Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm Home! ~ My Texas Update (Yee Haw!)

Warning: This post contains a lot of photos! How do you sum up an amazing weekend in one blog post?? Not easy!

Hey Y'all :) !!

You may remember, this past weekend was the "
Living Balanced in an Unbalanced World" retreat at Camp Buckner near Austin, Texas! Woo Hoo! I have been praying, preparing and looking forward to this retreat for months! It was so awesome to see it all come together! Thank you for all of your prayers ! :)

What an amazing time I had with the women from Redeemer Lutheran Church! The women were warm, fun, kind, and desiring to grow deeper in their walk with Jesus.

Here's a picture of me with my new Texas friends! :)

I loved every minute I spent with these beautiful ladies! They blessed me big time! :)

Besides a wonderful retreat weekend, the Lord blessed me with a couple other special surprises.

**First of all, I now love Texas! (This was my first visit to the state). In addition to the amazing views, perfect weather and warm Southern hospitality, I've never had such great Southwestern food. Yum!

**My best friend from college, Stephanie, flew down from Michigan and came to the retreat on Saturday. I love re-connecting with her (I haven't seen her since my wedding 11 years ago!).

I also spent time with Kristie Reed Heartwell, a dear friend who moved from Michigan to Texas. (Sorry our pics were all too dark - ugh!)

Sunday I was able to spend time at Jen Ferguson's home (from Finding Heaven) and enjoy an amazing dinner together (tableside guacamole is my new favorite food in the whole wide world!). Fun times!

Although I am completely exhausted and ready for a BIG nap ~ my heart is filled to the brim with joy and gratitude!

**Thank you, dear Redeemer Lutheran sisters, for your warm welcome and amazing time of fellowship together. Our weekend together was special, sacred time ~ an experience I will not soon forget! :)

**Thank you, Andrea, women's director extraordinaire for opening your Texas ranch home for me, showing this Michigan girl the beauty of Texas, and driving me all over Texas with joy.

**Thank you, bloggy friends, for "praying down the tracks"! God is so faithful and He answered every one!

**Thank you Mom & Jackie for helping with the kids, and for all the extra things you do to help keep our life sane. :)

**And a huge note of THANKS to John and the kids....for letting Mom fly across the country to share Jesus with others, and for notes (see pic below) on the driveway to welcome me home. You bring me so much JOY! :)

I am blessed indeed!

Well I'm "fixin'" to put my feet up and get some rest! :) Will you share how God has blessed you recently?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Sweet blessings to you!!

P.S. I can't wait to tell you about a totally Divine appointment I experienced in the Atlanta airport on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had an amazing time! Plus you got to spend time with Jen! I'm jealous! Welcome home.
