Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You are Enough!

Happy Wednesday to you!! As many of you know, I am waist high in a number of exciting, yet overwhelming, projects right now. I'm leaving tomorrow (Thursday) to head to the She Speaks Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina for 4 days. Woo Hoo!! I've been busy preparing my talks, praying, shopping, packing, giving John & the kids extra hugs, and so much more! Whew ~ what a week already!

This morning during my quiet time, I came across a commissioning statement tucked away in my Bible written by Beth Moore. I saved it for days just like this.

I pulled out the commissioning statement and prayed it aloud in faith. Boy did it help! I stood to my feet and read it aloud again as a prayer for Julie, a bloggy friend from Tennesse. And then for Marie, a sister from Grand Rapids driving to She Speaks from Michigan. And for Stephanie, a new friend from down south, who I'll meet this weekend, introduced by a Texas sister.

I just love the Kingdom of God, don't you??!

And now, dear ones, I am praying it for you...

My Dear Sister/Brother,
The God of Glory
Has called you.
You have a ministry.
In Christ, you are enough for that ministry.
Never forget that showing God off is your ministry.
No matter what,
Keep your heart in your ministry.
Unveil your face
And serve others with authenticity.
Always remember
That the power is in God's Presence.
Let nothing
Come between you
And intimacy with God.
Keep moving forward
From glory to glory.
Let God thin that veil.
Remember, ministry is not about position.
It's about people.
Let name after name
Be written on your heart.
Do not seek great things for yourself,
Seek a great God.
As you leave this place,
Go in a fresh anointing.
He who turns water into wine
Turns wimps into warriors.
You have a ministry.
Go fulfill it!!

~ Beth Moore

In Christ, WE ARE WARRIORS not wimps!


Oh how I needed that reminder!! It's not about me having the perfect talk this weekend, a trendy outfit, a stylish haircut, or even a flawless presentation. As long as I seek Him and His presence, regardless of the outcome, it's going to be good!

What about for you?

What is God currently asking you to do which seems too big, too much, or like you are just not nearly qualified enough??

Do you need a fresh measure of His presence??

Do you need a reminder that in Christ, regardless of your circumstances, YOU, dear sister, ARE ENOUGH!!!

May I encourage you to print off Beth's commissioning statement and tuck it away in your Bible. You'll never know when you too might be encouraged by her powerful, Truth-filled words!

Well, I'm headed back to my packing. I'm still feeling like I have way to much to do and not nearly enough time to make it all happen ~ but I'm prayed up, got my tennis shoes on, and I'm wearing lipstick. Somehow that makes me feel much better. :)

Have a fun-filled, life-giving week!! God's richest blessings to you~

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tasty Tuesday: 5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad

The winner of my Divine Design GIVEAWAY is one of *She Sparkles* latest followers... Amanda. A HUGE thank you to all who entered! And Sharla, thanks for writing an amazing Bible study!

It's Tuesday, so you know what that means ~ Taco Tuesday at our house!

Tonight, however, rather than our typical Taco Bar (recap here), I'm going a different Tasteful Tuesday route!

(I'm gearing up for the She Speaks conference this weekend ~ which also means my life is crazy as I'm shopping, packing, writing, coordinating family life while I'm gone, AND preparing to fly to North Carolina for 4 days ~ Whew! But that's a whole different post... )

Needless to say, tonight's dinner needs to be quick, healthy, family-friendly, and easy. Here is my all-time favorite, very simple Southwest Salad. It will be perfect for today!

5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad

6 cups torn romaine lettuce

1 can (15 oz.) black beans, rinsed, drained
1 can (11 oz.) whole kernel corn, drained (or 1 cup frozen corn, thawed)
3/4 cup Salsa
1/2 cup Mexican Style Shredded Cheddar Jack Cheese
1/2 cup Ranch Dressing
1 cup broken tortilla chips

Arrange lettuce in bottom of glass serving bowl or on a serving plate.

Layer beans, corn, salsa, and cheese evenly over top.
Drizzle with dressing; top with chips. Enjoy!

Photo courtesy of Kraft Recipes

Thankfully my mother-in-love brought delicious corn muffins over yesterday (thanks, Jackie!). They should go perfect with this salad. Yum!!
I also like to make this salad when friends come over for lunch. It's a success every time!
What's for dinner at your house tonight?? I'd love to hear your Tasty Tuesday ideas!!

