Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway Hop

**Happy St. Patrick's Day! Let the CELEBRATING begin! Check out my fun, family-friendly ideas here if you've not planned your party yet. Enjoy! **

Hey friends!

Today I am thrilled to participate in a fun book giveaway/blog hop hosted by Inspired Kathy at I am a Reader not a Writer. Over 250 blogs are giving away a book, and all the blogs are linked together so you can hop from one to the next. What fun! I hope you'll join us!

The book I am excited to share with you is Regret Free Parenting ~Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing it Right. What a huge blessing! I would highly recommend it!

Here's a brief synopsis from the back of the book....

Are my kids ready for the world?

Did I teach them the right things? (I've wondered that!)

What if I made a bad decision that affects them forever? (Yep, thought that too!)

What could I have done differently?

Moms have a list of worries a mile long about their parenting. They fear they'll spend 20 years raising children ~ only to discover they missed investing in and teaching the things that mattered. How can any parent be sure she won't have regrets?

Now an acclaimed motherhood expert teaches the principles every mother needs to confidently raise her children. Author Catherine Hickem shows you how to:

* Build companionship and trust

* Develop emotional intelligence

* Live peacefully in the teens years

* Maintain your position as the parent...

...With a perspective rich in faith and tested by life, join Hickem and learn how you can achieve regret-free parenting!

This book came at such perfecting timing for me.

As you may remember, we've been having some real challenges (to say the least!) with one of our precious kids. I found MANY helpful nuggets of Truth, wisdom, and insight in "Regret Free Parenting". The author writes with understanding, grace, expertise, and experience, and I finished the book feeling empowered with new tools, rather than condemned or inadequate (whew!). Overall, it is a book I would highly recommend to any mom and/or dad's library of resources!

(To learn more about "Regret Free Parenting" or author Catherine Hickem, click here.)

And now.....(drum roll please....)

I am excited to be able to share FIVE copies of this insightful book with *She Sparkles* readers! Yippee!!

To Win my "Regret Free Parenting" Giveaway:

Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win the Regret Free Parenting book??

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, March 17th, 2011 and ends Sunday, March 20th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted the week of March 21st on *She Sparkles*.

Extra Entries:

•Post this Giveaway on FB
•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

If your email address is not connected to your ID please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a regret-free week!:)

P.S. A huge note of thanks to Kathy and Cindy for coordinating the Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway Hop. Be sure to "hop over" and check out some of the amazing book giveaways! :)
P.S.S. The winner of my Dayspring giveaway is Jenny C. Happy Shopping, Jenny! Thank you to all who entered! :)

Disclosure: I was provided with a copy of the Regret Free Parenting book to review, and 5 to giveaway. I was not compensated in any other way for the review and all opinions expressed in this post are fully my own.


  1. After being a parent for almost 25 years with seven children, I am reminded daily that no two are alike:) New insight would be refreshing!

  2. I could always use some advice.

  3. I would love to win this book because all those things you listed off in the beginning of this post are things I've wondered about in the carpool line this entire week! Seriously, I really hope I'm not making my kids into psycho's. I wonder sometimes how they could ever be normal with me as their Mom. I am just loving your blog.

  4. I would LOVE to win this book!! I am a mother of two boys, 3 years and 11 months. Recently I've been feeling like I'm just not doing things quite how I should be. The other night my oldest and I clashed and I felt horribly guilty. Regret-Free Parenting sounds lovely.

    Extra entry- I put your blog button up on my blog-

    Extra entry- Following via GFC.

    Thanks so much!


  5. I have a little one (19 months)that isn't growing as much as he should. I feel so much pressure and worry everyday about what I feed him, how much he eats, and if he's gotten enough to eat. He's being followed by an endocrinologist and it may just be that he'll catch up later but, for now it's super stressful. I am constantly wondering if I'm doing enough. Not to mention I have a 3 year old too, so I have guilt that I'm not doing enough for and with her. Being a mom is definitely the hardest job ever. I would love some inspiration and suggestion to curb my worry.

