Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday's Top 5

If you haven't signed up for my 41st birthday giveaway, it's not too late! Please join the fun! :)

What a crazy month May can be! In addition to baseball games, spring league hockey, school events, and more ~

I'm also in the midst of things like.....

* therapist visits with my daughter,

* a close friend moving to Minnesota (and we all know I hate goodbyes),

* journeying with friends wrestling with health concerns, unemployment issues, family strife

....all while killing the ants that have decided to invade our home (thankfully the exterminator comes tomorrow), and dealing with my new and very painful ear infection. Ouch. What a month!

Anyone else experiencing a little bit of craziness these days??

I am clinging to the words found in
Hebrews 12:2

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...

When I take my eyes off of Jesus, and look at the circumstances around me, I easily get overwhelmed!

For today, I will choose to look Up! I will focus on JOY and GRATITUDE! I will not allow my circumstances to get me down!!

So here are the Top 5 Things (of Many!) that I am grateful for this week....

1. My Birthday

You know me ~ I love to celebrate ~ and my family and friends did such a wonderful job of celebrating me on my birthday yesterday. My mom took the day off from work, so we spent a lot of time together, plus I had coffee with Julie, and then ended the day with a fun family celebration.

Throw in lots of fun surprises left on my doorstep, phone calls, emails, and FB messages ~ I went to bed very grateful and blessed.

2. Being a Mom

True confession....growing up, I never planned to be a mom. And certainly I would have never guessed I'd be the mom of FOUR kids. However, I can't imagine life any other way. I'm so thankful for Jake, Benj, Amanda, and Sarah.

And God knew just what He was doing when He blessed me with such an amazing mom and mother-in-love. I am grateful for their loving example! :)

3. Great Friends

What a blessing to journey alongside so many amazing, caring, fun women!! Even in the midst of difficult circumstances, they bless and encourage me, and fill my life with such JOY!

I love my standing appointments....like Tuesday's with Jill, Monday morning phone calls with Jen, Friday's with April, and late night Starbucks runs with Julie, not to mention all the FB friends that keep me smiling! I could go on and on....

4. New Ministry Opportunity :)

A few weeks ago I shared about being invited to meet with leaders from a local publishing/video team, and being videotaped so they could see me in action.

Well, yesterday I talked with one of the leaders of this project, and he shared they are very interested in me and would like to move forward. Woo Hoo! :)

What wonderful news to receive on my birthday!

Although I'm not able to share more at this time, and obviously things could change, I would LOVE your prayer support. May God open doors and breathe life and clarity to this new project as only He can.

Can I just tell you I am so absolutely humbled to even be considered for this....and that the thought of serving alongside of these amazing folks makes me cry big crocodile tears. Only God.

(If you're interested in seeing the videotaped message from our Monday Night Bible study, you can watch Part 1 below, and the rest of the message is on my youtube page...)

5. Amazing GRACE

I've been thinking A LOT lately about the transformation God has done in my life. I am in absolute awe of His faithfulness and grace! (Testimony here). Only God could rescue me from my life style of sin and rebellion, and then not only give me a "do-over", but restore me to health and bless me with strength, dignity, and a whole new reputation. Only God!!

Isn't GRATITUDE a beautiful thing?? No matter what I'm going through, I'm always encouraged when I sit and reflect on the many BLESSINGS that surround me!!

What about for you?? What are you Thankful for today?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

THANK YOU, dear friend, for stopping by *She Sparkles*. May the Lord bless you and fill you with His fullness of gratitude and *JOY*!!!


  1. What a great list! Even it is so hard to see a friend leave, Minnesota isn't a bad place to visit :)
    I am so thankful today that God is beginning to really show me his purpose for my life!

  2. I'm so glad to see you had an amazing birthday. I thought of you yesterday, especially after seeing you on the Made to Crave DVD. I got very excited and was like Buddy in Elf with the "I know her, I know her!" :) Praying for this time of transition and excitement of the work that God is doing in your life and the ways that He allows you to share.

  3. So glad for an encouragement filled bday for you. My heart is full with much to be grateful for. I need to spend some more time in the Word tomorrow, because I know my perspective "slips" when I'm not feeding on enough good mental nutrition for my spirit!

  4. So excited to see how the Lord further uses you on your journey of life. You excitement and spirit makes me smile each time I stop by. Blessings abounding to you dear one!
