Friday, July 9, 2010

God's Purpose for You

Have you ever wondered what God's plan is for your life? What your purpose might be in this generation?? Does God even have a purpose for you??

Have you ever wondered...

For me personally, I wrestled with my purpose for many years. In fact, I didn't think I had any purpose! It wasn't until the age of 26, after hitting rock bottom in my life that I began to view life differently.

Thankfully, in 1996, an amazing Godly woman shared with me, for the very first time, Jeremiah 29:11.

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Somehow a light bulb went off in my heart, and I finally started to believe that God had a plan for me (the real me) and that He had a purpose for my future.

Now, if you would have told me then it involved Bible teaching and speaking to large women's groups, I would have thought you were crazy!

I mean, I was a 26 year old single mom, waiting tables for a living, thousands of dollars in debt, and struggling with a cocaine addiction...and yet, God had a plan for me?! There's a purpose for me to be here, at this time, in this generation?! Wow!

And now, since I've given my heart to Him ~ I just love watching Him rebuild, restore, renew and redeem!! Woo Hoo!!

Please know, this same God has a plan for YOU! You have purpose! Regardless of where you have been, in spite of what you have done ~ you, dear friend, are significant and special to Him! He has a unique purpose for YOU!

I recently watched a powerful teaching by Beth Moore on this life-changing topic ~ "God's Purpose for You". Here's a brief clip....

I'm pleased to announce we'll be showing this amazing teaching in its entirety this Monday, July 12th, at 7:00 PM in Grand Rapids, Michigan @ Sunshine Church!! Yippee!

I shared with you recently the journey of our Magnificent Monday Night Bible Study (recap here). This summer, we are switching from our "normal" routine and hosting "Monday's with Beth". We have terrific teachings (like this one) from our all-time favorite Bible teacher, Beth Moore! I can't wait to share them with you!!

Monday’s with Beth is definitely something you will want to invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to! We have a variety of special surprises planned this summer ~ testimonies, live worship, etc..
The teachings are all 1 hour in length, and then we’ll have time for food & fellowship afterwards....root beer floats this week, plus the free coffee/cappuccino bar will be open too! Yum!

Whether you are a new believer, have been studying the Bible your whole life, or still trying to figure this whole "Jesus thing" out ~ we would love to have you join us!
Come as you are, bring your Bible, and sit back and get ready to dig deep in the Word. No homework. No cost. Regardless of your church home, all women are welcome!!

And, just for fun this weekend, if you do not live in the Grand Rapids area, I'd love to hear what Bible study you are currently going through. Tell us more about your Bible study gals. I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an AMAZING, joy-filled weekend!!

P.S.Don't forget.... this Monday, July 12th, 7:00 PM @ Sunshine Church in the Main Sanctuary!! Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions! Hope to see you there! :)


  1. Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the first scriptures I memorized...It has become one of those Words spoken by God that has carried my family and I for many years..I even have it painted by an artist on my dining room wall. When you walk in my front door, that is one of the first things you see...His Word. His Promise!! That does not return to Him void...

    Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. How awesome is that?! Wish I lived closer. Beth Moore studies are great! :D

    Have a great day!

  3. Cindy, that sounds amazing! I wish I lived in Michigan - just on Monday nights!!! This summer the ladies at my church are doing a book club using Max Lucado's book "Fearless." It's been a good time of fellowship and encouragement :-) I'd love to see the rest of Beth Moore's teaching - any ideas? Be blessed! Jenny C.

  4. WOW! Awesome message my friend! I pray you are enjoying the rest of the Word right now as it's Monday evening.

    Thank you for sharing with us. Good to walk in the WORD with you. GOD is so faithful! Love you.
