Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things I Love Thursday: Divine Design (& GIVEAWAY)

Recently I had the opportunity to attend Carol Kent's Speak Up with Confidence ~ an awesome seminar for anyone wanting to grow in their speaking and writing skills.

I've attended Speak Up in the past, but this summer, I was knee deep in writing a book proposal (which is a HUGE task, by the way)! I decided being surrounded by gifted speakers and writers would be a good idea (and hopefully give me the determination to keep plugging away on my proposal).

Imagine my delight when a dear woman (I now know is named Sharla) sat down next to me on Friday morning. Our conversation went something like this....

Sharla: So what brings you to Speak Up?

Me: Well, I'm working on this book proposal, but I'm just struggling with it, it's so hard, I'm not sure what to do, I don't even have a book title... (or something whiney like that...)

Sharla: Oh, really. Maybe I could help you, Cindy. I just worked on a book proposal, so I've done it before and (kind of under her breath) ~ my book just came out this week.

Me: What?? (almost jumping out of my seat) You just published a book? Aren't you so excited?? WOW!! Do you have it with you??

Sharla: Oh yeah, they arrived this week just as I was leaving home in the Chicago area. (And she gently pulls this beautiful book out of her bag...)

Sharla became my new best friend at Speak Up. Over the next few days, we were inseparable. Not just because she wrote an amazing book...but because Sharla is so very sweet, humble, kind, helpful, encouraging, and the first day we were even dressed alike! :)

(To give you an example of how amazing she is ~ one morning Sharla shared she couldn't sleep the night before, so she was up in the night thinking and praying for book titles for me. What a blessing!)

Here I am with Sharla on our last day at Speak Up ~

Sharla graciously sent me a copy of Divine Design to look through and give away. Here's a brief intro from the back of the book....

...Divine Design: 40 Days of Spiritual Makeover will lead you through a different kind of transformation: an alteration of attitude. Your journey through these pages will, by God's grace, enable you to experience a spiritual makeover that will transform your heart...For individuals and small groups, this 8 week Bible study contains true stories and encouragement that will change you, transform you, and make you new!

I have to tell you ~ Divine Design is incredible! I am blown away by Sharla's writing skill, Bible knowledge, insight, practical application, and wisdom. If you are looking for a personal Bible study (or one for your small group) ~ you'll want to check out Divine Design!

You'll enjoy chapters like...

Week 1: What to Wear - Wardrobe Woes

Week 2: Controlling Behavior - Hang Up the Field Marshal Uniform

Week 3: Worry - Let's Bag This Accessory!

Week 4: Pride - Purge the Prom Dress!

Week 6: Selfishness: Boot out the Boots

Week 8: Look in the Mirror: A New You!

I am pleased to share Divine Design by Sharla Fritz with one blessed *She Sparkles* friend! I must confess, I'm keeping the one Sharla sent me (I couldn't resist! It's that good!) ~ but I'll buy a new one from Amazon to giveaway!

To win my giveaway and receive Sharla's Divine Design Bible Study, please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following question:

Why would you like to win Divine Design??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, July 22nd and ends Sunday, July 25th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of July 26th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at
with the subject "Giveaway".

For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over to my real-life neighbor Jill at The Diaper Diaries. You'll be glad you did! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! Have an amazing day filled with much joy, life, and laughter!! I thank God for you!!

P.S. Note to my dear friend Sharla: Can I just tell you...job well done! I can't believe this is your first Bible study! God has given you a gift, friend! When will Study #2 be released??


  1. Thanks for sharing! As a Women's Ministry Consultant, I'm always trying to keep up with excellent resources for women, so I can put them in the hands of women in leadership as they meet the needs of the women in their churches and communities (and, of course, I get to benefit from all of them along the way!). I'd love to add Sharla's to my list!

  2. I keep picking all of these devotionals to do with my kids because THEY need them...much to my surprise, almost every day "I" am the one needing the message:) I would love to have this book so I can open my eyes more to what "I" need to learn! Thanks for a wonderful blog.

  3. I was JUST asked by my friends at 'Curves' to start a Bible study before we exercise....this sounds perfect!

  4. Hi Cindy :-) Lately I'm feeling like I need a makeover in EVERY area . . . but I realize a spiritual makeover would be the most eternally significant! I think I'd LOVE this study! Blessings, Jenny C. my email is

  5. Hi Cindy,
    I would LOVE to win this book. I recently came out of a very dark period in my life, and want to start fresh. This looks like a great tool to get me on track!

    P.S. Can we add a facebook comment instead of tweeting? I don't tweet. :)

  6. I also 'followed' AND 'subscribed' to you blog for two extra entries! :)

  7. Wow this sounds fabulous!! A friend of mine and I have been talking about a little bible study / coffee break together ... I need to tell her about this one. Some of those topics are so fitting to what's happening in my world these days. Oh and I've been meaning to write to tell you how much I enjoyed Monday night. Thank you to you and to Julie for all that you do to pull that together. I'm hoping to join you again ... perhaps with a friend or two even.

  8. Hi Cindy! This study sounds so interesting! My husband and I lead a small group in our home. Right now there are 6 of us. My husband and I have 2 teenage boys, there are 2 single men (one with a toddler) and a couple who are 80! Do you think this would be a study that would be a good fit for all of us?
    Thank you for a great blog!

  9. Hi Cindy! This study sounds so interesting! My husband and I lead a small group in our home. Right now there are 6 of us. My husband and I have 2 teenage boys, there are 2 single men (one with a toddler) and a couple who are 80! Do you think this would be a study that would be a good fit for all of us?
    Thank you for a great blog!

  10. I'm always on the lookout for a good Bible study!

    ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu

  11. WONDERFUL!! Some women in my neighborhood just started a Bible Study. We all go to different churches, but none of them have Bible study in the summer so we just joined up. It has become an amazing, powerful source of fellowship for all of us, including one who is 'on the fence' but came just because her neighbor was coming. I think this book would be great for us!
    I already subscribe to your RSS feed.
    bigbinderblog (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. I love hearing about people influencing others. I want to be that kind of woman to all the people around me. "A gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."

  13. This sounds like an amazing study. I could use a "spiritual makeover" while I am "waiting" for God's direction in my life. I am a single mom(your story was TOO familiar) who is also dealing with chronic illness.

  14. I am your newest follower. BTW I hopped over from DebbiesDoos...she's got your button on her sidebar:)

  15. This looks like an excellent resource that I'd love to have. Please enter me in the contest! Thanks!

    My email is on my site. :)
