Monday, May 2, 2011

Refreshment for My Soul: Roadtrip!

Hey Friends!

Happy May to you! I hope you had a great weekend! :)

As you know, last month I hit a wall ~ emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

I've been trying to maintain a "well-balanced" pace, but the Lord recently revealed to me that my pace is not "sustainable".

I'm back to prayerfully figuring out the best, most peace-full, joy-filled way to live. (I'd love any "whole living" tips you have!) In the mean time, I'm so grateful for His grace. You too??! :) the midst of my "funk", I learned that I had won tickets to a Women of Faith conference. Yippee! Perfect for my weary, exhausted soul!

Unfortunately WOF is not heading to Michigan this year, but my honey John gave me the "green light" for a weekend roadtrip with my dear friend Julie! We picked Columbus, Ohio ~ almost 6 hours a way. And boy did we have fun! It was just the rest and refreshment I needed! :)

The arena was filled to the brim with women desiring to learn more about Jesus! Woo Hoo!

The speakers/musicians were all fantastic, but my favorite was Angie Smith. Do you know her?? If not, hop by her blog and check out her family's amazing, heart-wrenching story here.

This was Angie's first time speaking at a Women of Faith event ~ and her message was authentic, emotional, hilarious, painfully sad, and refreshing (all in one!). I could have listened to her all day! (Picture of Angie below....)

I must say my favorite part of the weekend was just being with Julie. Thankfully she is a Starbucks nut like me (and I had a gift card), and we talked and prayed so much I now have a sore throat!

Also, a huge note to my special friend Donna W. for providing amazing worship music for our trip!! :)

I've been learning a lot these days while I'm being quiet, but for today, I'd love to hear from you!!! What has God been teaching you? And/or how do you stay "filled up" while you are busying pouring out? What do you do for rest and refreshment??

I'm so thankful for you, my sweet *She Sparkles* friends! Thanks for being who you are!!

Sweet blessings ~

P.S. I'm linking up today with Jen and friends at Soli Deo Gloria. Be sure to check out this amazing sisterhood of women! :)

P.S.S. If you're interested in learning more about the Women of Faith event I attended, check this out....

Disclosure: I was provided with two free tickets to this Women of Faith event. I was not compensated in any other way for the review and, as always, all opinions expressed in this post are fully my own.


  1. God has been busy working some uglies out of my heart. I have long prayed that He would show me any ugly in my heart and boy, is that ever a prayer He answers. I stay close to Him in the busy seasons via prayer and being in His Word.

    Hoping you find your 'sweet spot' and rest there.


  2. rest for my soul comes from carving out time for reading. blogs, books, whatever. losing myself in someone else's writing hits my spot. i've also learned to say no to things - even if they are good things. so glad you got a girls' weekend.

  3. Hi! cindy, so glad you're back! And yes~ we have to take time to REST! He makes us lie down in green pastures! I have a scripture that has really spoke to me in the last few days and I find myself sharing it with everybody! It truly has spoke life to me! It is..
    Is that not a powerful word! for us! when we are weary! I just Loved it! and BTW~ I am finding that a Power Nap is awesome! Love and Sweet Blessings of Rest to YOU!

  4. Sounds fun and love Angies inspiring blog....Bring the rain. How cool that you got to hear her speak. Wow!

  5. How sweet of the Lord (and your husband to bless it) to provide this getaway. That is something that refreshes me . . . time with other women to worship and pray. To learn from their stories. And free tickets, too. Perfect.


  6. God has been reminding me lately to be quiet and to listen tough for a chatty control freak like me who likes to plan and do her own thing. So glad you had a refreshing weekend and your blog does sparkle with spirit! found you from Soli Deo Gloria! and glad to coneect

  7. Recently, I've been so refreshed by worship music. So, I try to turn it on often and lift my voice in praise. It may not sound good to another person, but I know it glorifies Him.

  8. Girl, trying to keep balanced at an unsustainable pace... that speaks to my soul! I'm so glad you got away. I love Angie!!! I would love to hear her too :)

    Praying God determines each step for you friend. Thanks for being a sparkle in my life xoxo

  9. I haven't been to WOF for a long time...I really should go again! It is a great refresher!

  10. Congratulations on your special treat!

    Nice to meet you through A to Z Blog Challenge.


  11. I'm so glad you got to go and be refreshed. It looks so very sweet. I think the Lord just keeps teaching me that I have to "let go" of some of the good things, so that He can give me the best things. I get greedy and want "all," but He wants me to learn to value what He gives. So glad His mercies are new every morning, and I love His measures of success, instead of mine, those of the "Christian world," and those of the ungodly world.

    Stay full, friend.

    Love to you,

  12. When I'm faced with a busy time (like the next three weeks) I try to plan a short nap each day. It makes a big difference. The stack of books by my chair is proof of another way I refill. When I feel stressed putting the audio Psalms on refreshes my spirit.


  13. Stopping by to say hi to a fellow A-Zer! Hope you had as much fun as I did.

  14. Oh, bless your heart! I may have said this to you before, but there are so many good things vying for our time that sometimes it just best that we save our yeses for the BEST things. And, sometimes it is hard to tell/know the difference. Praying you will find the perfect balance in your life.

    Happy Mother's Day my friend!
