Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday Randomness (& Voting Update)

Hello dear Bloggy Friends! :)

Happy Tuesday to you! I hope your Memorial Day weekend has been filled with many good things!

After weeks of feeling miserable, I'm pleased to share we had a GREAT weekend. (It is so good to feel well again!) Here are some quick Memorial Day weekend highlights...

* John and I had a date night while my mom kept all the kids for a sleep over.

I sure love my man! (and thanks, Mom!)

* We spent Sunday night with our good friends the Torresson's. You may remember, Tom Torresson nearly lost his life a few years ago (miracle story here), and I cried for weeks last fall when they moved to PA. It was our first time together since they've moved ~ and we had a blast :)

(Picture above ~ Me, Jen Torresson, Lora Grabow, and Steph Bergsma. I love watching how God orchestrates our lives together)

* Lastly, after a fun Memorial Day parade and family cookout...

~ we enjoyed our new family surprise ~ a TRAMPOLINE from Grandma and Grandpa Stille. Woo Hoo!

Yes, if you live in my neighborhood, you may see my red hair bouncing up and down over our fence. What fun!

(Does anyone have any good trampoline games to play??)

* Voting Update

As many of you know, Circle of Friends is hosting a contest for Top 25 Mom's of Faith blog.

I have to confess ~ I've been really wrestling with the whole thing, and I've prayerfully decided to pull out of the competition today.

(I am THANKFUL for my friends who have been so kind in posting on FB and asking others to vote on my behalf. I'm so humbled by your support).

I started this blog to point others to Jesus, and want to make sure my one and only focus is ALWAYS pointing anyone and everyone to HIM ~ and not me. (I am NOT judging anyone who is participating in this fun competition. For me personally, I just sense I need to pull out).

So, if you have voted for me ~ thank you so much! :) And thanks for understanding! :)

And lastly, one of my favorite, fun little quotes...

"Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says..."Oh no, she/he's awake!!"

Do you have a favorite quote/scripture/word of encouragement? Share it with us...please! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a safe, joy-filled first week of June!

Many blessings to you!!

P.S. I'm linking up today with
Jen and friends at Soli Deo Gloria. Be sure to check out this amazing sisterhood of women! :)


  1. Visiting from SDG. I love your blog title and the font/color! So fun.

    And the trampoline sound excellent. Growing up my best friend had one and we'd just bounce each other. Like we'd get her big brother and if he jumped at just the right time the lighter person would go so high!! Not sure what kids today do on theirs. I remember my friend's big sister doing homework on hers when she was in high school. I thought she was SO COOL.

  2. glad you are feeling well and had some time with your husband!

  3. so glad you are feeling better. i just love me some trampoline. wish i lived closer!!!

  4. I know how hard it can be to pull out of something if you sense it may take your heart out of the right place. Blessings to you!

  5. So glad you linked up today, Cindy. Love your honesty (about the competition) and the importance you put on spending good time with the hubby!

    Did I miss anything about the company that came out and filmed your teaching? How goes it?

  6. So glad you are feeling better and what fun to see old friends again.

    Good for you for doing as you feel led.

    You always inspire and bring a smile when I stop by. Joy filled blessings to you!

  7. Cindy, so good to see you had a great w/e!!! Your blog always blesses me so - thank you for always pointing to Jesus. I sooo appreciate that. You are a very special friend and SISTER in Christ. Love you, Jenny C.

  8. Favorite quote for this week?

    "Eat the Frog" :)


    "The price of freedom is always worth the cost of obedience."