And for more great recipes, head over to Tempt Your Tummy Tuesday, Dining With Debbie, and Tuesday's at the Table recipe exchanges. What fun!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thorn in the Flesh ~ Monday night!!

For my West Michigan Friends...

Just a reminder this Monday, July 26th will be a NEW "
Mondays with Beth" Bible Study gathering!! Woo Hoo!!

As you know, this summer we switched from our "normal" Monday night teaching routine and, instead, are hosting "Monday's with Beth". We've been sharing powerful teachings from one of my favorite Bible teachers, Beth Moore!! The response has been phenonemal, and this week will be our last week together already. Where did the time go??

This Monday's teaching is called "Thorn in the Flesh". Beth's message is powerful, funny, and full of life application. The teachings do not build on one another, so if this is the first week you can join us ~ don't worry ~ you have not missed a thing!!

Whether you are a new believer, have been studying the Bible your whole life, or still trying to figure this whole "Jesus thing" out ~ we would love to have you join us!

We'll start Monday night at 7:00 PM in the Sunshine Sanctuary. The teaching is 1 hour in length, and then we’ll have time for food & fellowship afterwards. Last week's dessert choice ~ STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE ~ was so well received we're doing it again! Strawberry Shortcake for all, plus the free cappuccino/coffee bar will be open too!! Yum!!

Come as you are, bring your Bible, and sit back and get ready to dig deep in the Word. No homework. No cost. Regardless of your church home, all women are welcome!!

What do you have planned for Monday night?? Why not call a friend, drive out together to Sunshine, and join the FUN!! We would love to see you there!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an AMAZING, joy-filled week!!

God's richest blessings to you~

P.S. Another fun thing about this Monday ~I'll also be sharing a "sneak peek" into what we'll be studying together this Fall. You won't want to miss the special announcement!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things I Love Thursday: Divine Design (& GIVEAWAY)

Recently I had the opportunity to attend Carol Kent's Speak Up with Confidence ~ an awesome seminar for anyone wanting to grow in their speaking and writing skills.

I've attended Speak Up in the past, but this summer, I was knee deep in writing a book proposal (which is a HUGE task, by the way)! I decided being surrounded by gifted speakers and writers would be a good idea (and hopefully give me the determination to keep plugging away on my proposal).

Imagine my delight when a dear woman (I now know is named Sharla) sat down next to me on Friday morning. Our conversation went something like this....

Sharla: So what brings you to Speak Up?

Me: Well, I'm working on this book proposal, but I'm just struggling with it, it's so hard, I'm not sure what to do, I don't even have a book title... (or something whiney like that...)

Sharla: Oh, really. Maybe I could help you, Cindy. I just worked on a book proposal, so I've done it before and (kind of under her breath) ~ my book just came out this week.

Me: What?? (almost jumping out of my seat) You just published a book? Aren't you so excited?? WOW!! Do you have it with you??

Sharla: Oh yeah, they arrived this week just as I was leaving home in the Chicago area. (And she gently pulls this beautiful book out of her bag...)

Sharla became my new best friend at Speak Up. Over the next few days, we were inseparable. Not just because she wrote an amazing book...but because Sharla is so very sweet, humble, kind, helpful, encouraging, and the first day we were even dressed alike! :)

(To give you an example of how amazing she is ~ one morning Sharla shared she couldn't sleep the night before, so she was up in the night thinking and praying for book titles for me. What a blessing!)

Here I am with Sharla on our last day at Speak Up ~

Sharla graciously sent me a copy of Divine Design to look through and give away. Here's a brief intro from the back of the book....

...Divine Design: 40 Days of Spiritual Makeover will lead you through a different kind of transformation: an alteration of attitude. Your journey through these pages will, by God's grace, enable you to experience a spiritual makeover that will transform your heart...For individuals and small groups, this 8 week Bible study contains true stories and encouragement that will change you, transform you, and make you new!

I have to tell you ~ Divine Design is incredible! I am blown away by Sharla's writing skill, Bible knowledge, insight, practical application, and wisdom. If you are looking for a personal Bible study (or one for your small group) ~ you'll want to check out Divine Design!

You'll enjoy chapters like...

Week 1: What to Wear - Wardrobe Woes

Week 2: Controlling Behavior - Hang Up the Field Marshal Uniform

Week 3: Worry - Let's Bag This Accessory!

