Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fantastic Friday ~ Jump for Joy!! :)

The flu is gone! The flu is gone!! Woo Hoo!! The flu is gone!!! :)

THANK YOU for your faithful prayers and words of encouragement. I feel FANTASTIC!!
No cough.
No sniffles.
No fever.
No sore throat.
No ear infection.
No aches.
Can you believe it?? I'm healthy!!! Hooray!! THANK YOU GOD!!!

It's a Fantastic Friday!! I'm off to go have fun with my family!!
May your Friday be filled with much joy and laughter and celebration!!


  1. Cindy, I'm so happy you and your family are better! Enjoy your weekend and GOD BLESS YOU EVERYONE!!! In Christian love, Jenny C. :-)

  2. Oh, thank you for your sweet words of encouragement today, Cindy! I was so blessed ... perfect on this really dreary day here. :) SO glad to hear that the Lord has restored your health and wellness, and I hope that your family has a sweet day together. I shared your encouragement today at my "Peace." Blessings!

  3. That is wonderful news. Lovely family photo! Take care!

  4. Thankful you are ALL healthy. Hope you have a great weekend☺
