Monday, September 26, 2011

Only God! (& My Exciting Update)

Hope you had a GREAT 1st weekend of Fall! For fun fall family ideas, check out my Fall Family Fun from A to Z Guide. Enjoy!

Hi Friends!

I'm so excited to share a fun, exciting update with you! :)

First some quick background info.....

In 1996, God saved my life. Literally.

(In case you've not heard my story, you can read it

Soon after my drug overdose, I committed my life to Jesus Christ.

Best. Decision. Ever.

As I began to walk in grace, Truth and freedom, doors began to open for me to share my journey.

Although I'm just a "shy girl from Indiana" who never enjoyed talking in front of people, I made God a promise.

After giving me a second chance at life, I would do anything God asked of me. If it was telling my story ~ I would do it. Anytime. Anywhere. For Him.

In the past 15 years, I've shared my story in all kinds of fun places around the country.



Mars Hill Bible Church at standing room only capacity.

1:1 Coffee shop meetings

Homeless Shelters

Church Basements

Living Room filled with single moms


Fancy Christmas Teas

You get the drift. :)

I'll confess, every time I'm about to share my stomach is in knots and I feel like I'm going to be sick. Every single time. And yet, if God can use my story for His purpose and glory, I'll be there.

Imagine my surprise when last March, an international ministry asked me to have lunch with them. (Me?!)

As I sat around the table, I met an amazing, Christ-centered team made up of video producers, publishers, and marketing members. This team had heard of how God is using my story and my Red Hot Bible study to impact women in West Michigan.

At the end of our lunch gathering, the head of publishing leaned over to me and asked if I'd be interested in doing a project with them. (Me?!)

I've spent the past 6 months praying, dreaming, meeting, writing, praying more (and begging my friends to join me in prayer!), and asking God what in the world He is up to!

Earlier this month, I gathered with this team again. Plans are starting to come together, and it is ONLY GOD Who could/would orchestrate all of this.

I asked the team if I could let you, my dear *She Sparkles* friends, in on some of the fun. Whereas I'm not at liberty to tell you everything (just yet!) ~ I can fill you in on one exciting part that's happening very soon!


To be continued tomorrow....


  1. I am squealing with delight for you and I don't even know the details. So excited to see God use you in a new way, my sweet friend!

  2. I'm excited for God through YOU! I will join the others with you in praying that God continues to lead every step of the way.

  3. SO happy for you and not surprised at all!!! God has big plans for you girl :)
    Love ya!

  4. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see how God continues to work through you.

  5. Can't wait to hear your news!!!! You are such a beautiful light for the Lord! Love you, Jenny C.

  6. So happy for what God is doing! Can't wait to hear more as you're able to share.
    PS. Made the chicken chili: fabulous and easy!

  7. Ack!! That was not nice. A huge build up...and then...commercial. Seriously, you have me so curious. I'll definitely be back tomorrow to find out the exciting news...or at least the part you can share. :)


  8. lol I am also soooo curious!!!
    This is amazing! I'm so happy for you and for whatever is coming!

  9. Isn't it amazing that God will use broken vessels like ourselves to show HIS glory!!! Rejoicing w/ you my friend!!!