Week 4: Pride - Purge the Prom Dress!

Week 6: Selfishness: Boot out the Boots

Week 8: Look in the Mirror: A New You!

I am pleased to share Divine Design by Sharla Fritz with one blessed *She Sparkles* friend! I must confess, I'm keeping the one Sharla sent me (I couldn't resist! It's that good!) ~ but I'll buy a new one from Amazon to giveaway!

To win my giveaway and receive Sharla's Divine Design Bible Study, please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following question:

Why would you like to win Divine Design??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, July 22nd and ends Sunday, July 25th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of July 26th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at
with the subject "Giveaway".

For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over to my real-life neighbor Jill at The Diaper Diaries. You'll be glad you did! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! Have an amazing day filled with much joy, life, and laughter!! I thank God for you!!

P.S. Note to my dear friend Sharla: Can I just tell you...job well done! I can't believe this is your first Bible study! God has given you a gift, friend! When will Study #2 be released??

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Works for Me Wednesday: Kids Gratitude Journals

Have you ever seen a group of whiny, ungrateful kids with the "gimmes"? That's exactly the direction our children were heading! Yuck!

My husband John and I started being very intentional with our kids to help them develop a genuine spirit of thankfulness. We quickly realized the importance of teaching and modeling gratitude to our kids (and just at Thanksgiving was not going to be enough!) We needed a plan!

Last summer, we started Gratitude Journals. (I picked up a whole assortment of journals from Party City for 99 Cents. You could also make your own journal by just stapling paper together. We did that when Jake was younger and we still have his!).

Each morning, the kids write (or draw) in their Gratitude Journal. I originally asked them to write/draw 5 things that they are grateful for (or want to say "thank you" to God for). And most days, it works (but not always).
For my littler ones, usually one or two pictures is what they are able to do. That's ok. Mostly I'm trying to instill a habit of stopping and reflecting on the many blessings they have in their lives. It's definitely a process, but it feels good to have started the journey.
And wouldn't that be awesome if they continue this habit into their adult years?? Oh, a mom can pray!! :)

Once a week, we sit around the table and share with each other some of the things we have listed in our journal. I think it's important for the kids to get comfortable with sharing their feelings aloud, and it's also a blessing for us to hear what we are each grateful for.

Imagine my surprise (and delight!) when I saw one of my little Sarah's drawings. She shared she is thankful for a home that is filled with love! Oh, thank You God!!

In the book of 1 Thessalonians, the apostle Paul reminds us to "give thanks in all circumstances".

In the midst of a hot, tiring, exhausting week...I'm thankful for Jesus and life in His Name, my husband/best friend John, my four precious kids that bring me so much JOY (even if they wear me out), for our home, my family that all lives so close, for ministry opportunities, the many amazing friends God has blessed me with, and His powerful Word. I could go on and on. Thank You, Lord!! I woke up tired and weary and not ready for another full day, but by stopping and listing a few of my many blessings, it has helped get my focus back Up. I'm off to go draw in my Gratitude Journal!! And that Works for Me....

What are you thankful for today?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a Wonderful, joy~filled Wednesday!!!

P.S. For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, head on over to visit Kristen at We are that Family. You'll be so glad you did! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tasty Tuesday: Taco Hotdish

The winner of my "What A Crock!" crockpot cookbook GIVEAWAY is Michelle from Lost in the Prairies...found by God. Thank you to all who entered!

It's Tuesday, so you know what that means ~ Taco Tuesday at our house!

Tonight, however, rather than our typical Taco Bar (recap here), I'm making a Bultema Family Favorite ~ Taco Hot Dish!

This Taco Hotdish recipe is originally from my dear mother-in-love Jackie. It's simple, inexpensive, kid~friendly, and is GREAT to make ahead and then throw in the oven later. I've also made Taco Hotdish a number of times when bringing a meal to someone, and I've been asked for the recipe everytime. Enjoy!!

The Bultema Family Taco Hot Dish

1 package crescent rolls
1 ½ - 2 lbs. ground beef (I use sirloin)
¾ lb. nacho cheese Tostitos (I use Baked Doritos)
2 pkg taco seasoning (I usually only use 1 pkg)
8 oz. sour cream
8 oz. mozzarella cheese
8 oz. cheddar cheese
2 cups water

Put crescent rolls in the bottom of a greased 9 x 13 pan. Brown and drain ground beef. Add the taco seasoning and 2 cups water. Cook 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. While meat is browning, crush bag of Tostitos and put ½ of them over rolls. Next, put on the meat mixture, spread sour cream over meat, layer cheeses next and top with remaining crushed Tostitos.

