Monday, September 5, 2011

If I Could, I Would...

If you haven't had a chance to sign up for my "Story of Your Life" GIVEAWAY, please join the fun. You have until September 7th to enter. I'd love to hear from you! :)

Hi Friends!!

Happy Labor Day!! I hope you get a chance to put your feet up this weekend! :) I just finished the Grand Rapids Bridge Walk
, and now John has a full day of chores planned (cleaning out the garage, both cars, and more ~ oh my!). Enjoy this repeat from last year!

Beth Moore had a great post on her
LPM blog called "If I could, I would...". She asked,

"How would you complete the sentence, “If I could, I would…?" If you were not limited by time, energy, ability, or money, what are those things you would do?"

Beth did set two guidelines:

1. You can only name 3 things.

2. These aren’t regrets. i.e. “If I could, I would…live my whole life again without making that stupid choice.” As Beth says, "We all have plenty of those and they’re not likely to encourage others much"

So I've been trying to think this weekend what I would choose, and I think I finally know!

I would say.... if I could, I would......

1. Distribute
Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes with my family.

I've had the chance to participate in distributing OCC shoeboxes twice. The first time was in 2001 at the Saharawi Refuge Camp in Northwest Africa (pictured above).

The 2nd time was in 2003 while I was in Cairo, Egypt. We visited orphanages, schools, hospitals, and churches to pass out the shoeboxes to such beautiful, precious children. (pictured below ~ note I am pregnant at the time!)

Both experiences were absolutely life-changing. If I could, I would spend time passing out the shoeboxes, with John and my kids also sharing the blessing.

2. Write a book

God has placed a burning desire in my heart to write a book. I'm not sure when, if, or how this project will happen, but if I could, I would (if it was God's plan, of course!)

My greatest desire is sharing with others the full, abundant, amazing life that Jesus offers ~ regardless of where we have been or what we have done. I would love to put my passion into a writing project, someday...

3. Share a cup of coffee with each of YOU!

I love hearing how God is working in your lives! One of my greatest joys is receiving your notes, e-mails, comments, and prayer requests. THANK YOU for sharing your journey with me.

If I could, I would LOVE to sit with you over a cup of coffee, hear more of what God is teaching you, pray with you, and remind you how much you are LOVED, VALUED, and BEAUTIFUL ~ just the way that you are!!

Thankfully, God has blessed me to meet some dear bloggy friends like Julie Sanders, from Come Have A Peace...

and Lisa Smith, Jen Ferguson
and Amy Sullivan....

And Sarah Thomas, Natalie Flake, and Melody Hester...

And if I could, I would add YOU to the list, as well!!

There's my list!! What about you? What would you do, if you could? I'd love to hear from you!!

May your week be filled with much love, joy, and life-giving moments!! Blessings to you!!

P.S. Can I add one more thing??

If I Could, I to hang out with Mandisa!! I just love her! If you haven't seen this interview, take a quick watch. She fires me up everytime!! :)


  1. love this! i would love to have coffee with you, too. just today i was feeling a bit wistful, thinking about the community of bloggers. i want to hang out!

    if i could i would take a year off of work to write, travel back to the dominican republic with my children this time, and spend an entire summer at the beach.

  2. Still planning on #3 sometime :)
