Monday, October 26, 2009

On Forgiveness ~ Part 4 ~ Freedom!

Today concludes my mini-series on Forgiveness. My hope is that if you (or someone you know) wrestles with unforgiveness or self-condemnation, that God might use these posts to offer hope and life to you!

Jesus came so that we might live FREE!! Free of the Guilt, Free of the Shame, Free from the Lies. Let's take Him up on His gift of Free, Abundant Life ~ TODAY! :)

A few weeks ago I had the chance to give my testimony at our Monday night Bible Study. I shared my journey of self-defeating behaviors and addiction, until Jesus, thankfully, got ahold of me at age 26.

The next day, I received a note from a sweet woman who had been in attendance. "Dee" (not her real name) was having a hard time forgiving herself for the drug addiction and poor choices she made many years ago (for a recap, click here). Dee wanted to know how I was able to forgive myself and move forward.

Dee's letter made me sit and think. I reflected on how God brought me through my own journey of Forgiveness ~ forgivenss of myself, as well as others. I wrote Dee back and shared some of the practical, visual steps I took on my road to freedom and wholeness in Christ (for a recap, click here).

I then began to pray very specifically for Dee, and invited a group of prayer warriors I know to also interecede on her behalf.

How is Dee today?? Well, I'll let you decide. :) Here is a note I received from her just last week....

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your testimony—I have been able to Heal and press forward. My parents have been such a true blessing, and my mother—oh Cindy, I cannot describe the change that has been happening in her since I confided in my parents After listening to you several Mondays ago.

The powerful Lord has truly been working to heal My family and then to bring of all things to bring my mother and me together in over 35 years!!!!!!!

I can only say that forgiveness is the foundation of Christianity and serving Jesus. When we do not Forgive, the pain is so heavy and long lasting.

Anyways Praise the Lord today louder than yesterday!!!!!! In His name, your sister Dee.

Isn't God awesome?? Only God!! Only God!!

Let's pray....Oh Lord, we THANK YOU for Dee and for her openness in sharing her journey so others might see You. THANK YOU that there is no one too far from You. THANK YOU for the freedom and the LIFE that is available to us through CHRIST!!! We love You, Lord, and desire to be used for Your Kingdom purposes and Glory!! In Jesus' mighty and powerful Name we pray!! Amen!!

Have a BLESSED week!! I'm off to Bible Study!! Woo Hoo!!!

P.S. Would you do me a favor?? Before you close this post, would you mind lifting Dee up in prayer? (God knows her real name!) Would you pray that God would continue to bring healing and hope and life and fullness in Christ to her?? And that He would use her, in His perfect timing, to be a voice of hope and Truth to others? She has been such a blessing and inspiration ~ I would love to bless her as well! Thank you!! :)

Photo Credit: here


  1. It was a privilege to pray for "Dee." Thank you for offering your own story, Cindy. It was a beautiful gift. Forgiveness ... what a necessary step in life, but one we often try to push past. Thank you.

  2. I said a prayer for Dee, and also for you, thankful that you were able to minister to her.

  3. Cindy,

    Thanks for stopping by over at The Point to visit me.

    What a blessing to read about how your testimony of Christ's faithfulness impacted Dee. Only eternity will reveal the full measure of our lives. I pray that all we hear is 'well done, good and faithful servant'.


  4. I'm going to have to come back to read this series.

    I just love your smile!
