Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day Family Fun

If you haven't signed up for my Carol Kent Speak Up with Confidence GIVEAWAY, it's not too late! Be sure to join the fun!

I have a confession to make.

I've never celebrated Memorial Day

I didn't even think about it until earlier this week. I was with
Jill, and she asked what our family was doing this weekend.

When I shared (besides having a BBQ with
Jen and friends), I didn't know ~ Jill was in shock.

She said, "Cindy, you mean you celebrate EVERY holiday ~ even
Groundhogs Day ~ but you don't celebrate Memorial Day?!"

I guess when you put it like that ~ it is a little crazy! Especially when
4th of July is one of my favorite holidays ~ and I have enough red,white, and blue decorations for our whole street!

This week I have been on a quest to come up with a memorable, honoring, fun Memorial Day celebration.

**Here's our New & Improved Memorial Day Celebration Plan**

This weekend we will be.....

* Discussing the
True Meaning of Memorial Day

* Decorating our home with Red, White, and Blue (Amazing ideas
from Tip Junkie)

* Hanging up our American flag (using Memorial Day flag etiquette) and taking a moment of silence at 3:00 PM.

* Heading to a parade~ one of my favorite pasttimes ever! (West Michigan parades listed here)

* Visiting a local cemetary

* Thanking a soldier

In case it rains, we can do.....

* Patriotic crafts ~ideas here or here or here

* Coloring Sheets, Word Searches, Mazes ~ here or here

Of course, it wouldn't be a holiday without BINGO with red, white, and blue M & M's ~ here

* And for our Memorial Day cookouts, here are some of my favorite simple kid-friendly food ideas I cook up...

* Red and blue finger jello (star shaped, of course)

* Cupcakes for the kids (Fun Recipe
here and here)

* Flag cake (Recipe here) Always a huge hit!

And I can hardly wait to try some of these BBQ recipe ideas!

Whew ~ now I'm ready to head into this Memorial Day weekend! :)

Do you have any tradition or family fun ideas to honor Memorial Day?? Share with us please ~ I'd love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a safe, joy-filled Memorial Day weekend!

Many blessings to you!!

P.S. Would you please take a quick second to vote for my blog so I can share with more women? All you do is click the button below, scroll down to *She Sparkles* and click on the orange thumb. Thank you!!

P.S.S. For more Caffeinated Randomness, head over to visit Michelle and friends. You'll be glad you did!


  1. Sounds like a great way to spend the holiday

  2. Ok, I feel guilty because I don't really celebrate Memorial Day either. Shhhhh.

    You have some great ideas!

    Have a super blessed Memorial Day! Come visit me sometime.


  3. War makes me so sad... I have big issues with it so I'll sidestep the 'meaning' of it and let you know that the Coopersville/Marne Railway has reduced prices on Memorial Day, and it's free for Veterans. It's really neat, kind of long... but the kids love it and it's a fantastic tribute.

  4. It sounds like you have it all planned out, along with a plan B. Enjoy and have a safe Memorial Day!!!


  5. Awesome! You have some great things planned. It's an important day to me for many reasons.

    Remembering all the fallen men and women who served our country and their families.

    Praying all is well with you dear friend. Please pray for me if you think of me. God has opened lots of opportunities as of late and my focus is on it all and I need wisdom in some decisions. Thank you so much!!!

    Praying for you!!! Much love!

  6. Cindy,
    We had a very meaningful Memorial Day. We went to church Sunday evening (Memorial Day Eve)for prayer. Members of the congreation called out names of service personnel, military/veteran concerns, national leaders, and our towns recently activated National Guard unit and we prayed after each. It was very moving. Then, we headed outside for a flag changing ceremony in front of our church...out with the old in with the new. And then, shared finger foods together! It was very patriotic and refreshing to see a crip American flag flapping in the wind after praying for those who help secure the freedom to pray and go to church.

    We also had a fun 13th anniversary dinner (complete with our 5 year old falling in a swamp puddle...not so different than the fire during photos at our wedding = memorable!) :)
