Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How Do You Find A Mentor?

In case you missed my fun yet terrifying "Only God!" update, you can check it out here! :)

Hi Friends!

A dear friend from Canada sent me a note with the following questions...

Cindy, what is it that your spiritual mentor does for you? How often do you meet with her, what has she taught you? I have felt the Lord wanting me to invest time with a spiritual mentor and I have someone in mind, however, I don't know how to go about asking her or even what we do in our time together. Can you offer an advice??


Since I receive this question often, I'll share parts of my response with you.... :)

For years and years I prayed very specifically that God would bring a Godly mentor into my life. In 2007, the Lord graciously introduced me to Mary Swierenga. Although we go to different churches, our paths crossed (thank You, Lord!)

Mary is an amazing, seasoned Bible teacher, prayer warrior, and woman of the Lord. I cherish our times together. Here we are studying in her office last winter...

Mary and I pray together, we go for walks or I come and sit on her porch (so a lot of my learning is not very structured). We also read the same devotion (Sparkling Gems by Rick Renner ~ my FAVORITE!) and we talk about what we read for the day. This fall I'm also attending a weekly class she teaches on prayer. I love it!

Mary always reminds me to point others to the Scripture ("Give 'em the meat, Cindy" ~ she says, "not some 'little dab will do ya!'") I am so thankful for her presence and mentoring in my life!

To someone seeking a advice would be pray!

If you sense God is calling you to ask someone ~ go for it! And then communicate clearly what you are hoping for (prayer support, wisdom, encouragement, Bible growth, etc..) God is so faithful and I'm confident He'll bring a mentor your way in His perfect time.....



How about for you, bloggy friends? Do you have a mentor? Are you a mentor? What have you learned about mentoring? We'd love to learn from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!

1 comment:

  1. I don't currently have a mentor, but I have been praying for one. I keep on praying. :)
