Thursday, January 5, 2012

*A to Z* Memory Verse Challenge ~ Fun Updates & Giveaway Winners

Hey Friends ~

Today I'm linking up with my real-life neighbor, Jill from the Diaper Diaries for "Things I Love Thursday".

Can you guess what I am loving this week??

Yes, it's true, I am loving the *She Sparkles* A to Z Memory Verse Challenge! Woo Hoo!
Here are my Top 5 Reasons Why I'm Loving the A to Z Challenge!

1. I love reading all of the different comments and stories of WHY others are joining the challenge.

Like this....

Happy New Year Cindy!! The reason I have decided to participate is multiple, not just one reason. First, This warrior NEEDS some tools. Second, what a perfect way to spend quality family time. Third, it's a way to stay in and to be constantly thinking about the word. Plus you have others in the house keeping you accountable...challenging you.

Fourth, for 6 years I worked on an Alzheimer unit and the resounding thing that people were always left with was their ability to recall hymns and scripture, when all else seemed to have left them. This brings new meaning to Hebrew 13:5 I need something (God and His word) that will not leave me even when all I know has. Looking forward to the A-Z challenge!

# 2 I love hearing stories/seeing pictures of HOW you are memorizing the verses.

Here are some of the fun pictures I've received this week...

3. I love hearing stories of HOW the Memory Challenge is impacting you.

Hey Cindy -

We're finding lots of places to put our memory verses! The kids are so proud to tell me the older daughter repeatedly! I've asked D (my younger daughter) a few times this week if she could say it to me without me helping her. She told me she looks at it every night when she is in bed and when she brushes her teeth and she just reads it to herself.

I wasn't really sure if she was being honest, as some of the words she doesn't know. Tonight she walked into my room and just started to say the verse. I was extra proud of her, with all of her learning struggles that she has to overcome. Getting choked up as I write this, yep gonna cry:)

Ya know she has a hard time memorizing her spelling words each week like jug, bug, dug etc. but she was able to memorize a whole verse from the Lords Word and the book it is from. How cool is THAT!!! Just wanted to share...Starting out STRONG!

Don't you just love it?? Yippee!

# 4 Reason Why I'm Loving the A to Z Challenge......I already blew my "No Starbucks Vanilla Lattes in 2012" Resolution ~ but I'm still going strong on my Memory Verses!

(me & my bff Julie. Please note ~ she had nothing to do with me giving up on my Starbucks resolution!)

Please tell me I'm not the only one who lacks self discipline and gave up on a resolution already?!
Thankfully, together, we can ALL persevere and memorize scripture from A to Z. The verses I've selected are "family friendly" (i.e. ANYONE can memorize them).

Last year, my first verse for 2010 was a paragraph long. I still don't quite know that verse. Not this year ~ this is one commitment I can and will keep! You too!

# 5 I love sharing GIVEAWAYS with my *She Sparkles* friends!

Thanks to Darlene, one of my very generous sponsors, I was able to share almost 50 customized A to Z versepacks with *She Sparkles* readers around the nation. Yippee!

If you are a blogger, hopefully you contacted Darlene about receiving a versepack (if not, please send her an email -

If you are a Memory Verse participant and entered the giveaway, please check my P.S. below where I'll list the 25 names selected for the giveaway. (If your name is listed, can you please make sure I have your email. Thank you!)

Whew! There you have it - my Top 5 Reasons Why I'm Loving the *She Sparkles* A to Z Memory Verse Challenge!

How about for you? What are you loving this week? I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. Here are the 25 winners of a personalized A to Z versepack from Verseability.... (** means I need your email please)

1. Lindsey Merrill
2. Angie Ohlman
3. Tara Eiken
4. Michelle @ moma3homeschool
5. Jenny C.
6. Amy Hodgkinson
7. Sara B.
8. Chrissy B.
9. IamSsmom
10. Shannon @
11. Wanda
**12. Dawn
13. Rene
14. Karen
15. Melody Mae
16. Liz R.
**17. Stacy
**18. Kim
**19. amyb
20. Natasha
21. Tricia
22. Laura Kuperus
23. Marilyn Kralt
24. Phoebe
25. Nana D


  1. Great post. I can't believe you tried to give up lattes. LOL Congrats to the winners.

    I keep repeating the verse to myself daily. Now to just add in the reference and I got it made.

  2. Well I'm super excited about winning a verse pack but I love that it's a community of like minded people coming together on a fun new years resolution!!! :) I can see it is going to be a fun year!

  3. Thanks for offering this giveaway Cindy.
    How exciting for me to win.
    I look forward to learning from them.
    I am learning these verses by placing them by my computer and repeating them while working around the house, sitting at the computer and just throughout my day.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

  4. Cindy, what a super way to start my day - reading that I'm one of the winners! Thank you! I feel very blessed! I'm loving this verse - it reminds me of my father-in-law who had it displayed outside his house by the front door. He's with the Lord now, so this verse is very special. God bless you today sweet friend! Love, Jenny C.
