Monday, July 19, 2010 all its FULLNESS!

Hey Friends!
I hope you had a GREAT weekend!! In case you were wondering what happened to me last week, here's what I've been up to....

* Celebrating Jake!

Many of you know the very special relationship I have with my first born son Jake. Here he is at the age of 6 on my wedding day (August 2000). Is he not too cute???

Last week he turned 16 (yes, 16!)...which meant going with him to get his driver's license! My baby is driving on his own ~ I can hardly believe it!

But he still let his mom take him out to lunch! :)

I've also been...

* Hanging out at the zoo with my gang

Isn't my little Sarah adorable? It's not every day a giraffe tries to give you a big kiss!

* Enjoying our boat

OK, so I'm not much of a boat girl, but I'm trying... I sure enjoy the family time out in God's beautiful creation though!

* And our new Family sport....

After years and years of being a hockey mom, the kids have taken on a new sport ~ SOCCER!! We spent the weekend running around a soccer field, so the kids could get warmed up for soccer camp this week!

Enough about me...what have you been up to lately?? What Summer Fun activities are you enjoying?? I'd love to hear from you!!
Have an amazing, life-giving week filled with God's richest blessings!!

P.S. Coming up this week on *She Sparkles*.....I can't wait to share with you what I learned from a Life Coach, I have GREAT giveaways to share, we'll continue our conversation on body image (esp. NO MORE FAT TALK ~ recap here and here), and a Fantastic Friday Family Fun idea!

Please come back and join us!! :)


  1. Just clicked over from...hmmm? I don't remember. But first time here!

    Love the title of your blog and the verse that goes with it! It truly is my desire to sparkle!

  2. I can't wait to hear how the SheSpeaks Conference goes. You must update us on your blog. I love Lysa. She was our speaker several years ago at our church's women's conference. I had the honor of shuffling her all over town.

    And I think I may need to read your links, especially no more fat talk...

    Oh and thank you for stopping by Heart Choices. If you're ever in Phoenix and if I'm ever in your neck of the woods ...we must meet.


  3. Oh, these sons are so special! Mine is almost 34 but he has such a special place in my heart. So glad you enjoy time with yours. Just love the pictures, so cute and fun! Blessings to you for a wonderful week!
