Sunday, January 1, 2012

"*She Sparkles* A to Z Memory Verse Challenge 2012 starts TODAY! (& huge GIVEAWAY!)

Hey Friends!

Happy New Year!!! Are you ready to start our A to Z Memory Verse Challenge 2012?! Woo Hoo!

***In case you missed the details, you can catch up here

Basically, I'll be sharing a new verse every other week (A to Z style) through December 17th, 2012. I also have lots of fun prizes to share each week with Memory Verse Challenge participants!

Let's get started! Here is the first official verse -
Joshua 24:15b

A - As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Memorizing Ideas ~

* Purchase a spiral index card holder at your local office store, Walgreens, etc.. Write all 26 verses for 2012 in this spiral.

* For families, you may want to print off a letter A (here) on colored cardstock. Write the verse on the "A", and hang it on your refrigerator.

* Write the verse on your bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. Say your verse aloud each day/night when you brush your teeth.

**Feel free to share your favorite tips, ideas, even pictures. I'd love to share your suggestions and/or link to you in the weeks to come!

Questions to Ponder/Discussion Ideas~

* What does this verse mean to me? to our family?? Spend time reflecting, journaling, praying, and discussing how Joshua 24:15 can help shape you and your family in the New Year.

* What are ways you can serve the Lord in 2012? In your home? School? Neighborhood? Community? World?

* Is there anything getting in the way of serving the Lord? (busy-ness, "screen time", unbelief, etc..). Pray and ask God that He would use you and your family in a special way this week to serve Him!

Giveaways ~

Thanks to the extreme generosity of Verseability, my Verse Challenge Sponsor, I am thrilled to share TONS of great GIVEAWAYS with you!

* Bloggers ~ To any blogger who shares this A to Z challenge on his/her blog, you will receive a free Verseability Versepack ($7.00 value, plus free s/h). (Bloggers, please see notes in P.S. below.)

* Memory Verse Challenge Participants ~ In addition to the blogger giveaway, I have 25 free custom A to Z Verseability Versepacks ($7.00 value, plus free s/h) to share. Woo hoo!

To Win my first week of Giveaways: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why have you've decided to participate in this A to Z Memory Verse Challenge?

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Sunday, January 1st and ends Tuesday, January 3rd at 9 PM. Winners will be posted on my blog during the week of January 4th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Grab your index cards and let's do this! Yippee!

Happy New Year!!

P.S. To help get us off to a great start, Verseability has made a custom A-Z Versepack that contains all 26 of the verses for the year. The Versepacks are business card sized and perfect for carrying in your purse or pocket and are available for a special price of $ 5.00, plus shipping. You can order them by e-mailing:
. Be sure to mention *She Sparkles* to get the special rate.

(I encourage you to check out the Verseability website to see the personalized Versebooks and Versepacks available, too. Great gifts for any occasion! Note: the A-Z Versepacks are not listed on the website).

P.P.S. Bloggers ~ Thanks so much for sharing the *She Sparkles* Challenge on your blog. Please include the *She Sparkles* Scripture Memory Verse Challenge button on your post. (The button with embedding code is listed on my sidebar). Once you've written your post, please send your mailing information, as well as a link to your post, to Darlene Dykstra, the founder of Verseability at Darlene will be sending out your versepack to you! Thanks so much! :)

She Sparkles Scripture Memory Challenge 2012

Disclosure: I was not provided with any financial compensation for this giveaway, and as always, all opinions are mine.


  1. Really looking forward to doing this with my family this year! Just found your blog!

  2. I wish to go deeper with our Lord during 2012.
    Thank you for hosting Scripture Memory A - Z.
    I have put my blogs to rest, can I still join in?

  3. Cindy this is so very exciting!! I want to do the challenge so I am better able to recall Gods word when I am out and about so I can worship His spontaneously through His word without a Bible in my lap!! I have shared your link on my blog and I already follow and subsribe to you :) I am not a tweeter yet...I might need lessons

  4. I am terrible at memorization. Hoping this helps. Needing to go deeper this year. Thank you Cindy for posting these.

  5. Oh, and I already follow you and subscribe to the blog. Sorry, don't have a blog of my own nor a twitter account, but I am going to share this on Facebook.

  6. Excited to join in again! We're doing the challenge as a family- feel very led to make sure our boys have God's Word hidden in their heart and ready on their lips!. Cindy, thank you for all your effort! {hugs}
    Lindsay M.

