Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Fun Day: One Word!

If you haven't had a chance to sign up for my "Story of Your Life" GIVEAWAY, please join the fun. You have until September 7th to enter. I'd love to hear from you! :)

Hey Friends!

What an exhausting week! Not only was it "Back to School" for my gang ~ it was also filled with disappointment, divorce (not me! But a very close family member. We are so sad!), and the realization that 2 of my good friends are gone (recap here and here). Poor John ~ I've cried on his shoulder for days. (Sweet guy brought me 2 bouquets of flowers ~ thanks honey!)

So today's post is just lighthearted fun :) Here's more information about me than you probably care to know! I'd love it if you play along....

In One Word....

(and you know it's hard for me to just say One Word. We'll see how I do)

Yourself: Blessed
Your husband: Integrity
Your hair: Red
Your Mother: Giving
Your Father: Helpful
Your Favorite Item: Bible
Your Favorite Drink: Venti-Skinny-vanilla-latte-no-foam-extra-hot :)
Your Dream Car: Clean
Your Dream Home: Cozy
The Room You Are In: Office
Your fear: Rejection
Where you Want to be in Ten Years? Center-of-God's-will
Who you hung out with last night: John
What You’re Not: Boring
One of Your Wish List Items: Freedom-in-Christ-for-all
Time: Bedtime
The Last Thing You Did: Football
What You Are Wearing: Pink
Your favorite weather: Fall
Your Favorite Book: Too-Many!
Last thing you ate: Trail Mix
Your Life: Abundant.
Your mood: Trying-to-stay-cheerful-when-I-feel-sad
Your Best Friends: my J's
Your car: John's Truck (thanks, honey!)
Your summer: Fun!
Relationship status: Very-happily-married
What is on your TV: Nothing.
When is the last time you laughed: with-my-adorable-kids!

So there you have it!!

What about for you?? How would you describe yourself in one word?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Have a wonderful, safe, joy-filled Labor Day weekend!


  1. Hmmm, well I think I can speak for myself as well as my family members... OVERWELMED!!! My parents just came back from their 15th Aniversary (florida), and us kids from our grandparents; yesterday (the day after we came home) we found out our home school co-op school starts in less than a week and I have to wake uo around 5am for the first time in a long time;]
    Plus it's my first year of high school... kinda scary!

    Love this post of yours! Hope you can visit my blog (i'm having a goal to get 100 followers by christmas).


  2. Love your ONE WORD!! My word is BLESSED. Blessed by Jesus, you, my friends, family and ministry opportunities.

  3. What a fun Friday post! My one word... content.

    Loved your hyphenated words - that's so me! My hubby always says I can say in 100 words what most would say in 10. My thought on that is why use only 10 words when you can use 100!

    Have a blessed 3-day weekend!!!

  4. READY. Ready for what the Lord has in store next for me, ready to laugh, ready to get into all the details of the new school year, ready for taking on projects, ready for loving life, ready to be done being sad about BFF moving.

  5. At the moment my one word would be "tired," but the word of the week has been "creative."

  6. This 1 word post is a great idea! One word for your post = awesome :)

    Also, I’m a new follower—wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too?

  7. Yourself: tired
    Your husband: working
    Your hair: straight
    Your Mother: funny
    Your Father: deceased
    Your Favorite Item: laptop
    Your Favorite Drink: Dt. Mt. Dew Your dream car: paid-ff
    Your Dream Home: spacious
    The Room You Are In: den
    Your fear: divorce
    Where you Want to be in Ten Years? Healthy
    Who you hung out with last night: Bob
    What You’re Not: healthy
    One of Your Wish List Items: debt-free
    Time: Bedtime
    The Last Thing You Did: sleep
    What You Are Wearing: T-shirt
    Your favorite weather: Fall
    Your Favorite Book: Too-Many!
    Last thing you ate: sandwich
    Your Life: worrisome
    Your mood: sad
    Your Best Friends: hubby
    Your car: Vue
    Your summer: boring!
    Relationship status: Very-happily-married
    What is on your TV: movie.
    When is the last time you laughed: forgot

  8. I just had to share about a blessing that happened as a result of this post! I thought this one word game was so fun that I happily participated on my own blog. Well, I very innocently answered "computer" for my wish list item. Ours is on its very last leg. My dad who lives too far away is my number 1 reader. He had seen my wish for a computer and called me today telling me to go pick out one for my birthday tomorrow! What a complete shocker. And what a God thing because He knows there's no way we could afford one right now! We've been praying for this one to hold out. It did and He answered our prayers through your post and my dad! Can't wait to use the new computer for His glory! Thanks so much for your part in our blessing!
