Thursday, May 26, 2011

Speak Up with Confidence (& Carol Kent Book GIVEAWAY!)

Hi Friends! I'm what is it you are most afraid of??

For me, I join the millions of people in the world with a fear of public speaking.

When I was little, I wet my pants at school often because I was too afraid to raise my hand in class. The thought of everyone looking at me was just too much for this shy, insecure, red haired little girl.

After I came to know Jesus, I sensed the Lord wanted me to share my testimony for His Kingdom purposes.

I was terrified.

In 2003, I heard for the first time about Carol Kent's Speak Up with Confidence Seminar. I knew I should go (if I was going to speak in front of people, I should at least have the tools to do so more effectively).

However, the thought of going to this seminar TERRIFIED me, and I chickened out.

Finally in 2007, I knew I must face my fears and insecurities and attend Speak Up.

Can I just tell you....Speak Up with Confidence changed my life. Literally.

I vowed I'd never allow FEAR to hold me back from what God is calling me to do.

From the messages Carol and her team share, to the empowering workshops, the opportunity to meet gracious women from around the country, and the encouragement received in a small group setting ~ God has used Speak Up in very significant, transformational ways.

Most importantly, Speak Up with Confidence has given me tools not only to help me grow as a speaker, but to develop as the woman that God desires for me to be.

If I had all of the resources in the world, I would fund every single woman I know to attend Speak Up with Confidence in Grand Rapids this June 22 -25!

Whether you sit in PTO meetings, share at your MOPS group, attend a Bible study, or simply want to be more comfortable talking in front of others ~ I think everyone can benefit from the prinicples Carol and her team share at this amazing conference.

You can learn more about the details of Speak Up with Confidence here. You will LOVE it! (And please don't allow expenses to hold you back ~ there are scholarship dollars available to help ~ contact Bonnie for more information.)

I'll be there again this year, this time as a facilitator and workshop presenter. Woo Hoo! I would love to see you there! :)

Also, for any *She Sparkles* friend that signs up, please write *She Sparkles* in the memo line, and Carol will present you with a personally autographed copy of her book Speak Up with Confidence.

And now, dear bloggy friends, whether you are able to attend the conference or not ~ I would love to give you a personally signed, autographed copy of this resourceful book!

To Win my Speak Up with Confidence book Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win Carol Kent's book Speak Up with Confidence??

Extra Entries:
•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, May 26th and ends Monday, May 30th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of June 1st.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I'll close with these fun words shared by Carol Kent....

"(At the Speak Up Seminar) we won't remove your butterflies entirely; we'll just get them to fly in formation."

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, fearless, power-filled, day!!

P.S. For more Things I Love Thursday ideas, hop on over and visit Jill at The Diaper Diaries. :)

Disclosure: I was not compensated in any way for this review (I just love the Speak Up Seminar!) and, as always, all opinions expressed in this post are fully my own.


  1. I remember reading about her in the book "For the Write Reason"! The seminar sounds awesome!

  2. great promo!
    Why would you like to win Carol Kent's book Speak Up with Confidence??
    i need that kind of confidence as more opps to speak are opening up for me ~ many thx for this generous offer!

  3. i'd happily follow if i haven't already, but the gfc widget isn't showing...

  4. I would love to win a copy. As a teacher you would think I wouldn't have a fear of speaking in front of others but kids are much easier than adults for me! Anyhow I do not want fear to stop me from doing what God has called me to do so the book sounds great :)

  5. I happily follow She Sparkles!

  6. I also subscibe to She Sparkles so I don't miss a thing :)

  7. I would love to win Carol Kent's book, "Speak Up with Confidence" to take baby steps in gaining greater confidence in speaking first in small group settings, perhaps leading a small bible study in my home. That would definitely be out of my comfort zone. Most importantly, to learn confidence in speaking up boldly for Christ in any speaking situation I find myself.

  8. I would love to speak up more confidently in front of people--especially leading small groups and bible studies. I think I could really benefit from this book.
