Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Tree Test

Happy Tuesday to you!! Sorry I've not posted for awhile. My family is healthy (praise the Lord!), and we've been enjoying sweet family time together. I pray you are enjoying this beautiful Fall season as well!!

I am gearing up for some fun speaking opportunities taking place in the next few weeks. While the kids are in school, I've been hurrying off to pray, study and prepare every spare minute that I have.

After 3 pretty intense hours of studying early this morning, my mind needed a bit of a break. I decided to find out what kind of "tree" I am by taking The Tree Test :)

Here are the results...

You Are Charming and Energetic

You are a cheerful, funny person. You are in love with the whole world.

You are spontaneous and enthusiastic. You're up for anything, especially adventure!

You are outrageous and sometimes even shocking. You can't help it... you're just being yourself.

You are curious about everything and have many interests. If something interests you, you investigate it.

These tests always crack me up! :) Do you think this describes me??

This Tree Test is cute, but my greatest desire is to be like the tree described in Psalm 1 NCV:

Happy are those who don't listen to the wicked, who don't go where sinners go, who don't do what evil people do.

They love the Lord's teachings, and they think about those teachings day and night.

They are strong, like a tree planted by a river. The tree produces fruit in season, and its leaves don't die.

Everything they do will succeed.

What about you?? What kinds of tree are you?? You can find out here (The Tree Test)! I'd love to hear your results!! Have fun! :)

Blessings to you!!


  1. We must be kindred spirits =) I posted this same test on my blog this morning and it is amazing how accurate- always makes me laugh. I love the scripture you shared too!

  2. I think your tree is beautiful and looking a lot like Psalm 1. :)

  3. Hi, Cindy! You sparkle and inspire. I smiled when I found your place, and I praise God for your heartfelt ministry of the Word!

    May the Lord bless you richly! Amen! May He use you mightily to inspire others with His love!


  4. Thank you for your sweet note, Cindy. Maybe I need an excuse to come to Michigan. :) A sweet young wife in the Honeymooners class we teach is struggling with being homesick for Michigan. :)

    I have a little bit of a voice today. I am babying the whisper. Tonight I have to "teach" my study group, so they will be doing the sharing. Appreciate your kind encouragements!

  5. Heeey! I missed you!
    Yep, the tree sounds just like you - from what I feel from your spirit all the way through cyberspace (smile).
    I'm afraid to take the test...I might be the sap from the tree (lol). Okay, I'll take it and let you know. Yikes!

  6. Wow! I took the test and the results sound just like me!

    You Are Confident and Dominant

    You are a very independent, do it yourself kind of person. You've had to rely on yourself.
    You know how to be strong for yourself and the people you love. You have a protective streak.

    You sometimes come off as a little assertive. You know what you want, and you're not afraid to go get it.
    The only thing you require from people is that they're straight with you. You are ready for the truth.

  7. Great results on the tree test. I think I will check that out! And I love the family photo!

  8. Well I did it and how true it is. This was my result:

    You Are Confident and Dominant

    You are a very independent, do it yourself kind of person. You've had to rely on yourself.

    You know how to be strong for yourself and the people you love. You have a protective streak.

    You sometimes come off as a little assertive. You know what you want, and you're not afraid to go get it.

    The only thing you require from people is that they're straight with you. You are ready for the truth.
