Thursday, November 10, 2011

It is Finished! Woo Hoo!

Hi friends :)

Just a quick note to say THANK YOU for praying me through my testimony filming
this week. It is now finished! Woo Hoo! :)

What a long, exhausting, emotionally draining, challenging week. I have been taken waaaaaaay out of my comfort zone, but could sense the prayer support every step of the way.


Here are some highlights...

The most awkward moment was re-creating the police officer encounter (right after my cocaine overdose in 1996). Ugh!!

It was no fun being scolded by a police officer for choices I made 15 years ago. Thankfully the police office (actor in "real life") was super nice, and Fred Hollis, as always, is an amazing director/teacher/coach.

Not to mention the Day of Discovery team is gracious, patient, Christ centered, prayerful and fun. What a blessing!

My favorite part was having my husband John and son Benj on set. (Benj played the part of his big brother Jake. What a gift that they both have red hair!) It was a blessing to be reminded how God brought John in the midst of my pain, single parenting and grief.

John was always there for me.... fixing my car (note the oil stained hands!)....

Or helping me and Jake carve pumpkins, or glue gummy worms on a board for the 100th day of school.... :)

It was also fun for us to tour RBC Ministries as a family. I think Benj may have a future in video broadcasting! What do you think?? :)

My hardest part was the Christmas scene (the night my fiance was killed). Ugh.

Thankfully, we finished in less than 90 minutes. What a miracle!!!

Also, doing the voice over in the studio today was hard!!!
I talk fast, choppy, and slur my "s'". (I think my first paragraph had 100 "s's" in it, or so it seemed). How do you re-learn 41 years of talking??

The team was so gracious, we stopped and prayed, and then things started rolling. We were finished within 40 minutes. Woo Hoo!

Whew!! What a week! My finished story should be ready to air on the Day of Discovery in early Spring. Thank You, God!

Please know, my dear *She Sparkles* friends, how much I treasure your support, prayers, and words of encouragement. I thank God for YOU!!
How about for you?? What have you been up to this week? How can I pray for you?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a wonderful, joy-filled day!

P.S. A huge note of THANKS to Julie Richardson, Production Assistant Extraordinaire!!! Not only is Julie warm, caring, thoughtful, hard-working, detailed, gracious, and so much more... ~ she also showed up at my house bright and early every morning to do my makeup with a latte in her hand. You bless me, my sweet friend!!!! :)


  1. So exciting, Cindy! I hope to see it someday!

  2. Long story short, I was asked yesterday to teach two classes for winter (one teacher has to take LOA due to family issues). This will incredibly increase my workload. I can see lots of pros and cons, though. I said I would consult family and pray about it for the weekend. Please pray that the Lord would reveal to me what HE wants me to do.

  3. Praying for God to continue to drop big blessings into your life.

  4. Praying God will continue to work in your life & the lives of those who will see.

    In His Calm,