Bake at 350 degrees ~ 20 minutes covered, 5 minutes uncovered. Yum! :)

What's for dinner at your house tonight?? I'd love to hear your Tasty Tuesday ideas!!

And for more great recipes, head over to Tempt Your Tummy Tuesday, Dining With Debbie, and Tuesday's at the Table recipe exchanges. What fun!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!!

Monday, July 19, 2010 all its FULLNESS!

Hey Friends!
I hope you had a GREAT weekend!! In case you were wondering what happened to me last week, here's what I've been up to....

* Celebrating Jake!

Many of you know the very special relationship I have with my first born son Jake. Here he is at the age of 6 on my wedding day (August 2000). Is he not too cute???

Last week he turned 16 (yes, 16!)...which meant going with him to get his driver's license! My baby is driving on his own ~ I can hardly believe it!

But he still let his mom take him out to lunch! :)

I've also been...

* Hanging out at the zoo with my gang

Isn't my little Sarah adorable? It's not every day a giraffe tries to give you a big kiss!

* Enjoying our boat

OK, so I'm not much of a boat girl, but I'm trying... I sure enjoy the family time out in God's beautiful creation though!

* And our new Family sport....

After years and years of being a hockey mom, the kids have taken on a new sport ~ SOCCER!! We spent the weekend running around a soccer field, so the kids could get warmed up for soccer camp this week!

Enough about me...what have you been up to lately?? What Summer Fun activities are you enjoying?? I'd love to hear from you!!
Have an amazing, life-giving week filled with God's richest blessings!!

P.S. Coming up this week on *She Sparkles*.....I can't wait to share with you what I learned from a Life Coach, I have GREAT giveaways to share, we'll continue our conversation on body image (esp. NO MORE FAT TALK ~ recap here and here), and a Fantastic Friday Family Fun idea!

Please come back and join us!! :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Living Forgiving ~ COMING SOON!

For my West Michigan Friends...

Just a reminder this Monday, July 19th will be a NEW "
Mondays with Beth" Bible Study gathering!! Woo Hoo!!

As you know, this summer, we are switching from our "normal" Monday night teaching routine and hosting "Monday's with Beth". We have powerful teachings from one of our all-time favorite Bible teachers, Beth Moore, and can't wait to share them with you!!

This week's teaching is called "Living Forgiving". It's awesome ~ Beth's teaching is powerful, funny, and full of life application.
The teachings do not build on one another, so if this is the first week you can join us ~ don't worry ~ you have not missed a thing!!

Whether you are a new believer, have been studying the Bible your whole life, or still trying to figure this whole "Jesus thing" out ~ we would love to have you join us!

We'll start Monday night at 7:00 PM in the Sunshine Sanctuary. The teaching is 1 hour in length, and then we’ll have time for food & fellowship afterwards....STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE this week, plus the free cappuccino/coffee bar will be open too!! Yum!!

Come as you are, bring your Bible, and sit back and get ready to dig deep in the Word. No homework. No cost. Regardless of your church home, all women are welcome!!

What do you have planned for Monday night?? Why not call a friend, drive out together to Sunshine, and join the FUN!! We would love to see you there!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an AMAZING, joy-filled week!!

God's richest blessings to you~

P.S. Next week Monday, July 26th, will be our last Monday's with Beth....

but we sense God is planning a FUN JOURNEY for Fall....

Please prayerfully beginning now about joining us! :) More details to follow......

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

True Confession Time

Hey friends! I'm heading out to play with my gang today (at a park, not a pool) ~ but wanted to take a moment and share a very real struggle that I wrestle with....(unfortunately this is a repeat from last year, and I still have the same issue ~ AHHH!)!

However, the GOOD NEWS ~ I am growing in this area...and will share more this week how I am experiencing VICTORY, and where YOU can find it too.....

OK, true confession time.

I hate bathing suit season.

Those are strong words (we don't even use the "h" word in our home)...but I'm being painfully honest. Something about being in a bathing suit out in public magnifies every single fear and insecurity that I have.

