Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No More Lice, Hopscotch, & other Random Updates

Hey Friends!!

How are you??! I have missed you! Our family was hit hard with the flu this month. Last week I spent 4 days completely in bed. Ugh!

(Although waking up to notes from my family (like the one shown above) sure made being sick a little easier.)

We've also had the joy of 5 of our 6 family members being infected with lice. What a nightmare!

But, the good news...the lice is finally, completely gone!! Yippee!! My family is healthy. I am healthy. Woo Hoo!! I feel like the Lord has restored me ~ physically, emotionally, and spiritually!! My *joy* is back!! THANK YOU, my friends, for praying me through! :)

Here's a super quick update of what we've been up to....

***We had a super fun St. Patrick's Day Celebration on Thursday. Here's a self-portrait to capture my Irish roots :)

And a super fun picture of my husband John. He went to the store real quick, and this is what he came home wearing. I think my celebrating is rubbing off on him. What do you think??

Last night we had a great time at Bible Study. I am so blessed to journey with the most amazing, beautiful, authentic women on Monday nights! :)

My teaching was based on Rev 3:18 ~ Gold Refined in the Fire. I encouraged the women to all wear their best GOLDen outfits. Here are Kristy & Erica ~ two dearly loved gals in their GOLD . What fun! :)

I loved, loved, loved teaching on the *riches* that are ours in Christ! How I long to see us all tap into the spiritual resources that are available as dearly loved daughters of the Lord Most High! :) No more cold oatmeal for us, right Monday night friends?! :)

Next week I'll be teaching on the robe of righteousness.....can't wait! :)

And lastly....during our Spring-like weather here in Michigan last week, my daughters and I made a super long hopscotch outside of our house. I tried to capture a picture of it for you....

Our hopscotch went all the way from 1 to 77! At the end, I wrote, "Woo Hoo! You made it! Please sign your name". Our hope was to share our spring-time joy, and have other neighbors join in on the fun! :)

Imagine my delight when I received this e-mail last week....

Hi, Cindy! I arrived here by way of your fabulous blog.... I just wanted to introduce myself since I read your blog and am so blessed by it! I am your neighbor, and my girls and I walk by your house VERY often. 2 of my girls, along with myself, did your hopscotch tonight and signed our names (so fun!) Anyway, I've seen your husband and have spoken briefly with him in a general neighborly way, but have never met you. If I see you outside, I'll walk up and introduce myself. Until then, know that you are such an inspiration and a blessing to me! Thanks for living your life outloud and not being afraid to proclaim Jesus!

~Your Neighbor

Isn't that so fun?! I just love sharing my *joy* with others. It's Jesus, friends, it's Jesus! :)

What have you been up to lately?? I would love to hear from you!!! :)

Thanks again, my dear bloggy friends, for praying me through a really loooong past couple of weeks!! May God fill *YOU* with a fresh measure of His joy, power, and peace as you seek Him
this week!!

Sweet blessings ~


  1. So glad you are feeling better and that the lice have made their exit. I love the hopscotch and how it drew neighbors together. What a fun thing!!

    Blessings to you.

  2. What an awesome little story. I must admit, I do not know all of my neighbors. I guess if we had kids it might be a different story. Glad all are well and healthy in your home! I'll continue to pray that it stays that way for awhile.

  3. Glad y'all are healthy again! I hated it when my daughter got lice - mainly because I'd get it too and I have some thick, curly hair! Argh! One thing we found is actually Fairy Tales Shampoo that helps prevent lice -- so if there's a chance that your kids might be around other kids that have it, it was well worth it to get this! I used it on me and my daughter!!


  4. Glad y'all are healthy again! I hated it when my daughter got lice - mainly because I'd get it too and I have some thick, curly hair! Argh! One thing we found is actually Fairy Tales Shampoo that helps prevent lice -- so if there's a chance that your kids might be around other kids that have it, it was well worth it to get this! I used it on me and my daughter!!


  5. I'm so glad you guys are feeling better! That is so great!
    Praise God!

  6. Awwww. :)

    Another great post. I'm so glad you are all healthy again!!

  7. What a fun read - your joy just overflows! Even when you've been dealing with lice - ick ugh!!!!

    Keep walking with the King!
