Monday, February 20, 2012

Honest Friends - Part 2

Hey Friends :)

Do you have a friend who is honest and speaks the truth to you...always??

Yesterday I shared some of my son Jake's "character building" weekend at his hockey games. (Recap

On Sunday, I tried to encourage Jake, help him look on the bright side, "normalize" his feelings by reminding him all athletes have off games, etc..

We even went out for Mexican food (chips and salsa make everything better, right?!)

When I asked Jake how his friend Travis responded (Travis is one of Jake's best friends and he's also on the hockey team).

Jake shared Travis just said...

"Why are you playing so bad this weekend?"

I cracked up.

Do you have a friend who is honest and speaks the truth to you...always??

I want more Travis' in my life. I want women to not sugar coat the weak spots in my life but to ask direct, honest questions.

* Why do you allow the fear of rejection to hold you back, Cindy?

* Why do your run to Starbucks for comfort rather than to the God of all comfort?

* Why do worry so much about what other people think?

Do you have a friend who is honest and speaks the truth to you...always??

Thankfully God has brought a number of special friends like this into my life.

I can remember a few years ago when I was frustrated about something with my husband John. It wasn't a super big deal, but I had hurt feelings. I asked my dear friend Julie to please pray about it with me.

Since we're being honest here, looking back, I don't know that I wanted Julie to pray about it as much as I wanted her to pray God would change John's mind.

Julie called me the next day. She had spent the whole night praying for this request. (Is that a good friend, or what?).

After praying, Julie shared that she thought it'd be best if I submitted to John's request. For the good of our marriage, it'd be better for me to "let it go" and demonstrate to John his opinion mattered.

Although it wasn't what I wanted to hear, Julie was right.

Do you have a friend who is honest and speaks the truth to you...always??

Oh God, may we please be women that speak the Truth in love! May we not sugar coat weak areas in our friend's lives, or try to always just look at the bright side, but point them to You and Your Word. Help us to live more like Jesus...always sharing Truth and grace.

Have you ever had a friend share the truth in love to you?

Have you ever had to share truth to a friend (even when it wasn't easy)?

What's worked? Not worked? I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. God's richest blessings to you!


  1. I was just working on a chapter this afternoon about this very topic :) I try to be that sort of friend, and I'm thankful that I have a few in my life - like you! ;)

  2. I am very thankful to have a friend, that always speaks the truth to me.
