Friday, October 7, 2011

Calling All Texas Friends! :)

Hey Friends!

It's hard to believe that two weeks from today I'll be heading from my home in Grand Rapids, Michigan to Austin, Texas. It will be my first visit to Texas. Woo Hoo! (or should I say, "Yee Haw?!")

During the weekend of October 22 & 23, I'll be the keynote speaker at a women's retreat being held at Camp Buckner
. My message is called, "Living Balanced in an Unbalanced World". I can't wait!

If you are a Texas friend and live close to Camp Buckner, I'd love to have you join us! The host church of the retreat (Redeemer Lutheran Church) has opened the retreat to any woman! I'd love to enjoy a hayride and campfire with you! (Wouldn't that be fun?!)

I recently received a detailed letter from Andrea, the retreat coordinator, with more specifics. If you are interested in the retreat, here is more information from her....


I hope you are enjoying fall, yea it’s not 100+ anymore!

Now, it’s time to start thinking about the Women’s Retreat this year which will be held 10/22 and 10/23 at Camp Buckner. Camp Buckner has hotel type rooms, with two beds and private bath per room. They provide all of the linens, they cook the food, they do all the hard work! We just come and enjoy the time.

This year we will have bus service, if you are interested in taking the bus from Redeemer, that will be an option at no additional charge.

We will be having three sessions with Cindy Bultema, who is flying in from Michigan, just days before she gets rolling with the taping of her new video based Bible study. I hear from a friend of hers, that she’s going to be the next Beth Moore. She really digs into the word with each study and I believe we’ll be blessed to spend time with her. Her weekly bible study started with just two women and has grown to over 200 women per week attending. I know that she’s been preparing for our time for a couple of months and she is very excited to get to spend the time with us.

Oh, and you don’t have to be a member of Redeemer to get to come, so you if want to bring a friend or family member, we’d love to have her too.

We have limited spaces, so let me know sooner rather than later, if you are interested.

If you have questions, please let me know!


I can hardly wait to share my new "Balanced Living" messages! But mostly I can't wait to see what God is preparing for this special women's weekend! (Rumor has it that my college best friend, who I have not seen since my wedding in August 2000, may be there!) What fun! :)

For anyone who lives in Texas (or has been there before) ~ is there any special souvenier you'd recommend I'd bring back? Texas lingo I should be aware of? Please help this Michigan sister out!

Thanks so much for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. If you'd like a copy of the official flyer/registration form, or would like to email Andrea directly, please email me at and I'll send it right over :)


  1. How exciting, Cindy! So wish I lived anywhere near Texas so I could have an excuse to squeeze your neck! Praying for a blessed event!

  2. HI! Cindy~ WELCOME TO TEXAS.. I wish I could work this conference in. Austin is still about 3 hrs from me! but Praying for you, and remember..."SOMEONE IN TEXAS LOVES YOU"!
