Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Hey friends!

Is it Thursday already?? Wow! What a full week! I'm exhausted (anybody else??)...but filled with such gratitude and joy!

I couldn't decide on one thing to share for Thankful, instead...

Here's my Thankful Thursday Top 5 list! :)

1. My dear friends Jeremy and Erica Simpson survived this car accident.

Many of you know the Simpson's are such special friends of mine and amazingly gifted worship leaders. (Remember when Erica and I did this?)

Thankfully everyone involved in Monday's accident is alive and well. Praise the Lord!

You can read more about the accident, and Erica (and perhaps Jeremy, depending on how he is feeling) will be sharing of God's faithfulness in the midst of this scary situation at our Bible study this Monday, July 18th.

My girls have been thanking God every night for protecting Mr. Jeremy & Mrs. Erica. Me too!!!

2. My son Jake

You may remember last week was a hard week for Jake. Many of you have sent notes of prayer and encouragement. Thank you so very much!).

Jake is taking the news (and disappointment) very well. On the night of the final decision ~ Jake shared how he felt, listened, went fishing, and was home by curfew. What a mature young man! And I am so very thankful!

Tomorrow Jake turns 17. Wow! I thank God every day for the gift of being his mom! :)

3. I'm healthy! My family is healthy!! Woo Hoo!! This makes me want to jump for Joy!! :)

4. I'm thankful for the transformation God has done in my life!

(If you've never heard my story, a recap is here.)

I cannot wait to tell you about some of the exciting projects that God is orchestrating. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Trust me, ONLY GOD!!

This I know for sure....there is no one too far gone, not only does God redeem us He gives us a brand new reputation, and He delights in showing us His power.

I'll keep you posted as I can. It's SO FUN and just like God!!

5. Rest & Renewal

I love having the opportunity to share God's Truth, goodness, and faithfulness with others ~ but today I am thankful my schedule is free this weekend.

My commitment to my famiy is that I will only be gone one night per week (Monday nights).

Unfortunately, one week I was gone 2 nights, and this is what I found in my little Sarah's bed the next morning....

She had gone to bed with my Chuck E Cheese picture next to her pillow!! Talk about breaking my heart!

I'm thankful that this weekend I can rest, hang out with my family, celebrate, pick up Benj from camp, pull weeds, and just "hang out" (and do some intense studying/praying while everyone is at sleeping).

I'm also thankful to serve a God who cares about our "whole being" ~ physically, emotionally, and spiritually...and leads us beside quiet waters to restore our soul!!!

What about for you, friend?? What are you Thankful for Today?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

I'm also thanking God for YOU and asking Him to bless you and fill your life with His inexpressible, glorious joy!!

Blessings to you!!


  1. A wonderful list you have shared. Thanking God with you that your friends survived the accident.

  2. my sweet, sweet cindy. it brought tears to my eyes to hear that you and your girls were praying for us. GOD has heard your plea...jeremy and i are healing and gaining strength everyday. His spirit has been holding us...and the generosity we have seen from the body of Christ has been amazing. can't wait to HUG you!!! xoxo

  3. Cindy, I am thankful for our shared friend Chellie. I was feeling very low, lonely, frustrated on Tuesday night and literally screamed out to God for someone to take care of me!!! (I was tired from taking care of 3 kids--particularly the 3 month old that wouldn't go to sleep!) and she had me over Weds and totally listened to me, shared her precious heart, encouraged me, and TOOK CARE OF ME. I am so blessed to serve a God that cares about me. Hugs to you, thanks for your posts. They are God glorifying. Amy
