Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You are Enough!

Happy Wednesday to you!! As many of you know, I am waist high in a number of exciting, yet overwhelming, projects right now. I'm leaving tomorrow (Thursday) to head to the She Speaks Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina for 4 days. Woo Hoo!! I've been busy preparing my talks, praying, shopping, packing, giving John & the kids extra hugs, and so much more! Whew ~ what a week already!

This morning during my quiet time, I came across a commissioning statement tucked away in my Bible written by Beth Moore. I saved it for days just like this.

I pulled out the commissioning statement and prayed it aloud in faith. Boy did it help! I stood to my feet and read it aloud again as a prayer for Julie, a bloggy friend from Tennesse. And then for Marie, a sister from Grand Rapids driving to She Speaks from Michigan. And for Stephanie, a new friend from down south, who I'll meet this weekend, introduced by a Texas sister.

I just love the Kingdom of God, don't you??!

And now, dear ones, I am praying it for you...

My Dear Sister/Brother,
The God of Glory
Has called you.
You have a ministry.
In Christ, you are enough for that ministry.
Never forget that showing God off is your ministry.
No matter what,
Keep your heart in your ministry.
Unveil your face
And serve others with authenticity.
Always remember
That the power is in God's Presence.
Let nothing
Come between you
And intimacy with God.
Keep moving forward
From glory to glory.
Let God thin that veil.
Remember, ministry is not about position.
It's about people.
Let name after name
Be written on your heart.
Do not seek great things for yourself,
Seek a great God.
As you leave this place,
Go in a fresh anointing.
He who turns water into wine
Turns wimps into warriors.
You have a ministry.
Go fulfill it!!

~ Beth Moore

In Christ, WE ARE WARRIORS not wimps!


Oh how I needed that reminder!! It's not about me having the perfect talk this weekend, a trendy outfit, a stylish haircut, or even a flawless presentation. As long as I seek Him and His presence, regardless of the outcome, it's going to be good!

What about for you?

What is God currently asking you to do which seems too big, too much, or like you are just not nearly qualified enough??

Do you need a fresh measure of His presence??

Do you need a reminder that in Christ, regardless of your circumstances, YOU, dear sister, ARE ENOUGH!!!

May I encourage you to print off Beth's commissioning statement and tuck it away in your Bible. You'll never know when you too might be encouraged by her powerful, Truth-filled words!

Well, I'm headed back to my packing. I'm still feeling like I have way to much to do and not nearly enough time to make it all happen ~ but I'm prayed up, got my tennis shoes on, and I'm wearing lipstick. Somehow that makes me feel much better. :)

Have a fun-filled, life-giving week!! God's richest blessings to you~


  1. What great advice! Yes, our ministry is to be all about Him; not us. I pray that you will have such a wonderful time at SheSpeaks as you learn, grow and meet new friends.


  2. Cindy~ God used you and your words this day to bless, encourage a reaffirm His Commissioning to me.
    I met with a Coach just this morning who prophetically expressed much of what was in your post and Beth's words. I receive them with all the gusto I can stand.
    Many Blessings at SheSpeaks. I hope to attend that some day soon. Thank You Jesus.

  3. Cindy, have an awesome time this weekend. I am so excited that you and my sister, Julie, will get to meet each other in person! May the Lord richly bless both of you as you serve Him and reflect the love of the Lord to so many. Love and blessings, Jenny C. :-)

  4. Can't wait to hear all about She Speaks! This will be an incredible time for you!

  5. Dearest Cindy,

    Thank you for the beautiful words/heart sharing and that charge of encouragement.

    I am praying for you and all the ladies at SheSpeaks...may you all HEAR GOD speak into your hearts and lives.

    Looking forward to hearing it all!!

    Love you!

  6. Oh, I love that statement! Thanks so much for sharing with us. He never calls us to anything that He does not equip us for, no matter how inept we may feel. Always enjoy stopping by, so refreshing! Hugs!

  7. Thanks for sharing that statement...It's what I needed to read. I love the fact that we are warriors and not wimps!! Blessings to you!!!