  7. Excited to join in again! We're going to the challenge as a family- I am feeling very led to make sure the boys (especially) have God's Word hidden in their hearts and ready on their lips. Cindy, thank you for all your effort! {hugs}- Lindsay M.

  8. I am excited to start this journey. I love this verse. I wear a charm that is a house with this scripture referenced and have this verse already memorized. I am excited to teach it to my kids. Thanks for doing this Cindy.

  9. I am excited for this challenge! As I child, I would memorize scripture, but as an adult, I have kind of gotten away from it. This will be good to keep me accountable!

  10. I'm very excited to do this as a family this year. It will be a great thing for all of us to do together to remember how important God's word is in our lives. Thanks for the idea and encouragement!

  11. I want to learn the bible more and be able to teach my children as well as arming myself with scripture to stand against evil!

  12. I'm so excited about this!! I've been trying to different things to do this year to enhance my bible study and this sounds great and fun!
    GFC Shannon Johnson

  13. I am using this challenge to help me with my children, teaching them to memorize verses as well!

  14. Well I did get up EARLY to post this but I guess it ended up in cyber space. Man I could have slept in:)

    Rise and Shine it's a NEW YEAR! Happy New Year Cindy!! The reason I have decided to participate is multiple, not just one reason. First, This warrior NEEDS some tools. Second, what a perfect way to spend quality family time. Third, it's a way to stay in and to be constantly thinking about the word. Plus you have others in the house keeping you accountable...challenging you. Fourth, for 6 years I worked on an Alzheimer unit and the resounding thing that people were always left with was their ability to recall hymns and scripture, when all else seemed to have left them. This brings new meaning to Hebrew 13:5 I need something (God and His word) that will not leave me even when all I know has. Looking forward to the A-Z challenge!

  15. My little girl is really struggling with learning to visually identify the letters of the alphabet after having heard spanish only her first year of life and then multiple ear infections. So, I am hoping to work with her each week with a letter and want the verse to be even more importantly etched on her heart. (Also on the hearts of my boys and myself and husband). THANKS!!!

  16. I've been been a HUGE fan of your blog for a while now. I've never comment on your blog before though. I wanna draw closer to the Lord in 2012. I will be sharing your great idea on my blog
    Keep up the great work! God bless

  17. Oh, I love this verse! Thank you so much, Cindy.

    I've posted about it on my blog and emailed Darlene. Only problem I'm having is I don't know where the code is for your button...? Any help is much appreciated!

  18. I haven't memorized scripture since I was a child in Sunday School but I know how important it is and would like to do this with my family. I'm planning to put the verses on a key ring so we can have them with us "on the go" or at school.

  19. I was looking for a way to help my family memorize verses and keep them in our hearts, and this will be perfect! I follow and subscribe to your blog as well. Thank you so much!!

  20. I will be joining in on the memory fun so that I can be deeper in the word and continue to sparkle in His eyes. (I am already a follower and subscriber but will be sharing the biweekly verse and blog update on facebook)

  21. Am looking forward to hiding more of God's Word in my heart during 2012. A-Z will help me accomplish this goal. Thank you for hosting.

    Have a God Filled Day

  22. I have decided to to this challenge because i need the accountability of being God's word more often!

  23. Why have you've decided to participate in this A to Z Memory Verse Challenge?

    For a while now learning scripture has been on my heart and so I am going to continue trying to do so. I have done it with Beth Moore-I did miss the last 2 weeks and well I am just not going to beat myself up about it. That is one of my New Year changes I am making.

  24. I officially RSVPed!

    :) April

  25. I'm hoping to have God's word stored up for a time when a friend or I need it!

    I'm already subscribed.

    I shared it on my blog today!

    Yea Cindy!!!!

  26. I and my family (hoping they participate too) need more of the Word in our minds, hearts, and daily lives. I know the Word has amazing power and we need that in this crazy world as we desire to walk with the Lord. Thanks so much for doing this! Jenny C.

  27. I am taking on the challenge of the A to Z Bible memory- along with my nephews and nieces! This should be fun! Praying God richly blesses you- thank you for being such a blessing to me!!
    Rhoda- Enterprise AL

  28. Our family will be doing this Scripture challenge to try to hide more of God's word in our hearts and in the hearts of our children!

    Thanks for the inspiration Cindy!

  29. Hi Cindy. Like I said on my blog "I'm really looking forward to being a part of a group of women who all have the desire to jump into a big ole' puddle of God's word".

    Thanks for hosting this for the year and spreading it out so that it's so do-able.

