Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fat Talk Free Week: Meet Kendal (& giveaway!)

Hey Friends :)

As you all know by now, I am passionate about living Fat Talk Free.

Please know....I am so NOT perfect in this area nor have I somehow "arrived".

Truth be told, my friends still call me out on this occassionally. If I let even one "Do these pants make me look frumpy?" comment slip...they are on me like fleas (as they should be)!

After years of struggling with an eating disorder, stinkin' thinkin', nearly losing my life, and having to take my young daughter to the doctor due to her "not wanting to be fat" ....I have made a personal promise to be part of the SOLUTION to the epidemic of Fat Talk.

I also get fired up when I meet other women who have committed to living a life of freedom, wholeness, and Truth in the whole body image/food area.

Last year, I came across a spacious place, an inspiring, authentic blog written by Kendal. I love it!

Kendal has been set free from anorexia, and shares her amazing journey in her book Full.

Kendal shares "Full" is "about losing myself to anorexia and filling up again with Jesus and health. My deepest desire is that this book will help someone understand the eating disordered mind."

Here's an excerpt from "Full" by Kendal Privette

(ED refers to "Eating Disorder", and the numbers are her weight)

ED Speaks
It's too much.
Ed speaks.
I didn't know listening was a pact.

Page 2
ed sidles up,
hissing in my ear.
sweet talking,
two pounds,
he whispers...

Page 4
Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Your works are wonderful I know that full well
total crap
I am ugly
I have a lumpy waist
stringy hair
uneven complexion
beady eyes
I am a mistake

And on and on the book goes, as we watch this 127 pound mother of two, spiral down to 98 pounds....and then....., well, I'll let you read the book :)

Or listen to Kendal reading from her book "Full". Powerful stuff! :)

When I first received "Full", I could absolutely not put it down! Every girlfriend that came to visit sat with me as we read from Kendal's personal journey. If you know anyone who has been impacted by anorexia/eating disorders, I would highly recommend this book.

Full paints a picture of the trapped mind, as well as fills the reader with hope (as we watch Kendal come back to health and victory!) Woo Hoo!!

In fact, here is one of my favorite pieces from Kendal as she began to experience freedom...


where i’ve been
no longer
calls me
where I’m going
beckons like
a friend
faculty snacks?
relished not avoided
extra-tiny co-worker who goes to weight watchers?
pitied not envied
a week off exercise due to lack of time?
accepted not battled


And exciting news ~ Kendal has graciously offered to share her book "Full" with a blessed *She Sparkles* friend! (Thank you, dear Kendal!)

To Win my Giveaway: Please answer the question,

Why would you like to win the book "Full"?

Extra Entries:
•Post this giveaway on FB
•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
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•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, October 21st and ends Monday, October 24th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog soon after October 25th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

**For information about ordering Kendal's book, click here.

**To stop by Kendal's blog and say hello, click here.

How has your life been impacted by stinkin' thinkin'/eating disorders/body image stuff?? What have you found to be key in walking in *victory* in this area?? I'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, freedom-filled weekend!!

If you've not seen this powerful video on "Fat Talk", please take just a few minutes and watch it. (Job well done, Tri Delta!)

P.S.. For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over and visit Jill at The Diaper Diaries. :)


  1. Cindy...I would love to read this book because I think it would help me with the constant battle of eating issues that I have dealt with for as long as I can remember. Thanks for sharing:)

  2. As you know, I love Kendal! She makes my heart sing! I would love to read Kendal's book, but you do not have to enter me in the giveaway -- I think there is someone else that needs it more than I do at this moment in time.

    I've battled food addiction for most of my life. I ate too much to try to fill a void inside my heart. I am so grateful to have been delivered from the clutches, but now I feel that I have to battle the "fat talk." Even as a marathoner, I still struggle with patches of fat and I just need to get over it!

  3. Your post made me really want to read this book. I would like to read it and then pass it on through my blog so it might help many. I also followed you on twitter and tweeted this contest.

  4. Hi precious!

    I was moved by her video. I'm sadly not familiar with your friend Kendal but will have to become familiar with her. Her heart shines through in the video.

    As one who has walked through years of having to learn how to define myself through God's eyes and not the world I think that comes with why we have eating disorders or in my case it was YEARS of emotional eating without even realizing it. I still have to fight that demon and just focus on who God is and how He sees me not the world. I'd love to learn more of Kendal's story. I'd love to win her book.

    I love you and appreciate you and Kendal!

  5. So, I do not want to win Kendal's book (only because it already happens to be on my bookshelf!), but I do want to say it is a moving and powerful piece of work.

    It helped me understand ED in a new way.
