Monday, October 3, 2011

Praying Down the Tracks (& my plea for prayer support!)

Hey Friends!

One of my favorite quotes on prayer is f
rom Watchman Nee ~

"Our prayers lay the track down on which God's power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, His power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails."

Isn't that an awesome visual?! I love thinking of a huge, mighty locomotive filled to overflowing with God's power and blessing...and how my part is to pray and "lay down the tracks".

I'll often picture this mighty locomotive as I pray for my husband..."laying down the tracks" as God's power is unleashed as he heads off to work.

Or "laying down the tracks" for my children...asking God to come "roaring through" with His protection and goodness and grace in their lives.

You get the drift.... :)

It breaks my heart to think of a powerful Steam Engine, filled with Divine blessings and miracles, waiting patiently in the station, desiring to have rails on which to run.

Last year I asked others to "pray down some tracks" while I worked on writing my "Red Hot" Bible Study. I could totally sense the prayers!! Some days I could barely write fast enough to keep up with the "down load" I was receiving. (And I can't wait to share more on God's good plan for this study!)

As I prepare to head to Kokomo for the filming
of my testimony, could I please ask you to "pray down some tracks"? I am so out of my comfort zone, and desperately need a fresh measure of God's power, presence and peace!

My week is filled with more wardrobe shopping, hair and makeup sessions, and script practicing. (Ah ~ my stomach hurts just thinking about it!) Mostly I want to spend time connected to the Vine, allowing Him to do His transforming, empowering work! I'm so deperate for Him!

May I please ask you to "pray down some tracks" and watch God's irresistible power and might come roaring through?! I'll be heading to Kokomo
on Sunday ~ with filming taking place on October 10th & 11th.

I'd be so extremely humbled if you'd pray for things like peace, good weather, that I'd be able to talk into the camera without being a nervous wreck, patience for the video team while they work with a "newbie" (and that I wouldn't make them take 60 "takes"), my family while I'm away, technical stuff would go smoothly, good health, that I'd be more focused on God rather than if my wardrobe makes me look fat, oops, I almost let some "fat talk" slip (sorry if I disappoint you, I'm just being painfully honest), that God's Spirit would come upon me in a powerful way (and that it would be obvious that it is God working in and through me), and most importantly, that God would use this project to transform lives for His purpose and glory (only reason I'd do something like this!).

How about for you?? How could I lay down some tracks for YOU?? I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have an amazing, Truth-filled, life-giving week!!

P.S.S. Thank you, sweet April, for sending this in the mail. What a perfect token of encouragement. You bless me!

P.S.S. I'm linking up with Finding Heaven and the Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood today. Be sure to check out these amazing women. You'll be blessed indeed! :)


Sandra Stiles said...

I am praying down LOTS of tracks for you. I'm praying that God will give you the peace that passes all understanding. I am praying that he will use you to be a witness for him and a blessing to others. I am praying that your thoughts hang on him and then you won't need to worry about the other things.

LisaShaw said...

Absolutely praying for you everything you requested and more! I'm excited for you!

Keep pressing along down the tracks and we'll keep praying for you down the tracks! Love you!

Joan Hall said...

Hi Cindy:

Stopping by from Jen's. I will certainly be praying for you.

I like what you said here about laying down the tracks. Often I am reluctant to ask for prayer for myself, but I would covet your prayers during this time that I am leading a Bible study at church. There are many needs from women and I need wisdom and discernment.


Courtney said...

Stopping by from SDG. I love this image of laying down tracks. It makes me more motivated to pray! Thank you for that, and I will pray for you as your travel to Kokomo.

Unknown said...

I love this visual. I pray that it never leaves my mind -- sometimes I know that God hears my prayers but fall into the delusion that they are not making a difference. This puts a visual for my words -- that is exciting.

Lord, I pray for your Holy Spirit to fall upon Cindy, that you would anoint her heart, her mind, her lips, her soul -- everything that she would know that she is sealed by your awesome and amazing hand. I pray that the enemy would be silenced, that no matter what comes, she would be able to receive a steady supply of your peace and Word into her spirit and her heart. I pray that the details, every single one of them, would be in your hand and that you would hold her close to your heart. Amen.

Christina Ketchum said...

Praying for you! So excited for you!

Amy Sullivan said...

Thank you for this....and for inspiring Courtney to act and inspiring us to embrace Him.

You know what? I know you will rock out Kokomo. Why? In our brief meeting, I can tell one thing about you. I can tell that you are sincere. You are who you are and people feel comforted by that (and able to be who they are!).

You are beautiful and inspiring, and now, go do it.

kendal said...

just love this visual. love you and what god is doing through you. of course i will pray.

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