Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me (& Giveaway)!

My birthday and my precious family ~ 2007.

Today is my 41st birthday! Woo Hoo!

I'm off to celebrate with family and friends ~ I can't wait to see what the day holds! Just for fun, in honor of my birthday, here are 25 random things about me, with a special $41 Giveaway at the end...

25 Random Things about Cindy ~ (aka "The Birthday Girl")

1. Qdoba is my favorite restaurant. I could eat Mexican food every single day.

2. For my first date with my husband John we went rollerblading.

3. Growing up, I always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader or a teacher.

4. My dad attended Purdue University when I was little ~ so I lived in the student housing there in Lafayette, Indiana.

5. I loved being an RA (Resident Assistant) at Michigan State University.

6. My first job was at the Quad Movie Theater.

7. I love being a mom :)

8. I spent Easter 2002 in the Sahara Desert. We stayed in a refugee camp (cockroaches and all). (See pic below ~ can you tell which person is me?!)

9. I won my very first (and only) Chili Cook-off
this year. It was my friend Julie's recipe.

10. I lived in Kokomo Indiana from the 4th - 6th grade. I still keep in touch with my best friend from those years (
JJ Stutzman-Landis). I can't believe she's put up with me all of these years! :)

11. In August of 2003, I officiated a wedding. Can you believe it, me?! (I hope they are still married!)

12. I love to CELEBRATE! Especially with colorful table cloths and lots of confetti! Party City
is my favorite party store!

13. I usually read about 4 books at a time. Currently I am reading...Heaven is for Real, Dressed to Kill by Rick Renner, a new Max Lucado book, Weird by Craig Groeschel and more!

14. I go to Starbucks more than I should. My drink of choice - a skinny vanilla latte, extra hot, no foam. My little Sarah likes Starbucks more than me now. She'll say, "Hey Mom...want to go to Starbucks???" How can I resist???

15. I cook dinner every night. I would have never thought I would enjoy it ~ but I do. (Except tonight for my birthday we'll order pizza).

16. I had the opportunity to pass out Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes in Cairo, Egypt in 2003. (Trip highlights here). It was absolutely lifechanging. (Pic below is me in Egypt in a local hospital on the childrens' cancer floor ~ I was pregnant with my little Sarah for this trip).

I would LOVE to go back to Egypt!

17. I gave my life to Jesus Christ in July 1996 (You can read my testimony
here). My life has not been the same since (Praise the Lord!)

18. I am passionate about....Jesus, the Bible, praying, living fully, celebrating life, encouraging others, sharing life with my friends (usually over coffee), and being the best wife and mom I can be.

19. I dream of writing a book someday.

20. My son Jake is much taller than me now. He's only 16. I have to stand on my tip toes to give him a good night kiss.

21. Did I mention I love being a mom???

22. I could spend all day at Schuler Bookstore studying the Bible. Next to my home, it is my favorite place to be.

23. My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11. God's Word has absolutely transformed my life!

24. My husband and I are exact opposites ~ but I couldn't imagine anyone else in the whole wide world I'd rather be married to. God is the perfect match maker!

25. My greatest desire is to point people to Jesus with everything that I think, say, and do. He is my life. I hope to *sparkle* for Him!

I feel so blessed that you made it through all 25 Random Things! Thank you!

In honor of my birthday, I would like to give a $41 gift certificate to Starbucks to one blessed *She Sparkles* friend!

To Win my birthday Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What was one new thing you learned about me??

Extra Entries: •Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
or Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Monday, May 9th and ends Wednesday, May 11th at 9 PM.

Winner will be posted on my blog sometime during my birthday week. If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. I'm off to go celebrate!! :)

God's richest blessings to you~


  1. 1. Qdoba is my favorite restaurant. I could eat Mexican food every single day.

    I did not know this or many of the other things about you.

  2. Wow, Cindy, I didn't know you'd been to Egypt! I think it's great that you've also officiated a wedding! I still remember the time we got together over lunch after both if us had encountered some incredibly rough losses. Thank you for your friendship! Happy Birthday! You have been a blessing to so many!

  3. i love your smile! i think that except for loving jesus, all of them were new to me - we are the same age, btw! happy birthday!

  4. One thing I learned is that you officiated a wedding. Cool! :)

    Happy Birthday!!

  5. I follow She Sparkles.

  6. Happy Birthday, Cindy. Hope you had a wonderful day!!

  7. love that you will order pizza for your birthday! exactly what i'd do! enjoy!

  8. Hi! Cindy, Wow! Happy:) Birthday! I was interested in # 11. New news! very interesting! but anyway the give-a-way is such a fun way of Celebrating You!! love it! Thanks for a chance! girl~ you are fun!! Have a Happy:) and Blessed Day! PS~ that Starbucks is the best ever!! Love it!

  9. Love ya, Cindy. I remember those cheerleader wannabe days in elementary school. Oh, we were soooooo cool.

  10. Hi! I do follow your blog (thus how I see your post at all right now - it is straight from my feed)

    Happy Birthday! Prayers that your day was blessed! From what I read - really all of it is new. I just discovered this blog a few days ago, but you shared a lot there. I learned that you're transparent and a wonderful woman of God. :) Be blessed!