    I posted about it here on my blog and on my sidebar:

    Hugs...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

  30. i have seen the power of prayer and miracles in 2011 as i have advocated for orphans and now i want the word IN ME! I had decided to do this anyway but much better to do it with friends!i invite all she sparkles participants over to theflight platform janexxxx

    also clicked follow
    also subscribed
    also tweeted
    also added button

    and about to blog

  31. Thank-you Cindy for encouraging us to do this. The kids memorize scripture at school, so it is my turn now.

    Marilyn Kralt

  32. Hi Cindy I discovered your challenge via another blog. I have participated in writing posts from A-Z before. So I was intrigued by your challenge to learn scriptures from A-Z. It's my goal to hide more of His Word in my heart. bnredeemed {at} gmail {dot} com

  33. I tried to do Beth Moore's Scripture memory last year, and it fizzled out (partly because I chose too long of passages, partly because of laziness). This sounds fun and doable for our whole family - including our four little ones. I am convinced that Scripture memory is SO SO SO important to living a godly life. Thanks for doing this! (And by the way, I'm going to post it on my blog as well!)

  34. Hi Cindy! I just wanted to let you know we are "in" for the a-z memory this year! I've got letter A written on my bathroom mirror already. :-) Thanks for doing this again!

  35. I came across your blog while "looking" for creative ways to study and ponder the scriptures and bring them to life more in my life. I am looking forward to having the challenge of first of all memorizing the scripture and then going the extra step of pondering the scripture daily as to how it applies to me, my family, and our lives. Thanks for the great idea!!
    Jan Everette

  36. My bride and I were just talking about memorizing scripture as a family. She found your site and told me about it. Seems like a very doable plan. Looking forward to having more of God's word with us wherever we are. Thanks for putting this together. The Strange's from VA.

  37. I am doing this Bible Memorization, because I want His word written deeply in my heart.

  38. I'm doing this because left to my own devices I'm never disciplined enough to do this with my kids the way I'd like. I need the structure and accountability! Thank you!!!

    Added to my blog...

    posted on twitter....

    tried to add your button to the side of my blog page, but had a hard time with that...any suggestions?

  39. I also added your button to my sidebar!

  40. I shared about this on my blog.

  41. I know that memorizing scripture is important for many reasons- It keeps our mind on God's word, it keeps our mind sharp, it helps us know how to react or what to say to others, and makes it tougher for satan to get in our head...but I need this challenge to motivate me to do it. - thank you.

  42. I'm going to try - I am the worst memorizer - I think sometimes I could forget my kids middle names!!! I can do One every two weeks!!!!!

  43. Such a great idea! Thank you for sharing. I found you from my blog friend Shortybear. I look forward to it and have posted a link on my blog in my sidebar.

  44. Hello again! Verse memorization is a particularly weak spot for me, so participating in this challenge will hopefully help me grow in that area! :D

  45. Looking forward to participating, as I am truly terrible with memory work. With God's help perhaps this will be the motivation and assistance I need to improve that!

    Extra entries - I follow you on Twitter, subscribe to the RSS feed, and have posted the button to my blog. :D

  46. Sounds like a great challenge!

    Thanks for linking up!

  47. I'm excited to start this challenge!

  48. This is great!!! I love it! I'm joining in because one of my goals this year (an ongoing one) is to keep my faith alive daily with Bible study (memorizing scripture), prayer, and worship. Thanks for hosting this!
    my site is:

  49. You are a blessing Cindy and I praise God for the your talents, skills, and gifts that he has given to you to share with all of us. I turned 50 years old on New Years Day and I have been praying about new beginnings and routines in my live. Your challenge is a great way for me to memorize scripture and your blog is a blessing with all your encouraging words along with a structured format to keep me focused and inspired. May God continue to pour his blessings onto you and your family in the New Year.

  50. Awesome challenge, Cindy! I am believing that many people will be moved closer to Christ with God's Word written on their hearts. I pray that God pours out His blessings on you this year. I pray that your influence manifest itself in great abundance, and that many, many women are filled with God's love, peace and joy because of your faithfulness!

  51. Cindy,

    I am so excited about your Scripture Memory Verse Challenge! Thank you so much for doing this. You are helping to simplify a much needed daily routine in my life (scripture memorization), and I thank you once again for serving me and my life in this capacity. I am coupling your scripture memorization challenge with reading through the Bible in 90 Days (for the second time) and I am truly blessed for both opportunities to strengthen my walk with the Lord.