I'm sorry if I've disappointed you. I just need to get this off of my chest.

I know the Truth. I know that I am loved, accepted, and chosen just the way that I am. I know that my body is just a physical shell, and that what really matters is on the inside. I know that what my kids will remember someday is their mom having fun in the water with them. Splashing alongside of them. Helping them learn to swim. Cheering as they go down the big slide!

I know my kids don't know if I wear a size 4 or 14 or 24 (and truth be told, they don't care).

And I know my friends don't care either.

I'm really good at encouraging my friends and reminding them how beautiful they are ~ inside and out. And I mean it sincerely.

I also know that I hate bathing suit season.

I hope that by the end of the summer I will share with you how my mind was so renewed by the Truth that I frolicked all day long at the pool with my kids and enjoyed every single minute of it.

I hope to tell you that this was the year I finally ripped down all of those lies and embraced the Truth of who God created me to be. I hope this is the year that I celebrate the victory that is mine in Christ!

What does victory look like? For me, it's not even about being a certain size. It's more about not allowing the world's standards to define me...and knowing (and receiving) the love and acceptance that God has for me. Just the way that I am.

But for today I feel led to share that this is a very real struggle. And it is sad for me. I desire to live a full, free life in Christ ~ and this is one area that I have so much work to do.

What about for you?? What is God teaching you this season?

Are there areas in your life where you are allowing lies to hold you back from being all that God has created for you to be?? I would love to hear from you!

May this Summer be a season of Truth and Freedom and Victory for each and every one of us!! For His purpose and His Glory alone!!

Let's pray... Dear Lord, Thank You that You are a God of Truth. Thank You for Jesus...and that in Him we can live a full, free, abundant life. Thank You for molding us, shaping us, growing us to be more and more like You. Lord I pray for each one of us...that You would rip down any lies that we have believed for way too long (the lie that says we are not_______ enough) ~ and I pray that You would replace the lie with TRUTH ~ that in You we are MORE than enough. Thank You for hearing our prayer and for the assurance of VICTORY in You.
In Jesus' Life Changing Name I pray. Amen.

P.S. Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! Have an amazing, life-giving day!! :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

God's Purpose for You

Have you ever wondered what God's plan is for your life? What your purpose might be in this generation?? Does God even have a purpose for you??

Have you ever wondered...

For me personally, I wrestled with my purpose for many years. In fact, I didn't think I had any purpose! It wasn't until the age of 26, after hitting rock bottom in my life that I began to view life differently.

Thankfully, in 1996, an amazing Godly woman shared with me, for the very first time, Jeremiah 29:11.

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Somehow a light bulb went off in my heart, and I finally started to believe that God had a plan for me (the real me) and that He had a purpose for my future.

Now, if you would have told me then it involved Bible teaching and speaking to large women's groups, I would have thought you were crazy!

I mean, I was a 26 year old single mom, waiting tables for a living, thousands of dollars in debt, and struggling with a cocaine addiction...and yet, God had a plan for me?! There's a purpose for me to be here, at this time, in this generation?! Wow!

And now, since I've given my heart to Him ~ I just love watching Him rebuild, restore, renew and redeem!! Woo Hoo!!

Please know, this same God has a plan for YOU! You have purpose! Regardless of where you have been, in spite of what you have done ~ you, dear friend, are significant and special to Him! He has a unique purpose for YOU!

I recently watched a powerful teaching by Beth Moore on this life-changing topic ~ "God's Purpose for You". Here's a brief clip....

I'm pleased to announce we'll be showing this amazing teaching in its entirety this Monday, July 12th, at 7:00 PM in Grand Rapids, Michigan @ Sunshine Church!! Yippee!

I shared with you recently the journey of our Magnificent Monday Night Bible Study (recap here). This summer, we are switching from our "normal" routine and hosting "Monday's with Beth". We have terrific teachings (like this one) from our all-time favorite Bible teacher, Beth Moore! I can't wait to share them with you!!

Monday’s with Beth is definitely something you will want to invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to! We have a variety of special surprises planned this summer ~ testimonies, live worship, etc..
The teachings are all 1 hour in length, and then we’ll have time for food & fellowship afterwards....root beer floats this week, plus the free coffee/cappuccino bar will be open too! Yum!

