praying me through this incredible opportunity! The Lord used you more than you know!

Thank you, Mom & Dad, for keeping the kids 3 Friday's in a row so I could pray and prepare. And for all the extra things you do to help keep our life sane. :) I am so grateful!!

Thank you, Julie, for joining me again on another adventure. Can't wait to see where the Lord brings us next!

And a huge note of THANKS to John and the kids. For the 2 dozen flowers to brighten my day. For letting Mom out of the house to share Jesus with others. You bring me so much JOY! I am blessed indeed!

May the Lord bless you and keep you this week and fill your days with an abundance of Him!!!

P.S. It's a Magnificent Monday today ~ Bible Study starts tonight!! Can't wait to share about our 'Thought Closets'!! Woo Hoo!! :)


  1. So happy to hear that it was full and sweet!

  2. Your words came at the perfect time.
    I have been wrestling with the if I could only loose the weight, if I could only find a job I love that loves me back for a while.

    Thank you...


  3. Bethany, Thank you for sharing how you are "really" doing today. May the Lord continue to remind you that you are loved, significant, and special to Him ~ regardless of your pants size and job situation. May He fulfill the longings of your heart. He has good plans for you ~ may you continue to see His hand at work all around you. You are not alone.
    In Him,
    Cindy :)

  4. Great post! I think it's important that we teach our children the joy of living a life of contentment also! Thanks for commenting on my blog!