    Thank you for the additional giveaways as well!!! What a blessing! I subscribe to your blog and I thoroughly enjoy your posts.

    Abundant blessings to all participants on our Scripture Memorization journey together. May God richly bless each one of you!!


  52. Cindy, I love this! I've been working at memorizing the WORD with the women on Thursday mornings. I plan to take the A-Z Bible memory to them starting this Thursday! We will have to work ahead in order to accommodate summer break. Thanks for the challenge!!!

  53. Cindy, I love this! I've been working at memorizing the WORD with the women on Thursday mornings. I plan to take the A-Z Bible memory to them this Thursday! Thanks for the challenge!

  54. Just sneaking in before the deadline!! I am participating for the accountability this will give me. I also plan to have my kids memorize along with me. We memorize long scripture passages together, but rarely just a verse here and there. Thanks, Cindy!


  55. I've always wanted to memorize scripture. I tried it last year with Beth Moore but I got distracted and found it hard to always find a new verse. Hopefully, I can do this with the help of you already providing the verses. Looking forward to the year of memorization.

  56. I did the Beth Moore Scripture Memory Verse Challenge but still need to work on a few of those verses. I hope to be able to add these 26 to the ones I have already started learning. Thanks for doing this!

    Rene Owens

  57. I follow your blog!!

    Rene Owens

  58. I subscribed to your blog through email!

    Rene Owens

  59. I am joining in on this challenge this year because memorizing scriptures has been a difficult task for me. I am hoping having two weeks to work with each verse will work for me.

  60. I'm sooooooo excited to start this! Instead of putting the verse on a note card, I typed it into my phone (it's one less thing to keep track of). I know this will help me strengthen my faith, thank you for inspiring and sharing your sparkle!

  61. I follow your blog and have decided to join in the challenge this year. I LOVE the idea of writing with a dry erase marker on my mirror...
    This year I want to store God's word in my heart more faithfully and this just might be the best idea I have seen in a long time. I am excited to join you!

  62. I also subscribed to to get it in my email. No excuse now! LOL :)

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I am so excited to be part of this challenge! I get so busy with every day life that I need this to help me make time for prayer, reflection and devotion.
    Thanks Cindy!!

    I also subscribed via e-mail and follow your blog.

  65. I am so happy the Lord led me to this blog and this challenge. I am a school teacher who has gotten to caught up in the busy of life and am excited about this challenge and know it will help with my walk with the Lord:)
    4th Grade Frolics

  66. Hello dear Cindy!!

    Count me in to hide His word in my heart.

    Sending love!!

  67. Hello dear Cindy!

    Thanks for this great challenge. I'm looking forward to hiding more of His Word in my heart.

    Sending love!!

  68. Hello dear Cindy!

    Thanks for this challenge. I'm eager to hide more of God's Word in my heart.

    Sending love to you!!

  69. I look forward to doing this with my daughter because she helps to keep me accountable. This year doing the same verse we can practice together. I joined your bog and loved the past posts I read. Looking forward to that also! Thank you! MSO. ;)

  70. I just wanted to say that I am doing your scripture challenge. Its a quick fun way to learn verses. Thank you :)
    P.S I already won a versepack

  71. I am doing your scripture challenge because I want to "sparkle," just like you.....And I find this to be a fun and creative way to memorize scripture. I'm excited about following your blog through e-mail and on facebook. I think I'm all subscribed and ready to go.

  72. What better way to start the new year, then to be challenged to be in the Word. Knowing the Word, is knowing truth and to deter the lies of Satan. So excited!

  73. Whoops! Sorry I posted so many times!!

  74. I am a little late, but it's never too late to learn about our Lord!
    Thanks for doing this and I will subscribe, etc so I can help myself and my family dig in just a little deeper this year!
    God Bless - and again, THANK YOU!

  75. I am so thrilled that I have found you and your blog! This challenge sounds so wonderful! I am joining this challenge to help become closer in my walk with the Lord. Thank you for doing this!

  76. I follow this blog!

  77. I subscribed your blog to my Google Reader!

  78. I added your button to my blog!

  79. I am planning on doing this with the whole family. I finally got it written on a card and the mirror for all to see. I am excited for us to learn the same verses together. Thanks!

  80. I look forward to the learning scripture each week!

  81. I am so glad I checked my e-mail tonight. I love the idea of the A-Z Scripture Memory. I just want to know more about our Lord and be so close to Him. Looking forward to the next scripture.