Whether you are a new believer, have been studying the Bible your whole life, or still trying to figure this whole "Jesus thing" out ~ we would love to have you join us!
Come as you are, bring your Bible, and sit back and get ready to dig deep in the Word. No homework. No cost. Regardless of your church home, all women are welcome!!

And, just for fun this weekend, if you do not live in the Grand Rapids area, I'd love to hear what Bible study you are currently going through. Tell us more about your Bible study gals. I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an AMAZING, joy-filled weekend!!

P.S.Don't forget.... this Monday, July 12th, 7:00 PM @ Sunshine Church in the Main Sanctuary!! Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions! Hope to see you there! :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Things I Love Thursday: Operation Beautiful

Picture courtesy of Amy taken in Pensacola Beach, Florida

If you haven't had a chance to sign up for my "What a Crock!" Cookbook GIVEAWAY, please join the fun! (Click here for more information). You have until Friday, July 9th to enter. I'd love to hear from you! :)

Have you ever felt not good enough? Not pretty enough? Not thin enough??

For most of my growing up years, I wrestled with a positive self image. At a very young age, I was introduced to "girlie" magazines. I would sneak off and hide under a large office desk and pour over these magazines ~ unknowingly accepting the magazine's definition of beauty and self worth. I grew up believing to be beautiful meant long, flowing, amazing hair, and having a body that was pencil thin with amazing, vulumptious curves.

Unfortunately I was a shy, chubby, red head, and didn't look anything like those magazine girls. And no one ever called me beautiful.

Twenty five years later, only after I was in the midst of a cocaine addiction and lost nearly 70 pounds....did I start to look like those magazine images. I was empty physically, emotionally, spiritually and drowning in the midst of illegal drug use ~ but I was thin.

My grandma said, "Oh Cindy, you are so beautiful now." Really?? Beautiful, now??

The lies, addiction, self-loathing, and negative self talk continued.

Thankfully, in 1996 I met Jesus and my life was forever changed. I now know my worth and value comes from Him! ~ and that His definition of beauty looks NOTHING like the world's. I am beautiful to Him!! Woo Hoo!

I am extremely grateful for a "do-over" in my own life, and the opportunity to raise two daughters who (Lord willing) will have minds filled with the Truth of who God says that they are and what BEAUTY looks like to Him.

But let's be honest. It's not easy.

For me personally, I must continually fill my heart and mind with Truth. I must be intentional about what messages I am allowing into my head. I am extremely careful about what I view on TV, the magazines I read, and the company I keep. (i.e. I cannot look for hours at fitness magazines without picking up the lie that "I'm not good enough" I don't read them). I have great friends in my life who let me know if I start to get "crazy head" again. And daily, I speak aloud words of Truth to myself, my children, and others.

How do you remain victorious in this battle for beauty that we are faced with in our culture today?
A few weeks ago I almost squealed with delight when I came across Operation Beautiful. The goal of the Operation Beautiful website is to end negative self-talk or “Fat Talk.”
The editor, Caitlin shares, "If (Operation Beautiful) only does one productive thing, I hope it helps readers realize how truly toxic negative self-talk is.... The point is that WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL. You are enough... just the way you are!"

Here's an awesome video from the Operation Beautiful site with amazing statistics about how "Fat Talk" is impacting our world....

So how is Operation Beautiful making a difference?? With post-it notes around the world!! :)

Caitlin shares, "I began Operation Beautiful by leaving positive messages on the mirrors of public restrooms — at work, at the gym, at the grocery store. I scribble down whatever comes to mind — "You are beautiful!" or "You are amazing just the way you are!" My personal goal is to leave as many Operation Beautiful notes as I can. Maybe some people read them and just smile, but I bet some people are truly touched by the effort of a random stranger.

Operation Beautiful is simple: all you need is a pen and a piece of paper. If you want to join the mission, send me an e-mail at with a photograph of your Operation Beautiful note or a description of your experience, and I’ll post it on the Operation Beautiful site for thousands of others to read and enjoy!"

Isn't that awesome?? I love how God is using Caitlin and THOUSANDS of others around the WORLD to be a voice of TRUTH to others!

Check out this video to watch Operation Beautiful in action...

