Monday, February 20, 2012

Honest Friends

Hey Friends!

Do you have a friend who is honest and speaks the truth to you...always??

I've been thinking about this week as I've been journeying with my son Jake.

Many of you know Jake is the hockey goalie for his high school team - Grand Rapids Christian Eagles
Most games Jake is a rockstar in the net (if I may say so myself).

Jake made a travel team last year (although we passed on the opportunity) - and besides being the starting goalie for the Eagles, Jake's been practicing with two local college teams.

Although Jake's team doesn't have a super great record, Jake's stats are good and his future is promising after he graduates high school this May.

The past few weeks, the Eagles have played some really hard local teams. Jake and his team rose to the occassion! It's been so fun cheering on my boy and watching him work his "Jake magic" in the net.

Until this weekend.

I'm not sure what happened...but Jake had a hard night in the net on Friday. Although I was at the Women's Leadership Conference, I was getting text updates (shhh! don't tell). My heart sank when I received the text...

"Score 8-3. They just pulled Jake".


I came home from the conference and stayed up until Jake got home to encourage him. I tried to remind him of his extraordinary skills (like this). I reminded him that every athlete has "off" days. I tried to be a good cheerleader mom.

Saturday night we were on our way to Jake's game. I sent my dad a text to see if it had started yet. My heart sank. Again...

First period. Score 4-1. Jake pulled again.


Jake was pretty upset, so I waited until Sunday to try and help him sort through the weekend. As we were talking, I said, "What did Travis say?" (Travis is one of Jake's best friends and he's also on the hockey team).

Jake said Travis just said...

"Why are you playing so bad this weekend?"

I cracked up.

Do you have a friend who is honest and speaks the truth to you...always??

to be continued tomorrow.....

P.S. I'm linking up today with
Jen and friends at Soli Deo Gloria. Be sure to check out this amazing sisterhood of women! :)


  1. first - i know well the heartache of an athlete son having a bad game. or two. or three....

    second - guys crack. me. up. my hank is only a year younger than your jake. i can SO hear that same conversation happening at our house. except since we're from the south we woul dbe talking about football or baseball....

  2. Ugh. Such a tough Mom weekend!! Boys are so honest with each other. Love it!

  3. That's what I like in a friend. Most people can't be that genuine.

  4. Love this and the story. But I am thankful for friends who speak the truth. I had a week last week when I needed friends such is that! What a gift. Great to visit your bloggy home. Beautiful.

  5. oh I know how hard it is to see our son's go through a slump like this...praying and trusting that God will use all things to grow our sons up in Him...I tell my son...if we don't allow sports to change and grow us...we are wasting a lot of time...
    Oh and I love the honesty...what guys can say to each other and what they can receive is so different from woman...honesty with woman just has to be a bit kinder...

  6. oh, my mama heart hurts so bad -- this story reminds me of Abby's softball season last semester.

    and yes, I have a friend who is honest all the time with me. I treasure that I never have to ask if she's *really* telling me the truth.

  7. Yes! My best, honest friend is my husband . . . of course he knows how to very carefully answer - do these pants look too tight? - and yet do it honestly.

    And as for your son . . .I feel for you and him. We all have those days and sometimes those weekends. My oldest daughter had a tough time in her fav. dance class last week, but she's still dancing.

  8. I'm so sorry about Jake. My sons are 21 now and I still just hurt for them when things happen. Growing up is so hard!
    I need to check on a Women's Conference near me. I'd love to go to the Carol Kent one but it is too far!

  9. It seems to me that a true friend will speak to you like a brother would.

  10. Yes, I have one of those friends and I treasure her! Everyone should have at least one of those kind of friends :)

  11. I love honest friends ... most of the time.:-)

    Good job, cheerleading mom.

