Friday, February 24, 2012

20 days & Snow Scene & TV Air Date & other Random, Only God updates!

Hey Friends!

I was speaking at a conference last weekend, and a number of women were asking, "Why are you going to Turkey? What are you taping again? When will it be ready?".

Today I'll hopefully bring clarity to my formerly "top secret" project, as well as share a number of "Only God" updates!

Some brief history....almost 2 years ago, I started writing a Bible study for my Monday Night Bible Study. Remember how scared I was to tell you?? (recap here)

Last March, RBC Ministries invited me to lunch. They'd heard about the Monday night study, and wanted to learn more about it.

After much prayer and discussion, they asked if they could publish my Bible study (as a DVD/video driven curriculum) as well as turn my testimony into a documentary for their TV program shown around the world.

Can you believe it?? I was SPEECHLESS.

Only God!

Here are Updates on this project ~

My Testimony

Last fall I went to my hometown of Kokomo, Indiana with the Day of Discovery film crew (from RBC Ministries) to begin filming this documentary.

The plan has been to air my testimony this spring if they could get in one final scene that involves snow.

Now who would have thought it would be so hard to shoot a snow scene in the winter when I live in Michigan?!

Thankfully we were able to shoot the scene today! Woo Hoo! Since it was a Snow Day for my kids, everyone came to watch.

(Another fun little tidbit - everyone in my family - me, John, and our 4 kids, plus another surprise relative - are in the documentary in some way. What fun!)

Now that the snow scene is filmed, you can mark your calendars!

It looks like Mother's Day 2012 (May 13th) my story will air!

You can look here to see when the Day of Discovery TV show is aired in your community. It will also be available in DVD format. Yippee!

In case you want a "sneak peek" into the snow can read the story here
. My son Jake plays the college kid that stopped to help (shhh! don't tell - but isn't that fun?!)

Going to Turkey

Today begins my 20 day (yes, 20 days!) countdown until I leave. Yikes!

I'll be heading with the
Day of Discovery team to film my upcoming Bible study (to be released next year). RBC has asked I keep the title a secret for now, but I can tell you it's based on the lukewarm church of Laodicea.

We'll be filming 8 different sessions - the intros/closings in Istanbul, and the teachings on site in Ancient Laodicea/Hierapolis. ONLY GOD!

This week we've been planning wardrobe, I'm trying to memorize 8 scripts, etc..

I am so far out of my comfort zone I don't know if I should laugh or cry. I would LOVE your prayer support! Please???!!

One last FUN surprise....

Woven into my 8 video sessions will be diffferent testimonies from various Christian women authors/speakers/etc... RBC asked me to come up with a list of women to highlight for the different teaching sessions.

Would you believe every woman I've suggested has said yes to being in this Bible study?!!! Woo Hoo!!!

I can't share names yet...but I cannot wait until I can tell you. GOD IS JUST WAY TOO AWESOME. ONLY HE CAN ORCHESTRATE THIS.

I may be headed to Nashville, TN to join the film crew to interview one of the women next week, plus we'll be doing two other interviews soon as well. Hopefully I can sneak in a picture or two to share with you.

Whew! That's what I've been up to lately. I hope you hear through my words that God alone gets all the glory for this project. He has opened the doors, and He is the One who is orchestrating all of the details.

May this story encourage and remind you that God is a God who makes the impossible possible!! Do not grow weary! Do not give up! He knows what He is doing!!

How can I lift YOU in prayer these days? What has God been teaching YOU??? I would love to hear from you, my dear bloggy friend!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! God's richest blessings to you!!

P.S. Don't forget on Monday I'll be sharing the next verse in the A to Z Challenge (& a new giveaway). Care to join us?? It's not too late! Start anytime!!! Click here for more details! We'd love to have you join the fun!!!


  1. Amazing! So excited that you got your snow day and that all of this is coming together in His perfect timing! Praying for you!

  2. That is so exciting!!! God is good! I hope you will be blogging while you're in Turkey! I hope they scheduled you for some sightseeing while you're there! There's so much to see and do!

  3. So awesome, I am very happy for you.

  4. Oh Cindy this is so awesome! I'm so happy for you, exicted for you, nervous for you and proud of you for being such a willing vessel. And yes, I will be praying. Praying for clarity in recall of your script, good health and clear communication. I want the dvd - I'm assuming you'll make that easy for us to order or get the info. on how we can get one when it's available.
    Love ya girl!
    Hey...are you going back to She Speaks this summer?
    Ohhhh....guess what?! NC finally got Shamrock Shakes! Whoo-hoo! I haven't tried one yet but we finally got on the map those things. Thought of you and smiled when I saw that advertised at the McD's drivethru.

  5. Thanks for the link to the Shovel post! I really needed that this morning! We are struggling in so many areas of our lives right now. I have been feeling so depeated these past few months. I'll look forward to your DVD!

  6. WoW! That's awesome! Congratulations on your Bible Study, your trip, the doctumentaries . . .wow, wow, wow! God is amazing! Thank you for being willing to surrendur your work to Him and trust in Him.

  7. I love following what our Limitless God is doing in your life. It is encouraging and inspiring. You make me smile! I pray for your protection as well as your family as you enter into yet another adventure with God. Thank you for being willing to share and teach from God's word.