  6. I have a 19 month old that isn't growing like he should. He is being followed by an endocrinologist and nutritionist but, I am constantly worried about what I need to feed him, did he eat enough of it, and trying to stay chill about it so that he doesn't get turned off to eating. I have a 3 year old too and I worry that I'm spending all day worrying about food, and that I'm not helping her and nurturing her. Being a mom is definitely the toughest job ever. I am full of guilt and I'd love some inspiration and some ideas to curb the constant worry.

  7. I try to read a 'how to parent' book at least once a month. This one sounds WONDERFUL! Thanks for the opportunity!
    greiner10 at dejazzd dot com

  8. I would love to win. My son is stubborn and very willful. Any advice is always welcome.

  9. would love to win this. Being a mom of 2 boys close in age has many challenges. Any advice is welcome.

    Thanks, Michelle
    cmichellehofer at gmail dot com

  10. I'm a mom, but also a teacher. It sounds like the advice in the book would also be great advice for a teacher. Thanks. :)
    janmessali (at)

  11. I'd love a chance to sounds like this book could be very insightful.

    Blog follower and subscriber

    mk261274 at gmail dot com

  12. Would love to win... have four kids. need help. :)

  13. I would love to learn a new way to get through to my children and provide the guidance and love then need to grow up.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Following you on GFC.

    mary_reiss @

  14. This looks like an interesting book. I am a parent of a 4yo and in the beginning read so many books on what was the right and wrong way of parenting. Those books just made me feel guilty. So I would love to see what this one has to offer.


    New GFC follower

  15. i think my son and daughter in law would appreciate this book.

  16. One of my good friends is having a baby soon, and I would love to give it to her. captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

  17. If I win, I'm going to give my copy to my daughter whose daughter is now 7 months old.

    I'm a GFC follower.

    I tweeted

  18. So many of the questions you raised echo my own.
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  19. I follow in GFC!
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  20. I'm an email subscriber, too!
    Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful giveaway!
    Best wishes,

  21. I would like to win this book because as a parent I am always looking for different ideas and validation about raising my child.

    mia at jacobsracing dot com

  22. When starting my family, I realized that there would be some rough times. The oldest might feel resentful when the youngers are given things that they were denied. Motherhood is a learning experience and I want to get my kids through their childhood and more specifically their teenage years with as little as possible to tell their therapists later lol

  23. I would like to win this book because I will be having my own children in the next few years and I'd like to make sure I'm doing things right! Also, I'm a teacher and I'm sure it would provide insight into dealing with my students as well!

    Thanks for this giveaway

    GFC - Chrissie

  24. Posted link on FB

    swaggirl01 at gmail dot com

  25. Following on GFC - Chrissie

    swaggirl01 at gmail dot com

  26. Tweeted:!/Chrissie123123/status/49179949952802817

    swaggirl01 at gmail dot com

  27. I almost cried when i saw your giveaway. Sometimes raising kids is soo hard. I would like this book to help guide me in some direction. I have a 4 year old and really do need this type of book. Every book won gets read(including this one)and donated to the Middletown Highschool library. They have parenting classes there.

  28. who does not have regrets with regard to parenting....I leave my regrets at the foot of the cross and trust God to lead my steps....thank you Cindy for being who you are and blessing me each and every day!

  29. I would like to win this book because my sister is expecting a baby and i would love to gift it to her.
    I am a gfc follower, e-mail subscriber, fb, and twitter.
    julie meyers/amosette

  30. I would like to win this book, because I know I still have a lot to learn about being a great parent and I've still got time to improve! Thanks for the chance.

  31. I'm a new GFC follower!

  32. I would like to win a copy b/c I think we always wonder if we're doing it right. And as my oldest heads into Kindergarten this year, I feel I need better tools to equip him. Thank you!

  33. I think this book would help very much in how I should handle my busy family life.
    Thanks so much!
    GFC follower
    girl23rocks at hotmail dot com