Thank you, Operation Beautiful!! May you continue to wallpaper our world with messages of True Beauty!!
And please know if you wrestle with feelings of insecurity, low self worth, or believing just plain old lies, there is LIFE and FREEDOM apart from the Fat Talk. Take it from one who knows ~ LIFE is so much more enjoyable when we are not allowing the world (and/or others) to define us. May we all walk in the TRUTH of who God says that we are! *Beautiful!*

Have an amazing, Truth~filled day!! Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!!

P.S. Who can YOU share "You are beautiful" with today?? Please share a comment after you've shared TRUTH with someone! I'd love to hear from you!

P.S. For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over to visit Jill @ The Diaper Diaries!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Works for Me Wednesday: Dynamite!

Hey Friends! It's a beautiful, hot, sunshiny summer day here in West Michigan, so I'm going to try and quickly get some work done, and then head outdoors to play with my gang! I wanted to share with you a reminder of God's goodness and power (I know I needed this reminder today!), so please enjoy the repeat from earlier this year....

OK, so I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today. It started yesterday with another morning home with my sick daughter. I'm sorry to say it was not a very "Thankful Thursday" for me (until John came home and I could finally go to the store to buy laundry detergent!).

8 days straight of sick kids (can anyone say "stir crazy"?!), busy family life with 4 kids and a high maintenance dog, still feeling under the weather myself, plus...a couple of very important speaking engagements coming up, journeying with close friends through hard stuff, and more!, has left me exhausted and overwhelmed.

I think I need a 2 day nap!!

But then I'm reminded of God's promises, specifically in 2 Corinthians 12:9. Jesus said to the apostle Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness".

I love that word power. In the original Greek language, it is the word 'dunamis' meaning might, strength, great ability. It's where we get the word 'dynamite'. Dynamic power! It is the power of transformation, and - amazingly - it was released for us when Jesus was raised from the dead! (Did you catch that ~ for us!)

I want this POWER in my life! When I am weak (which is daily!) ~ I want to be strong and mighty and full of His dynamic power! I have tried to live life on my own before, and failed miserably. And, Lord willing, I won't go back. What freedom comes when we take the pressure and expectations off of us - and put them back on God and His Word. He is Able!!

As a Christian, we have ALL the POWER we need for ALL the problems we face! Let me say that again..we have ALL the POWER we need for ALL the problems we face! God's incomparably great POWER is available to help us!!

I get so fired up about this! Sometimes I just want to scream from a mountain top, "Where is the POWER??!!" To watch Christian men and women living defeated, empty lives - or even mediocre lives - thinking that's all there is to the Christian life - breaks my heart!! Jesus desires us to live full, abundant, glorious lives in Him!

I'm not sure when this post finds you today...perhaps weary and exhausted like I am? Overwhelmed? In the midst of relationship challenges? Job concerns? Financial pressures? May our weaknesses put God's POWER on display all the more!

Teach us, O Lord, how to live in the fullness of Your power!

Let's pray: Dear God, We acknowledge You as our All-Powerful God! Lord, today we may feel ___________, but the Truth is that in You, we are strong, and able, and mighty! Please release Your power in our lives. We invite You to go to work! Use us, O Lord, for Your Kingdom purposes! For Your Glory alone! Amen.

P.S. For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, take a peek here! Have a fun, power-filled day!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tasty Tuesday...Easiest, Yummiest Chicken Ever ~ plus GIVEAWAY!

Hey Friends! Welcome to Tasty Tuesday! I'm curious...does anyone else wrestle with having a healthy meal ready for your family in the midst of full, hot summer days?? Who wants to spend hours in the kitchen when we could be out playing?? What's a busy woman to do??

Well here is my all-time favorite, easiest, yummiest chicken dish ever!!

I like to make a chicken taco bar (yes, we do have Taco Tuesday's!)

I have all the "fixins" prepared in bowls in the fridge ready to pull out at supper time (lettuce, cheese, salsa, sour cream, tomatoes, taco shells, etc..). The chicken is so easy and delicious!

Chicken Tacos ~ Crockpot style

1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 1.25 oz package taco seasoning mix
1 cup water

Spray inside of slow cooker with cooking spray. Combine chicken, taco seasoning mix, and water and mix well. Cover and cook on low heat for 6-8 hours or high heat for 3-4 hours. Remove chicken and shred with 2 forks. Service in hard or soft tortillas and garnish with your fixins!

We have a counter in our home that serves as our Taco Bar. I bought baskets with liners (so easy and cheap!) for our Taco Night! The kids love it (and so do their friends)! Enjoy!!

