Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Only God! (& My Exciting Update) PART 2

Hey Friends!

I'm so excited to share a "little bit" of what God is up to in my life! (In case you missed yesterday's post, you may want to start

Over the past few years, I started to pray specifically about writing out
my testimony.

Whenever I speak somewhere, without fail, others will ask if I have a book. Often someone will say,
"I just wish my neighbor/mom/sister could hear your story. Please write your book".

However, one problem, I'm not a writer, and the thought of writing a book about my life seemed impossible.

Instead I kept praying. My friends and I sensed I should start writing my
Red Hot Bible study.

And then last March God opened the door for me to meet with an amazing, well respected, international ministry. Since that time, I've been praying, writing scripts, meeting with the team, and watching God perform an absolute miracle before my very eyes.

Whereas I'm not at liberty to share all the details of our upcoming project, I do have permission to share the first part. Are you ready??

Coming up in a few weeks, I'm heading to.....

I grew up in Kokomo, so I'm heading there with the Day of Discovery film crew so they can make a documentary of my life.

Can you believe it?!

When it's complete, the documentary will be shown on TV stations around the country.

Only God!

I'll also have a DVD of my journey from rejection to redemption to share with other hurting, broken individuals. I can't wait to boast of God's goodness and grace!

You must know I am terrified of this project, and the thought of speaking into a video camera while others are watching makes my stomach hurt. Going wardrobe shopping with the production assistant (although she is amazing!) nearly made me break out in hives.

May I ask for your prayer support?? PLEASE?! :)

I'll be in Kokomo October 10th & 11th. Would you please pray for a fresh measure of God's power, peace and Presence? Prayers for my health (my family too!) would also be so appreciated (you may remember I often get sick - or get lice - right before big events!)

May the story of what God is doing through the horrible, painful mistakes of my life encourage you and remind you that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with God.

Only God could take a shy, insecure girl from Kokomo Indiana ~ and not only rescue and redeem me from years of self destructive choices, but give me a brand new reputation, and then flood my life with His grace, love and joy. Only God!

And only God could provide me with such an amazing group of bloggy friends ~ near and far!

When I was meeting with the film crew and told them about you all, the head of video production said, "Absolutely! Tell them all about this project! We can take lots of pictures in Kokomo so they can join you!" (Thanks, Fred!)

I can't wait to share photo highlights with you, my sweet friends!

Isn't God fun?! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*, and for your prayers, friendship and support.

God's richest blessings to you~

P.S. In case you now have the "Kokomo" song in your head (by the Beach Boys) ~ you can sing along here.....

P.S.S. I'm linking up today with Jen and friends at Soli Deo Gloria. Be sure to check out this amazing sisterhood of women! :)


  1. Wow, Cindy! That is huge! It is a huge God project. He will see you through and His grace will make His light shine brightly through you.

    Can't wait to see it!


  2. SO excited for you!! And for all the lives this is going to touch!!!

    Celebrating and praying with you!
    Much love,

  3. This is so amazing! I will be praying for good health for all involved. Can't wait to see the pics!

  4. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I am so excited for you! Only our God can turn our mistakes into stories for His glory! Praying you through!!!

  5. Wow, Cindy, that is exciting!! He makes something beautiful out of our lives...

  6. Wow, Cindy, that is exciting!! He makes something beautiful out of our lives...

  7. (sing to the tune by the Pointer Sisters):

    I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it!

    I love praying for you and I will continue to do so. With God, all things are possible. Yay Cindy! Yay God!

  8. wow!! Wow!! Wow!! How awesome! yes, i'll be praying for you. God will be with you all the way. He did not put this opportunity before you only to back off and say, "It's all yours now." Nope, He is already in that moment. Jehovah-shammah. Yippee!!

  9. I will be lifting you up in prayer. I am happy for you. I am originally from Tipton, IN. Spent many a Saturday in Kokomo. Look forward to your updates

  10. I am SO, SO, SO EXCITED for you!!!!!! If I lived closer I'd drive right over and give you a hug!! Can you feel it??!! I PROMISE that I'll be praying!! So many people will be blessed!! Woo-Hoo!!

  11. Wow, Cindy, that is so amazing! God is using your testimony and your life to reach so many people. It's so exciting to see what he is doing through you! Can't wait to hear how it all goes for you. We will be praying for you and your family.

  12. wow, cindy!
    this just made me get quite choked up.
    i stand amazed, with you, sister!
    i will pray for his powerful anointing and spirit of wisdom and revelation (eph 1:17) to fall on you in the coming days, esp.

    can't wait to hear/ SEE more!

  13. Yay, God! I'm so excited for you and your ministry, Cindy! And I can't wait to see the DVD. Hope to see you soon;-)


  14. How exciting Cindy! I'm so excited for you. I'm sure it will be spectacular!!!

  15. Oh my goodness! How wonderfully awesome. Yes...that's God! I'm so happy and excited for you. After reading your testimony months ago I was instantly hooked on your site and your continued posts. You are amazing indeed and I will be waiting with enthusiasm for pictures and more updates from this journey. I'm praying for you too! Remember, if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. That's not just the storms in life, but also the joyful, yet sometimes nerve wrecking moments too. His presence will definitely be powerfully obvious.

    Many blessings,

  16. wonderful story...it really reminds me of what I wrote about today...seeds planted in the dark...one day they burst forth to start bring fruit.
    Blessings on this wonderful journey...

  17. Oh Cindy! This is amazing. Yes, indeed, God is good! And I'm so excited about this opportunity for you. I am praying for you through this and cannot wait to hear more about it. You radiate Jesus! Praying against lice, sickness, and any other devices the enemy is scheming right now.

  18. Busting with excitement for you and thanking God for such an opportunity to touch lives for the kingdom! May God be glorified and you and all others be blessed! Praying...

    Much love!