  11. You cook dinner every night (except on your birthday, of course!). Wow!!

  12. Happy Birthday, Cindy! I love reading your blog. I didn't know you have had the opportunity to travel so much. I would love to do that sometime!

  13. Hi other Cindy!
    I've been following you but I'd never have guessed you'd married a couple OR that you were brave enough to go roller blading on your first date. That's an adventuresome (and non clutzy) soul!!
    Looking forward to meeting you at shespeaks in a few months!!

  14. Happy Birthday!! I think that it's so exciting that you've traveled to Egypt!!!

  15. I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you wonderful woman! I got chills reading your post; I love your testimony (even though I've read it before - it's so amazing)!

    I'm not entering the contest; I'll let someone else be blessed with winning - just wanted to say happy birthday :)

  16. that we BOTH love Qdoba. i can't get enough of that place!!

    americangirlie1991 AT yahoo DOT com

    GFC follower! =]

  17. Happy Birthday to you, sweet Cindy!!!!! So glad God blessed us with wonderful YOU! I hope your special day was abounding with joy and blessings. Love you and miss you, Jenny C. (I'm impressed that you make dinner every night - once again, you inspire me!).

  18. Love this post and a Happy, Happy Birthday to special you! You always bring a smile to my face. Blessings to you for a beautiful birthday week! Hugs!

  19. Cindy....Happy Birthday! :) A few things to comment on. First of all, your testimony completely blows me away. All I can say is WOW! I thought I had a testimony to share...until I read yours! God is SO good! and I have something in common {besides blogging}. I also read more than a handful of books all the time. I have them in my purse, my bedroom, the bathroom, all over my desk. I just can't get enough of the parenting books, the christian books, the fiction books, the how to twitter and facebook books. It's a passion! :)

    Your button has officially been added to my "blogs I follow" page under my resources tab. And I tweeted out your giveaway link.

    Many blessings....and a very happy birthday!


  20. Happy Birthday! You went roller blading on your first date with John? Did you fall down and have him pick you up?

    Loved reading all of this about you!

  21. How awesome to be able to hand deliver Samaritan Purse boxes!!

  22. Happy Birthday! Love that you wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader as a, too!

  23. I learned that you have a daughter named Sarah - maybe I knew that already though - I also have a little one named Sarah :)

    Happy birthday!

    I also learned that you passed out Samaritans Purse boxes in Egypt. That must have been SO AMAZING.

    I love your wedding photo - what a gorgeous picture!!

  24. I learned that we are so incredibly alike! Oh my goodness, its a bit eerie!! You first really caught my attention a few weeks ago when you were doing your speaking engagement and you mentioned about how you turn RED! My red face has been my nemesis for years! And unfortunately kept me from alot of God's best for me, I'm sure. Anyway, your blog blesses me beyond measure. Thanks for the fun giveway and happy belated birthday from one 41 yr old to another!

  25. HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Cindy!! Hope it was a beautiful day!! I commented yesterday but it must have gotten lost. So many of the things listed were new to me, so I'll just start with #1---didn't know that. Bless you!!

  26. The only things I knew about you were that you are a woman of God, blessed with a beautiful family, seeking opportunities to shine for Christ. Everything else, how well-traveled you are, that you prepare dinner nightly, & wanted to be a cheerleader are new to me, as is most of the list. Best wishes & may you have the happiest of birthdays, Cindy!

  27. I follow in GFC!
    Best wishes and thanks for the generous opportunity to win a gift card to Starbucks one of my favorite places!

  28. I'm an email subscriber, too!
    Best wishes and thanks for the generous opportunity to win a gift card to Starbucks, one of my favorite places!

  29. I learned that you officiated a wedding! How cool!!

    Happy Birthday!!

    I follow via GFC
    I subscribe via email

    mk261274 at gmail dot com

  30. Well, for one thing, I never knew how old you were! :) And I didn't know you went to Egypt. I'd love to go back to Egypt one day too! :)

    Happy Birthday!!!!!

  31. I follow on google connect as "anash"
    Thank you kindly!
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  32. I subscribe to google reader via

    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  33. I tweeted here:!/anashct/status/68140965923258368
    Thanks for the chance!!
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  34. Mandatory Entry: i learned that you love being a mom!!
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  35. There's more than one ... but I didn't know you were an RA. ;) Something else we share from our histories!

    Happy 41!

  36. I learned that you asked Jesus to be your Saviour in 1996!

  37. I am a follower via GFC

  38. What was one new thing you learned about me??
    I learned a lot, but I am most excited to read your first book!

  39. Hey Birthday girl! I'm out of town and just saw this! i hope I'm not too late to enter. (It's only 8:31 in KY) 2 things you and I have in common: Could eat mexican EVERY DAY, and Starbucks! I did not know you're favorite restaurant was Qdoba. I haven't been there in a long time.
    hugs and blessings to you!!
    I already subscribe, have your button on my blog, and am on my way to tweet!
    love you friend!!

  40. Precious Cindy,
    There's SO much I LOVE about you. I love that you love being a Mom.
    One of the many things that intrigued me was that you went to Egypt with Samaritans Purse to hand out the shoe boxes. I've been involved with that ministry for years and can't imagine what a joy it was to be able to personally have a part in that invaluable ministry.
    Happy, Happy birthday my precious, beautiful, friend who sparkles with Jesus continually.
    Love you,
