Thursday, April 19, 2012

"He Loves Me" Video Debut :)

Hey Friends!

It's Thankful Thursday! What are you thankful for today???

Although it's been a bit crazy this week, I'm choosing to be thankful! :)

I'm thankful my family is healthy (woo hoo!), lice free (yay!), we're going to the TobyMac concert tonight (double woo hoo!) and I'm thankful for the chance to share another video clip with you from my story. Yippee!

Since you have prayed for this project so faithfully (remember my big plea for prayer here), I wanted to give you, my sweet *She Sparkles* friends, another special "sneak peek".

This portion of my story I am sharing was the hardest to film for a bzillion reasons (trust me, since I don't like video cameras, the whole project was hard!).

Not only am I talking about a very tragic part of my journey (my hardest, saddest day ever), portions of this clip were filmed at my parent's home (where I originally received the devestating phone call). Reliving December 10th, 1998 at my parent's home was beyond difficult, but yet, at the same time I had so much peace.

Your prayers made a HUGE difference, so I thought I'd start with this piece of the story to share. It's 3+ minutes long. Here goes...

I was telling some friends that I feel like I'm "standing before you in my underwear" as I share my story through video. There's nothing like bringing all my past, fears and insecurities right to the forefront!

It's still painfully hard for me to watch and to share - but you are a perfect way to practice. :) I am SO THANKFUL for YOU and your encouragement and support. Thank you!

It's Thankful Thursday! What are you thankful for today??? I'd love to hear from you!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you~

P.S. As you probably remember, Mother's Day is the official air date of my full 30 minute program on Day of Discovery (local schedule here).

If you like what you see, please continue to visit Day of Discovery here or
here and thank them for their hard work and investment in this project!


  1. Cindy,

    After watching your story unfold the last couple days it has made me think of how thankful I am of my son's story unfolding and touching lives in numerous ways. When I was asking the same questions 4 years ago. Why God....why would you allow this to happen. He has been speaking all over about choices. I'm so thankful that you made a choice to serve GOD through a VERY PAINFUL STORY. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

  2. Bless you, my sister! I'm sending hugs your way. Thank you for allowing the Father to use you for His kingdom!!
