Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Stumbles

Hey Friends!

Happy Saturday to you! I'm thrilled to be joining Staci and her Saturday Stumbles again! I love sharing with you fun stuff I've come across in bloggy world!

Here are some of my Favorite Finds...

** Remember how I was talking about "praying down the tracks"? Look how God used that visual to inspire Courtney. Is God awesome or what??!

** My friend Shuana Niequist and her husband Aaron had a baby. Woo Hoo! Meet Mac!

** Facebook changes driving you nuts? Check this out!

** Are you failing at something ?? You'll love my friend Amy's post "I Hope You Are Failing" (be sure to watch the video too!)

** I loved being called royalty (thanks, Marletha!) - The Royal Family

** Wondering what to make for dinner? Check out this awesome "October Monthly Meal Plan" (complete with recipes). Love it!

What have you stumbled upon this week? Share in the comments! I'd love to hear from you!!

Have a wonderful, joy-filled weekend!

P.S. For more great Saturday Stumbles or to join the fun,

head over and visit Staci! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the bloggy love, friend. Thinking about you lots this weekend. Can't wait for an update.
