Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Favorite "Back to School" Shopping Tip

Hey Friends ~

I have a GREAT new "Back to School"/School Supplies Shopping Tip that I'm excited to share with you!

A few years ago I brought my gang to
Target to grab some of their amazing school supplies deals. It ended up being stressful, exhausting and overwhelming!!!

What was supposed to be a quick "grab some quick deals" ended up being a huge "whine fest". I left with a cart full of things I had planned to buy AND a huge headache!

We now have a new joy-filled, peaceful tradition!

Each summer, I start grabbing all of the
amazing school deals as I can (but I go shopping on my own!).

Just a few weeks before school starts, I open my "Back to School" Store. I give all of my kids the supplies list they received from school, as well as a checklist of responsibilites to accomplish that day (empty out backpack, fill backpack with new supplies, etc..)

Last year my 4 kids were all ready for new backpacks, so their first stop at my "store" was to select a new back pack (of course, I had already pre-bought the backpacks).

This way I didn't have to argue with them about why I wouldn't buy a "Hannah Montana" backpack (or whatever).

Next the kids would walk through my store, select the supplies they needed, and highlight their sheet as they put them in their backpack. It works like a charm!!

Any extra supplies I save to either donate to their classrooms, or for mid-year when they need new glue sticks, pencils, etc..

And yes, I also have my son Jake (who will be a senior in high school) play along (just not on the same day as my 3 elementary age kids). A few years ago Jake waited until the NIGHT BEFORE school started to realize he needed new stuff. We spent almost $100 on supplies, and waited in loooong lines at the supply store. Never again!!

This week is a perfect week to start your "Back to School" stash. Check out these great deals!

How do you get ready for Back to School?? I'd love to hear from you!!! And For more Works for Me Wednesday ideas, head over to We Are That Family. You'll be glad you did!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. I'm also linking up with The Mommy Club @ Crystal and Co. Be sure to stop by and check out these great Mommy Resources! :)


  1. i like you even though you are writing about back to school. i am in denial!

  2. Genius! I hope I can remember this for four more years. lol

  3. Cindy,

    My little guy is starting kindergarten this fall and we are VERY excited about BACK TO SCHOOL traditions. Here are a few we have planned:

    - A BACK TO SCHOOL Advent calendar to countdown the days (activities like say your ABCs, recite your phone number, go play on the school's playground, etc).
    - BACK TO SCHOOL decorations...we found some classroom supplies and vinyl clings that we will decorate the door and dining room with!
    - BACK TO SCHOOL Shopping Day...My husband is going to take a day off from work and we are all going to go shopping together...after the blog, I am praying that goes well. :) I am adding to the school's list...a morning devotional book, favorite breakfast foods, and after school snacks.
    - BACK TO SCHOOL cookies - my husband's mom would make homemade choc. chip cookies on the first day of school...even when he went to college, I have kept up the tradition for him as principal, and last year we made them together for Jeremiah's first day of preschool, so we are going to keep that tradition!!

    I would love to hear from your other readers and see what other ideas are out there! THANKS FOR SHARING as always!
    April :)

  4. What a fantastic idea! I love how you combine fun, frugality, and teach your kids about responsibility all at once. Very impressive :)

  5. What a great idea to get your kids involved in the back to school process

  6. What an excellent mommy solution!

    I would love for you to link up and share this on my meme!

  7. great idea! i think it would work for older kids too!

    visiting from Crystal & Co!

  8. This is fabulous! I was just thinking about a way to incorporate my kids in the shopping experience. Plus - they feel like they're choosing their own materials! :)