And speaking of delicious crockpot meals...a few weeks ago I had the chance to meet Beth Bergen, otherwise known as the Queen of Crockpot Cooking. What a sweetie! We met at the recent Speak Up! Speaker's Conference I attended. Here's a picture of me and Beth (with her crockpot cookbook!)

Beth has been on an amazing journey, and is now writing, speaking, blogging (click here), and whipping up amazing recipes! I was thrilled when she had 3 of her Crockpot cookbooks left! I bought one for myself, gave one to my new friend April, and saved one to give to a blessed *She Sparkles* friend ~ maybe YOU!!!

To win my giveaway and receive Beth's latest Crockpot Cookbook, please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following question:

Why would you like to win Beth's "What a Crock" cookbook??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Tuesday, July 6th and ends Friday, July 9th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of July 12th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

So what's for dinner at your house tonight?? I'd love to hear your Tasty Tuesday ideas!!

Have a GREAT day filled with God's richest blessings!!

P.S. I am participating in Tempt Your Tummy Tuesday, Dining With Debbie, and Tuesday's at the Table recipe exchanges. For more delicious recipes, please check out these links. :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Five Friday Finds: 4th of July Edition (You won't want to miss this video!)

Hey Friends! Happy Friday to you! Are you ready to celebrate the 4th?? Woo Hoo!!

I know I already posted my 4th of July Family Fun ideas (recap here) ~ but I couldn't resist sharing some more amazing 4th of July Finds with you!

Here is my Top 5 list of 4th of July Friday Finds (make sure to scroll through the whole list ~ # 5 is my favorite!)

1. Traci Michele @ Ordinary Inspirations was the first one to introduce me to these Star Spangled Cupcakes. Check them out! Would your kids not love these or what???

You can get more directions to make these amazing creations here!

2. If you are wondering how best to lift our country in prayer for the 4th, there are a number of 4th of July prayers here.

3. If you want to spend some time sharing some 4th of July trivia, you can print off a copy here.

4. If you live in Michigan and are wondering when your favorite parade and/or fireworks are being held, you can check out an up-to-date list here.

5. And last, but certainly not least, please check out this Youtube clip. You will love it! I don't want to ruin the surprise ~ but it does go with our 4th of July theme. Would you believe over 3 million people have watched this talented artist?! (He also happens to be Dave, the brother of my best friend Julie). Enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed my 4th of July Friday Finds! Have a safe, joy-filled 4th of July! Many blessings to you!!

P.S. For more Friday Finds, please visit Traci at Ordinary Inspirations here.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things I Love Thursday: Art From My Table

If you are looking for 4th of July Family Fun ideas, be sure to check out my recent post here!

As I mentioned earlier this week, I will never be known for my fabulous cooking skills (recap here). However, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading and collecting recipes or visiting cooking blogs.

In fact, my all-time favorite cooking blog is Art From My Table. I love it!

Chellie, the chef extraordinaire and blog author of Art From My Table, is passionate about cooking, intentional about serving fresh and whole foods to her family, and does an amazing job of posting creative, healthy, mouth-watering dishes.

When I saw her recipe for Black Bean and Corn Salsa, my mouth began to dance!! Yum!

Jokingly I invited myself to be her official taste tester (believe me, I know salsa!) ~ and Chellie, being the awesome friend and woman that she is, offered to come to my home and prepare it for me and my family. In fact, she offered to prepare a whole meal. WOO HOO!!

The menu I selected: Enchilads verde, the black bean and corn salsa, and then Chellie surprised us with Blueberry Crumble for dessert. What a blessing to have Chellie hard at work in my kitchen, while I was hard at work in my office. I loved hearing the chop, chop, chop from my desk. I think I need a personal chef every day!! :)

Before she left, Chellie taught me how to cut an avocado. Can you believe it? I'm 40 years old and never knew. But no longer! Look at what a serious avocado student I am!

To enjoy the recipes and a photo recap of Chellie's adventure yesterday, head on over to Art From My Table here. Please be sure to introduce yourself to Chellie and let her know you came from *She Sparkles*. I know she'd be glad to meet you!!!

For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over to my real-life neighbor Jill at The Diaper Diaries. (She's also hosting a fabulous giveaway ~ be sure to check it out!)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles* !! Have an amazing, joy-filled 4th of July!