Friday, May 6, 2011

Renewal for the Weary, Exhausted Soul

A few weeks ago, I crashed. Big time.

My poor family ~ for days and days I shuffled along in my pj's and slippers...exhausted, weary, empty. The couch and my blanky became my close friends. It wasn't typcial me. It wasn't pretty.

Thankfully, God has been renewing my weary soul. He's breathed fresh life into me. Today, I'm feeling "built up" rather than "burnt out". I sense "Cindy" is back! (Whew!)

I'm taking very good notes during this season of "rebuilding". I want to learn (really learn!) these lessons. I don't go through "Crash~ville" again!

I want to live at a "sustainable pace" and experience all that God has for me ~ His life, fullness, abundance and joy!

Someday maybe I'll share in more detail about the initial re-filling. It would include things like....


Putting on lipstick (even when I don't feel like it). Feeding myself good, whole food.

Letting the "shoulds" go.

Turning off the computer. Canceling some appointments. Saying "no" to good things.

Letting my email inbox stay full for awhile. Snuggling with my kids.

Forgetting about the piles. Praying with others.

Breathing....inhaling and exhaling. Feeling my feelings (even the disappointments). Walking my dog.

time with good friends. Soaking in His love.

Yesterday, after recess duty, prayer walking, and coffee with a friend ~ I went into one of favorite party stores
. felt GOOD.

I purchased sombreros, maracas, and fiesta supplies. It was time for us to get our party back on!

My kids invited some neighborhood friends over for a fun little Cinco de Mayo

And the happy, non-weary, fully alive party hosts....

My sweet friend, as we head into May (which I think is as busy as December) ~ may I encourage you to build into your day the things that YOU love!

Take time to enjoy the sunshine.

Smell (or plant) some flowers.

Let your inbox stay full.

Take a day off from social media. (It'll be ok, really! :))

Soak in His love.

Jesus came to give us LIFE to the full....His amazing, superabundant, better than we ever dreamed of life.

Let's live it out LOUD!

I've so enjoyed hearing your ideas on how you maintain a balanced life (thank you!).

I'd love for you to share your thoughts on how you experience and enjoy FULL life. What do you do (or not do) to stay filled up?? I'd love to hear from you!!

I'm off to share life with a friend....and then off to soak in the SON! :)

Sweet blessings to you ~

P.S. As well all know, Mother's Day is this Sunday. May I encourage you to prayerfully consider anyone who might need a word of encouragement this Sunday??

Who do you know who will be going through a "first" Mother's Day without their mom? Or has a strained relationship with their mom? Or lives far away from their family and/or friends?

Who do you know who desperately wants to be a mom, but is childless at this time?

I have one dear friend who dreads Mother's Day every year, for she is currently unable to have children. I have learned so much from journeying with her. For years, she would skip church on Mother's Day Sunday, because when all the mom's were asked to stand up, it was too painful. My girls like to pray for her and bring her fresh flowers every year.

As we thank God for our moms (and moms-in-law) and celebrate them this weekend, may we be mindful of others as well, and look for ways to share hope, joy, and peace, for His glory alone.

Thanking God for my amazing, generous, grace-filled mom (who is taking all 4 kids for a sleepover tonight ~ bless you, sweet mama!!!!)....

And my joy-filled, encouraging mom-in-love Jackie (another party girl!)....

.....I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers....

P.S.S. I'm linking up today at Momma Made It Look Easy. Stop by and meet some new friends :)


  1. A good post with good reminders Cindy!

    Glad you still have moms to spend time with. And even though I don't anymore I will be thankful for all of the other special people in my my girls who have given me grandchildren! And giving thanks for the priviledge I have of being a mom and grandma.

    God is so Good!

    Happy Mother's Day!


  2. Cindy,

    So glad you are on the way 'back'. Those weary and worn times are just tough.

    Blessings to you, my friend. Have a beautiful Mother's Day.

  3. Cindy, it's so funny that you wrote this post. I think somethings in the air for all of us ladies...women...moms! I've felt unbelievably overwhelmed with life the past several weeks. I've been an emotional wreck and feel like a time bomb just waiting to explode. In fact, I posted on this very topic yesterday too...
    and based on the comments I got, it seems I'm not alone.

    Lifting you up in prayer!

    Many blessings,

  4. Love this post. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Mother's Day!!

  5. So thankful to hear you are feeling refreshed and rejuvinated. So thankful He comes with living water when we are dry. Happy Mother's day!

  6. I am taking some time to reshape and make changes too. Thank you for your wisdom!
