Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Mama's Prayers

I'm so excited for the A to Z Memory Verse Challenge! What an amazing response! I'll be posting the 25 winners for the 1st giveaway later this week. If you haven't signed up for the challenge - it's not too late. Here's a New Years Resolution you'll be able to keep (the verses are short & easy to memorize ~ promise!) Come join the fun! :)

Hey Friends~

The other night I went to bed but, even though I was completely exhausted, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned and tossed some more. As I often do when this happens, I asked God if I should be praying for someone.

My 17 year old son Jake came to mind, so I started praying for him and his safety.

Jake was at BW3 (a local restaurant) watching the Red Wings hockey game on TV with a friend.

After praying for Jake, I got out of bed and came downstairs to read/pray some more. There was Jake (and his buddy Travis) just entering our foyer. They both had eyes as huge as saucers and were obviously very shaken up about something. My first thought is that they had been in an accident. My heart stopped!

It turns out that while they were at BW3, two big tables near them (one on either side of Jake & Travis) started to trash talk to each other. At first they thought the guys were joking with each other, but tempers escalated quickly. In a matter of minutes, a huge fight had started!

One guy picked up a chair and broke it on another guy (and almost hit Jake)! As fists were flying, Jake nearly got punched in the face in the midst of this brawl (yes, in the restaurant!). Travis ended up jumping over a wall, landing on a table (while patrons were eating) and both guys ran for safety.

I am praising God Jake & his friend made it home safe ~ and thankful that the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray! Thank You, God! ♥

James 5:16 reminds us the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective. I might add so are a mama's prayers!

For more ideas of how to pray for your children, check out this resource. (I have my copy hanging right by my bathroom sink. I read it/pray it every day while I brush my teeth)

How about for you? How has God answered your prayers? I'd love to hear from you!

Prayer works for me! For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, head over to visit Kristen at We Are That Family.

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a Wonderful Wednesday!


  1. I found out during 2011 just how powerful prayer really is, and it will be a HUGE part of 2012 for me. I laughed as I wrote down that resolution, knowing it would be my very easiest to keep, which is a good thing since it's the most important. More exercise and organization would be nice, but I have my priorities set :)

  2. I'm so thankful your son and the others were ok. God hears and answers the prayers of His children for sure!! As a Mother to two adult daughters and Grandma to two precious grand daughters I know what it is to PRAY daily and often and to see God's hand at work in their lives. I remember when my Grandma told me as a child, "Lisa, I love you so much and God loves you even more". I'm thankful that she instilled that in me because it caused me to learn to lean on and love Him even more and to TRUST His Hand on my life and that of my children so I passed that legacy on to them.

    God is GOOD!! He loves us more than we can love ourselves or each other. He cares about our needs and our safety. Praise His Name!!

    Love you Cindy!

  3. Praise God that your son and the others were ok.

  4. Praise God for answered prayers.

    Thanks for sharing this resource too, I'm printing it out.

  5. Isn't the prompting of the Holy Spirit an amazing thing? So glad that Jake and his friend were unharmed.

  6. Scary amazing. Never doubt prayer, huh?

    Total other side note, the picture of the two of you is adorable. I just told my husband today, by the end of 2012 I'll the 3rd tallest person in the family. (sniff sniff)

    Guess I get to shop for heels. :)

  7. Amazing story, but we serve such an amazing God! I am sure this will always be a "night to remember" for those boys and Jake encountered just one of many instances of his Momma's prayers for him. It takes a long time for our children to ever grasp how our prayers have influenced their lives, just as I'm sure it did us. :o)

    Abundant blessings for this day!

  8. the mother's heart. never ceases to amaze me. love this story.

  9. I love this and put it in my favorites to go back to! As a mom I think you spend most of your time praying for your kids and this is so nice to have a reminder of the important points!! Thanks for sharing and glad to hear your son and his friend are ok!!

  10. What a blessing that God speaks to us as moms...Praise God! My girls are still so small, but there have been moments I've felt strong urges to pray for them already. Sometimes I discount those feelings to my just being an emotional mom...but after reading your story here, I won't do that again!!! thanks for the encouragement!
