Sunday, July 18, 2010

Living Forgiving ~ COMING SOON!

For my West Michigan Friends...

Just a reminder this Monday, July 19th will be a NEW "
Mondays with Beth" Bible Study gathering!! Woo Hoo!!

As you know, this summer, we are switching from our "normal" Monday night teaching routine and hosting "Monday's with Beth". We have powerful teachings from one of our all-time favorite Bible teachers, Beth Moore, and can't wait to share them with you!!

This week's teaching is called "Living Forgiving". It's awesome ~ Beth's teaching is powerful, funny, and full of life application.
The teachings do not build on one another, so if this is the first week you can join us ~ don't worry ~ you have not missed a thing!!

Whether you are a new believer, have been studying the Bible your whole life, or still trying to figure this whole "Jesus thing" out ~ we would love to have you join us!

We'll start Monday night at 7:00 PM in the Sunshine Sanctuary. The teaching is 1 hour in length, and then we’ll have time for food & fellowship afterwards....STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE this week, plus the free cappuccino/coffee bar will be open too!! Yum!!

Come as you are, bring your Bible, and sit back and get ready to dig deep in the Word. No homework. No cost. Regardless of your church home, all women are welcome!!

What do you have planned for Monday night?? Why not call a friend, drive out together to Sunshine, and join the FUN!! We would love to see you there!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an AMAZING, joy-filled week!!

God's richest blessings to you~

P.S. Next week Monday, July 26th, will be our last Monday's with Beth....

but we sense God is planning a FUN JOURNEY for Fall....

Please prayerfully beginning now about joining us! :) More details to follow......

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I wish I could join, but guess it's a little too far to drive from Louisiana. :o) I have facilitated two of Beth's studies and she is just TOPS in the Word! So enjoy your blog! Blessings to you!
