Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to *She Sparkles*

It's not too late to join the A to Z Scripture Memory Challenge 2012! Tons of great giveaways through Tuesday, January 3rd at 9:00 PM. Come join the fun! (details here).

Hi Bloggy Friends and new friends from the A to Z Memory Verse Challenge!

Welcome to *She Sparkles*!

To be honest, Darlene (my A to Z sponsor) and I have been blown away by the response for the challenge ~ in a good way! How fun to think of individuals and families all around the world memorizing God's Word together. Woo Hoo!

Given all of the great new friends I've been meeting this week, I thought it'd only be proper if I introduce myself once again to you!

My name is Cindy and I'm so glad you are here! :)

First, you may be wondering, how did I come up with the title, *She Sparkles*??

Well, many years ago, my friend Shauna Niequist shared if she had to describe me in one word it would be "*sparkling*" (I thought to myself.."hmmm...sparkling ~ I like it!").

Years later, when I came across Zechariah 9:16...

The LORD their God will save them on that day as the flock of His people. They will *sparkle* in His land like jewels in a crown.....

....my creative wheels starting turning ~ and *She Sparkles* was born!

(And trust me ~ after many, many years of rebellious, defeated, sinful living ~ I now count it a huge privilege and honor to *Sparkle* for Him!)

My hope is that *She Sparkles* is a joy-filled place to talk about faith, family fun, marriage, parenting within our personality, prayer, and even finding hope in the midst of great tragedy.

I've been very honest with my life long weight struggle, and my desire to live Fat Talk Free.

I also love books and giveaways...so anytime I come across a book/resource I love ~ I try to pass it on! (In fact, don't forget, it's not too late to enter my latest versepack giveaway!)

My husband, John, is a controller for a local country club. He is handsome, hard working, loyal, an amazing dad, and enjoys doing laundry (a rare gift, I realize!). We have been married 11 years!

John and I are blessed to have 4 great kids ~ ages almost 8, almost 9, 10, and 17. Trust me, there is never a dull moment at our house!

This fall I stepped out of my comfort zone BIG TIME when I was asked to film my testimony for the Day of Discovery television show. Yikes!!

The filming is nearly complete (we just need one more scene to be shot on a snowy day!)....and the documentary should air on TV this spring. Only God!

I'll also be filming my first Bible study (based on the Lukewarm Church) in ancient Laodicea this March. I just received my plane ticket/itinerary last week. Yikes! As it gets closer, I'll be begging you for prayer support! Our God is such a God of miracles, isn't He?!

After the amazing transformation God has done in my life, I just LOVE sharing about Him! If you live in West Michigan, you can see my speaking schedule here. I'd love to meet you!!

Whew! that's a lot about me..sorry!

Mostly, I hope any time you visit *She Sparkles*, you will leave you feeling joy-filled, encouraged, ready to have a party & celebrate, and pointed to Truth!

(And, if you're ever feeling stuck or defeated, feel free to shoot me a quick note. Just ask my friends, I love to give little pep talks filled with Truth and hope!)

Thank you so much for stopping by *She Sparkles* ! I hope to see more of you! I'd love if you'd leave a quick comment and introduce yourself to me. (please feel free to leave your address so I can come visit your lovely blog too!)

Sweet blessings to you~

P.S. I'm linking up today with Women Living Well and Soli Deo Gloria. Be sure to check out these amazing sisterhoods of women! :)


  1. God bless you, enjoyed meeting you.

  2. You are an amazing PepTalker. Seriously, you have done wonders in my life and I have only known you a short time!!

  3. I LOVE Shauna Niequist..her books anyways ( I'm sure you two are a fun pair in person!!) Just finished the second one this summer. Her essays speak right to my heart...right to some very specific place in my life every time I read one of them...I heard her speak about writing her first book at the Festival of Faith and Writing almost 4 years ago now. How fun that you two are friends!

    And great blog title...Boy could I use a pep talk, but that's another topic all together!!! The yellow in the background here makes me happy and I'm so excited about the memory verse challenge.
